
133 lines
5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { MessageEmbedOptions, User } from "discord.js";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes";
import { CasesPlugin } from "../../../plugins/Cases/CasesPlugin";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { chunkArray, emptyEmbedValue, resolveUser, trimLines, UnknownUser } from "../../../utils";
import { asyncMap } from "../../../utils/async";
import { getChunkedEmbedFields } from "../../../utils/getChunkedEmbedFields";
import { getGuildPrefix } from "../../../utils/getGuildPrefix";
import { modActionsCmd } from "../types";
const opts = {
expand: ct.bool({ option: true, isSwitch: true, shortcut: "e" }),
hidden: ct.bool({ option: true, isSwitch: true, shortcut: "h" }),
2021-06-30 04:56:56 +02:00
reverseFilters: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "r" }),
notes: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "n" }),
warns: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "w" }),
mutes: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "m" }),
unmutes: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "um" }),
bans: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "b" }),
unbans: ct.switchOption({ def: false, shortcut: "ub" }),
export const CasesUserCmd = modActionsCmd({
trigger: ["cases", "modlogs"],
permission: "can_view",
description: "Show a list of cases the specified user has",
signature: [
user: ct.string(),
async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) {
const user = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, args.user);
if (! {
2021-01-17 21:21:18 +02:00
sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, `User not found`);
let cases = await pluginData.state.cases.with("notes").getByUserId(;
const typesToShow: CaseTypes[] = [];
if (args.notes) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Note);
if (args.warns) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Warn);
if (args.mutes) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Mute);
if (args.unmutes) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Unmute);
if (args.bans) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Ban);
if (args.unbans) typesToShow.push(CaseTypes.Unban);
if (typesToShow.length > 0) {
// Reversed: Hide specified types
2021-09-11 19:06:51 +03:00
if (args.reverseFilters) cases = cases.filter((c) => !typesToShow.includes(c.type));
// Normal: Show only specified types
2021-09-11 19:06:51 +03:00
else cases = cases.filter((c) => typesToShow.includes(c.type));
2021-09-11 19:06:51 +03:00
const normalCases = cases.filter((c) => !c.is_hidden);
const hiddenCases = cases.filter((c) => c.is_hidden);
const userName = user instanceof UnknownUser && cases.length ? cases[cases.length - 1].user_name : user.tag;
if (cases.length === 0) {`No cases found for **${userName}**`);
} else {
const casesToDisplay = args.hidden ? cases : normalCases;
if (args.expand) {
if (casesToDisplay.length > 8) {"Too many cases for expanded view. Please use compact view instead.");
// Expanded view (= individual case embeds)
const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin);
for (const theCase of casesToDisplay) {
const embed = await casesPlugin.getCaseEmbed(;;
} else {
// Compact view (= regular message with a preview of each case)
const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin);
2021-09-11 19:06:51 +03:00
const lines = await asyncMap(casesToDisplay, (c) => casesPlugin.getCaseSummary(c, true,;
const prefix = getGuildPrefix(pluginData);
const linesPerChunk = 10;
const lineChunks = chunkArray(lines, linesPerChunk);
const footerField = {
name: emptyEmbedValue,
value: trimLines(`
Use \`${prefix}case <num>\` to see more information about an individual case
for (const [i, linesInChunk] of lineChunks.entries()) {
const isLastChunk = i === lineChunks.length - 1;
if (isLastChunk && !args.hidden && hiddenCases.length) {
if (hiddenCases.length === 1) {
linesInChunk.push(`*+${hiddenCases.length} hidden case, use "-hidden" to show it*`);
} else {
linesInChunk.push(`*+${hiddenCases.length} hidden cases, use "-hidden" to show them*`);
const chunkStart = i * linesPerChunk + 1;
const chunkEnd = Math.min((i + 1) * linesPerChunk, lines.length);
const embed: MessageEmbedOptions = {
author: {
lineChunks.length === 1
? `Cases for ${userName} (${lines.length} total)`
: `Cases ${chunkStart}${chunkEnd} of ${lines.length} for ${userName}`,
icon_url: user instanceof User ? user.displayAvatarURL() : undefined,
fields: [
...getChunkedEmbedFields(emptyEmbedValue, linesInChunk.join("\n")),
...(isLastChunk ? [footerField] : []),
2021-06-30 04:56:56 +02:00{ embeds: [embed] });