2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { messageLink } from "../../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { TextChannel } from "eris";
export const ContextCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "context",
description: "Get a link to the context of the specified message",
usage: "!context 94882524378968064 650391267720822785",
permission: "can_context",
signature: {
channel: ct.channel(),
messageId: ct.string(),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
if (!(args.channel instanceof TextChannel)) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Channel must be a text channel");
2020-07-22 22:56:21 +03:00
const previousMessage = (await pluginData.client.getMessages(args.channel.id, 1, args.messageId))[0];
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
if (!previousMessage) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Message context not found");
2020-07-22 22:56:21 +03:00
msg.channel.createMessage(messageLink(pluginData.guild.id, previousMessage.channel.id, previousMessage.id));
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00