
575 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import { Member, Message, User } from "eris";
import { GuildCases } from "../data/GuildCases";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin";
import { GuildMutes } from "../data/GuildMutes";
import {
} from "../utils";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import { LogType } from "../data/LogType";
import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs";
import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub";
import { Mute } from "../data/entities/Mute";
import { renderTemplate } from "../templateFormatter";
import { CaseTypes } from "../data/CaseTypes";
import { CaseArgs, CasesPlugin } from "./Cases";
import { Case } from "../data/entities/Case";
interface IMuteWithDetails extends Mute {
member?: Member;
banned?: boolean;
interface IMutesPluginConfig {
mute_role: string;
move_to_voice_channel: string;
dm_on_mute: boolean;
message_on_mute: boolean;
message_channel: string;
mute_message: string;
timed_mute_message: string;
can_view_list: boolean;
can_cleanup: boolean;
export type MuteResult = {
case: Case;
notifyResult: INotifyUserResult;
updatedExistingMute: boolean;
export type UnmuteResult = {
case: Case;
export class MutesPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin<IMutesPluginConfig> {
2019-01-12 14:32:40 +02:00
public static pluginName = "mutes";
protected mutes: GuildMutes;
protected cases: GuildCases;
protected serverLogs: GuildLogs;
private muteClearIntervalId: NodeJS.Timer;
getDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions<IMutesPluginConfig> {
return {
config: {
mute_role: null,
move_to_voice_channel: null,
dm_on_mute: false,
message_on_mute: false,
message_channel: null,
mute_message: "You have been muted on {guildName}. Reason given: {reason}",
timed_mute_message: "You have been muted on {guildName} for {time}. Reason given: {reason}",
can_view_list: false,
can_cleanup: false,
overrides: [
level: ">=50",
config: {
can_view_list: true,
level: ">=100",
config: {
can_cleanup: true,
protected onLoad() {
this.mutes = GuildMutes.getInstance(this.guildId);
this.cases = GuildCases.getInstance(this.guildId);
this.serverLogs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId);
// Check for expired mutes every 5s
this.muteClearIntervalId = setInterval(() => this.clearExpiredMutes(), 5000);
protected onUnload() {
public async muteUser(
userId: string,
muteTime: number = null,
reason: string = null,
caseArgs: Partial<CaseArgs> = {},
): Promise<MuteResult> {
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
if (!muteRole) return;
const timeUntilUnmute = muteTime && humanizeDuration(muteTime);
// No mod specified -> mark Zeppelin as the mod
if (!caseArgs.modId) {
caseArgs.modId =;
const user = await this.resolveUser(userId);
const member = await this.getMember(;
if (member) {
// Apply mute role if it's missing
if (!member.roles.includes(muteRole)) {
await member.addRole(muteRole);
// If enabled, move the user to the mute voice channel (e.g. afk - just to apply the voice perms from the mute role)
const moveToVoiceChannelId = this.getConfig().move_to_voice_channel;
if (moveToVoiceChannelId && member.voiceState.channelID) {
try {
await member.edit({ channelID: moveToVoiceChannelId });
} catch (e) {
logger.warn(`Could not move user ${} to voice channel ${moveToVoiceChannelId} when muting`);
// If the user is already muted, update the duration of their existing mute
const existingMute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(;
let notifyResult: INotifyUserResult = { status: NotifyUserStatus.Ignored };
if (existingMute) {
await this.mutes.updateExpiryTime(, muteTime);
} else {
await this.mutes.addMute(, muteTime);
// If it's a new mute, attempt to message the user
const config = this.getMatchingConfig({ member, userId });
const template = muteTime ? config.timed_mute_message : config.mute_message;
const muteMessage =
template &&
(await renderTemplate(template, {
time: timeUntilUnmute,
if (reason && muteMessage) {
if (user instanceof User) {
notifyResult = await notifyUser(, this.guild, user, muteMessage, {
useDM: config.dm_on_mute,
useChannel: config.message_on_mute,
channelId: config.message_channel,
} else {
notifyResult = { status: NotifyUserStatus.Failed };
// Create/update a case
const casesPlugin = this.getPlugin<CasesPlugin>("cases");
let theCase;
if (existingMute && existingMute.case_id) {
// Update old case
// Since mutes can often have multiple notes (extraNotes), we won't post each case note individually,
// but instead we'll post the entire case afterwards
theCase = await this.cases.find(existingMute.case_id);
const noteDetails = [`Mute updated to ${muteTime ? timeUntilUnmute : "indefinite"}`];
const reasons = [reason, ...(caseArgs.extraNotes || [])];
for (const noteReason of reasons) {
await casesPlugin.createCaseNote({
caseId: existingMute.case_id,
modId: caseArgs.modId,
body: noteReason,
postInCaseLogOverride: false,
if (caseArgs.postInCaseLogOverride !== false) {
} else {
// Create new case
const noteDetails = [`Muted ${muteTime ? `for ${timeUntilUnmute}` : "indefinitely"}`];
if (notifyResult.status !== NotifyUserStatus.Ignored) {
theCase = await casesPlugin.createCase({
modId: caseArgs.modId,
type: CaseTypes.Mute,
await this.mutes.setCaseId(,;
// Log the action
const mod = await this.resolveUser(caseArgs.modId);
if (muteTime) {
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_TIMED_MUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
time: timeUntilUnmute,
} else {
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_MUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
return {
case: theCase,
updatedExistingMute: !!existingMute,
public async unmuteUser(
userId: string,
unmuteTime: number = null,
caseArgs: Partial<CaseArgs> = {},
): Promise<UnmuteResult> {
const existingMute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(userId);
if (!existingMute) return;
const user = await this.resolveUser(userId);
const member = await this.getMember(userId);
if (unmuteTime) {
// Schedule timed unmute (= just set the mute's duration)
await this.mutes.updateExpiryTime(userId, unmuteTime);
} else {
// Unmute immediately
if (member) {
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
if (member.roles.includes(muteRole)) {
await member.removeRole(muteRole);
} else {
`Member ${userId} not found in guild ${} (${this.guildId}) when attempting to unmute`,
await this.mutes.clear(userId);
const timeUntilUnmute = unmuteTime && humanizeDuration(unmuteTime);
// Create a case
const noteDetails = [];
if (unmuteTime) {
noteDetails.push(`Scheduled unmute in ${timeUntilUnmute}`);
} else {
noteDetails.push(`Unmuted immediately`);
const casesPlugin = this.getPlugin<CasesPlugin>("cases");
const createdCase = await casesPlugin.createCase({
modId: caseArgs.modId,
type: CaseTypes.Unmute,
// Log the action
const mod =;
if (unmuteTime) {
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_TIMED_UNMUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
time: timeUntilUnmute,
} else {
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_UNMUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
return {
case: createdCase,
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
@d.command("mutes", [], {
options: [{ name: "age", type: "delay" }, { name: "left", type: "boolean" }],
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
protected async muteListCmd(msg: Message, args: { age?: number; left?: boolean }) {
const lines = [];
// Active, logged mutes
const activeMutes = await this.mutes.getActiveMutes();
activeMutes.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.expires_at == null && b.expires_at != null) return 1;
if (b.expires_at == null && a.expires_at != null) return -1;
if (a.expires_at == null && b.expires_at == null) {
return a.created_at > b.created_at ? -1 : 1;
return a.expires_at > b.expires_at ? 1 : -1;
let filteredMutes: IMuteWithDetails[] = activeMutes;
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
let hasFilters = false;
let bannedIds: string[] = null;
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
// Filter: mute age
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
if (args.age) {
const cutoff = moment()
.subtract(args.age, "ms")
filteredMutes = filteredMutes.filter(m => m.created_at <= cutoff);
hasFilters = true;
// Fetch some extra details for each mute: the muted member, and whether they've been banned
for (const [index, mute] of filteredMutes.entries()) {
const muteWithDetails = { ...mute };
2019-05-02 08:21:11 +03:00
const member = await this.getMember(mute.user_id);
if (!member) {
if (!bannedIds) {
const bans = await this.guild.getBans();
bannedIds = =>;
muteWithDetails.banned = bannedIds.includes(mute.user_id);
} else {
muteWithDetails.member = member;
filteredMutes[index] = muteWithDetails;
// Filter: left the server
if (args.left != null) {
filteredMutes = filteredMutes.filter(m => (args.left && !m.member) || (!args.left && m.member));
hasFilters = true;
// Mute count
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
let totalMutes = filteredMutes.length;
// Create a message lines for each mute
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
const caseIds = => m.case_id).filter(v => !!v);
const muteCases = caseIds.length ? await this.cases.get(caseIds) : [];
const muteCasesById = muteCases.reduce((map, c) => map.set(, c), new Map());
for (const mute of filteredMutes) {
const user =;
const username = user ? `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000";
const theCase = muteCasesById.get(mute.case_id);
const caseName = theCase ? `Case #${theCase.case_number}` : "No case";
let line = `<@!${mute.user_id}> (**${username}**, \`${mute.user_id}\`) 📋 ${caseName}`;
if (mute.expires_at) {
const timeUntilExpiry = moment().diff(moment(mute.expires_at, DBDateFormat));
const humanizedTime = humanizeDuration(timeUntilExpiry, { largest: 2, round: true });
line += ` ⏰ Expires in ${humanizedTime}`;
} else {
line += ` ⏰ Doesn't expire`;
const timeFromMute = moment(mute.created_at, DBDateFormat).diff(moment());
const humanizedTimeFromMute = humanizeDuration(timeFromMute, { largest: 2, round: true });
line += ` 🕒 Muted ${humanizedTimeFromMute} ago`;
if (mute.banned) {
line += ` 🔨 User was banned`;
} else if (!mute.member) {
line += ` ❌ Has left the server`;
// Find manually added mute roles and create a mesage line for each (but only if no filters have been specified)
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
if (!hasFilters) {
const muteUserIds = activeMutes.reduce((set, m) => set.add(m.user_id), new Set());
const manuallyMutedMembers = [];
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
if (muteRole) {
this.guild.members.forEach(member => {
if (muteUserIds.has( return;
if (member.roles.includes(muteRole)) manuallyMutedMembers.push(member);
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
totalMutes += manuallyMutedMembers.length;
lines.push( => {
return `<@!${}> (**${member.user.username}#${member.user.discriminator}**, \`${
}\`) 🔧 Manual mute`;
2019-04-13 02:39:36 +03:00
let message;
if (totalMutes > 0) {
message = hasFilters
? `Results (${totalMutes} total):\n\n${lines.join("\n")}`.trim()
: `Active mutes (${totalMutes} total):\n\n${lines.join("\n")}`.trim();
} else {
message = hasFilters ? "No mutes found with the specified filters!" : "No active mutes!";
const chunks = chunkMessageLines(message);
for (const chunk of chunks) {;
* Reapply active mutes on join
protected async onGuildMemberAdd(_, member: Member) {
const mute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(;
if (mute) {
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
await member.addRole(muteRole);
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_MUTE_REJOIN, {
member: stripObjectToScalars(member, ["user"]),
* Clear active mute from the member if the member is banned
protected async onGuildBanAdd(_, user: User) {
const mute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(;
if (mute) {
* COMMAND: Clear dangling mutes for members who have been banned
protected async clearBannedMutesCmd(msg: Message) {
await"Clearing mutes from banned users...");
const activeMutes = await this.mutes.getActiveMutes();
// Mismatch in Eris docs and actual result here, based on Eris's code comments anyway
const bans: Array<{ reason: string; user: User }> = (await this.guild.getBans()) as any;
const bannedIds = =>;
`Found ${activeMutes.length} mutes and ${bannedIds.length} bans, cross-referencing...`,
let cleared = 0;
for (const mute of activeMutes) {
if (bannedIds.includes(mute.user_id)) {
await this.mutes.clear(mute.user_id);
}`Cleared ${cleared} mutes from banned users!`));
* Clear active mute from the member if the mute role is removed
protected async onGuildMemberUpdate(_, member: Member) {
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
if (!muteRole) return;
const mute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(;
if (!mute) return;
if (!member.roles.includes(muteRole)) {
await this.mutes.clear(muteRole);
* COMMAND: Clear dangling mutes for members whose mute role was removed by other means
protected async clearMutesWithoutRoleCmd(msg: Message) {
const activeMutes = await this.mutes.getActiveMutes();
const muteRole = this.getConfig().mute_role;
if (!muteRole) return;
await"Clearing mutes from members that don't have the mute role...");
let cleared = 0;
for (const mute of activeMutes) {
2019-05-02 08:21:11 +03:00
const member = await this.getMember(mute.user_id);
if (!member) continue;
if (!member.roles.includes(muteRole)) {
await this.mutes.clear(mute.user_id);
}`Cleared ${cleared} mutes from members that don't have the mute role`));
@d.command("clear_mute", "<userId:string>")
protected async clearMuteCmd(msg: Message, args: { userId: string }) {
const mute = await this.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(args.userId);
if (!mute) {"No active mutes found for that user id"));
await this.mutes.clear(args.userId);`Active mute cleared`));
protected async clearExpiredMutes() {
const expiredMutes = await this.mutes.getExpiredMutes();
for (const mute of expiredMutes) {
2019-05-02 08:21:11 +03:00
const member = await this.getMember(mute.user_id);
if (!member) continue;
try {
await member.removeRole(this.getConfig().mute_role);
} catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line
await this.mutes.clear(;
this.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_MUTE_EXPIRED, {
member: stripObjectToScalars(member, ["user"]),