2019-07-28 18:24:32 +03:00
< template >
< div >
2019-08-22 01:22:26 +03:00
< h1 class = "z-title is-1 mb-1" > Plugin configuration < / h1 >
< p class = "mb-1" >
2019-07-28 18:24:32 +03:00
Each plugin in Zeppelin has its own configuration options . In the config editor , you can both set the default config
and overrides based on specific conditions . Permissions are also just values in the plugin ' s config , and thus follow
the same rules with overrides etc . as other options ( see < router-link to = "/docs/permissions" > Permissions < / router-link > for more info ) .
< / p >
2019-08-22 01:22:26 +03:00
< p class = "mb-1" >
2019-07-28 18:24:32 +03:00
Information about each plugin 's options can be found on the plugin' s page on the sidebar . See < router-link to = "/docs/configuration-format" > Configuration format < / router-link > for an example of a full config .
< / p >
2019-08-22 01:22:26 +03:00
< h2 class = "z-title is-2 mt-2 mb-1" > Overrides < / h2 >
< p class = "mb-1" >
2019-07-28 18:24:32 +03:00
Overrides are the primary mechanism of changing options and permissions based on permission levels , roles , channels , user ids , etc .
< / p >
2019-08-22 01:22:26 +03:00
< p class = "mb-1" >
2019-07-28 18:24:32 +03:00
Here ' s an example demonstrating different types of overrides :
< / p >
< CodeBlock lang = "yaml" trim = "4" >
plugins :
example _plugin :
config :
can _kick : false
kick _message : "You have been kicked"
nested :
value : "Hello"
other _value : "Foo"
overrides :
# Simple permission level based override to allow kicking only for levels 50 and up
- level : '>=50'
config :
can _kick : true
nested :
# This only affects nested . other _value ; nested . value is still "Hello"
other _value : "Bar"
# Channel override - don ' t allow kicking on the specified channel
- channel : "109672661671505920"
config :
can _kick : false
# Same as above , but for a full category
- category : "360735466737369109"
config :
can _kick : false
# Multiple channels . If any of them match , this override applies .
- channel : [ "109672661671505920" , "570714864285253677" ]
config :
can _kick : false
# Match based on a role
- role : "172950000412655616"
config :
can _kick : false
# Match based on multiple roles . The user must have ALL roles mentioned here for this override to apply .
- role : [ "172950000412655616" , "172949857164722176" ]
config :
can _kick : false
# Match on user id
- user : "106391128718245888"
config :
kick _message : "You have been kicked by Dragory"
# Match on multiple conditions
- channel : "109672661671505920"
role : "172950000412655616"
config :
can _kick : false
# Match on ANY of multiple conditions
- channel : "109672661671505920"
role : "172950000412655616"
type : "any"
config :
can _kick : false
< / CodeBlock >
< / div >
< / template >
< script >
import CodeBlock from "./CodeBlock" ;
export default {
components : { CodeBlock } ,
} ;
< / script >