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2020-07-27 20:42:10 +03:00
import { zeppelinPlugin } from "../ZeppelinPluginBlueprint";
import { AutomodPluginType, ConfigSchema } from "./types";
import { RunAutomodOnJoinEvt } from "./events/RunAutomodOnJoinEvt";
import { GuildLogs } from "../../data/GuildLogs";
import { GuildSavedMessages } from "../../data/GuildSavedMessages";
import { runAutomodOnMessage } from "./events/runAutomodOnMessage";
import { Queue } from "../../Queue";
import { configUtils } from "knub";
import { availableTriggers } from "./triggers/availableTriggers";
import { StrictValidationError } from "../../validatorUtils";
import { ConfigPreprocessorFn } from "knub/dist/config/configTypes";
import { availableActions } from "./actions/availableActions";
import { clearOldRecentActions } from "./functions/clearOldRecentActions";
import { MINUTES, SECONDS } from "../../utils";
import { clearOldRecentSpam } from "./functions/clearOldRecentSpam";
import { GuildAntiraidLevels } from "../../data/GuildAntiraidLevels";
import { GuildArchives } from "../../data/GuildArchives";
const defaultOptions = {
config: {
rules: {},
antiraid_levels: ["low", "medium", "high"],
can_set_antiraid: false,
can_view_antiraid: false,
overrides: [
level: ">=50",
config: {
can_view_antiraid: true,
level: ">=100",
config: {
can_set_antiraid: true,
* Config preprocessor to set default values for triggers
const configPreprocessor: ConfigPreprocessorFn<AutomodPluginType> = options => {
if (options.config?.rules) {
// Loop through each rule
for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(options.config.rules)) {
rule["name"] = name;
// If the rule doesn't have an explicitly set "enabled" property, set it to true
if (rule["enabled"] == null) {
rule["enabled"] = true;
if (rule["affects_bots"] == null) {
rule["affects_bots"] = false;
// Loop through the rule's triggers
if (rule["triggers"]) {
for (const triggerObj of rule["triggers"]) {
for (const triggerName in triggerObj) {
if (!availableTriggers[triggerName]) {
throw new StrictValidationError([`Unknown trigger '${triggerName}' in rule '${}'`]);
const triggerBlueprint = availableTriggers[triggerName];
triggerObj[triggerName] = configUtils.mergeConfig(triggerBlueprint.defaultConfig, triggerObj[triggerName]);
if (triggerObj[triggerName].match_attachment_type) {
const white = triggerObj[triggerName].match_attachment_type.whitelist_enabled;
const black = triggerObj[triggerName].match_attachment_type.blacklist_enabled;
if (white && black) {
throw new StrictValidationError([
`Cannot have both blacklist and whitelist enabled at rule <${}/match_attachment_type>`,
} else if (!white && !black) {
throw new StrictValidationError([
`Must have either blacklist or whitelist enabled at rule <${}/match_attachment_type>`,
// Enable logging of automod actions by default
if (rule["actions"]) {
for (const actionName in rule.actions) {
if (!availableActions[actionName]) {
throw new StrictValidationError([`Unknown action '${actionName}' in rule '${}'`]);
// if (rule["actions"]["log"] == null) {
// rule["actions"]["log"] = true;
// }
return options;
export const AutomodPlugin = zeppelinPlugin<AutomodPluginType>()("automod", {
configSchema: ConfigSchema,
events: [
// Messages use message events from SavedMessages, see onLoad below
onLoad(pluginData) {
pluginData.state.queue = new Queue();
pluginData.state.recentActions = [];
pluginData.state.clearRecentActionsInterval = setInterval(() => clearOldRecentActions(pluginData), 1 * MINUTES);
pluginData.state.recentSpam = [];
pluginData.state.clearRecentSpamInterval = setInterval(() => clearOldRecentSpam(pluginData), 1 * SECONDS);
pluginData.state.logs = new GuildLogs(;
pluginData.state.savedMessages = GuildSavedMessages.getGuildInstance(;
pluginData.state.antiraidLevels = GuildAntiraidLevels.getGuildInstance(;
pluginData.state.archives = GuildArchives.getGuildInstance(;
pluginData.state.onMessageCreateFn = message => runAutomodOnMessage(pluginData, message, false);"create", pluginData.state.onMessageCreateFn);
pluginData.state.onMessageUpdateFn = message => runAutomodOnMessage(pluginData, message, true);"update", pluginData.state.onMessageUpdateFn);
onUnload(pluginData) {
clearInterval(pluginData.state.clearRecentSpamInterval);"create", pluginData.state.onMessageCreateFn);"update", pluginData.state.onMessageUpdateFn);