+ Moderation in Zeppelin is multi-layered. On top of typical actions such + as warning, muting, kicking, and banning, Zeppelin allows moderators to + utilise flags; create alerts; set thresholds; and act as others. +
+ This guide explains the options available in the
+ Please ensure you understand how
+ So that your moderators may use Zeppelin moderation, you must define the
+ moderator role id in the config, assign it a level (50), and enable the
+ Mod actions plugin.
+ Each moderation command has a permission attached to it, so if your + server has a hierarchical structure then you will be able to scope + these permissions by referencing the plugins permissions page. +
+ +These config options define how Zeppelin will interact with the + members it sanctions (warns, kicks, bans).
+ +
+ The values dm_on_warn
, dm_on_kick
, and
+ dm_on_ban
determine whether a member will be notified of
+ their sanctions through DMs. Ignoring privacy settings, setting these to
+ true
will notify the member. Temporary banning uses the
+ ban configuration.
+ An alternative way to notify members about sanctions is through
+ mentioning them in a message sent in a channel. To enable this feature,
+ set message_on_warn
, message_on_kick
, and
+ and message_on_ban
to true, then assign a
+ message_channel
+ This is how you control the exact wording the member receives. You can
+ adjust the wording per sanction type. These variables are
+ warn_message
, kick_message
, and
+ ban_message
. Please remember that YAML supports mutli-line
+ strings, this is how you can write newlines in your messages. Notably,
+ temporarily banning a member permits the inclusion of the
+ banTime
variable through tempban_message
+ Employing what we have learnt so far, we can write a configuration that: +
+ Alerts are a nifty way for moderators to be notified of members trying to
+ evade sanctions by promptly leaving and rejoining your server. To enable
+ this feature, assign a channel in alert_channel
and enable
+ alert_on_rejoin
+ Thresholds alert moderators if a member is about to exceed a
+ predetermined number of cases, prompting moderators to consider whether
+ alternative (harsher) action could be taken. To enable thresholds,
+ assign the threshold as warn_notify_threshold
, adjust the
+ message under warn_notify_message
, and enable
+ warn_notify_enabled
+ Write your config cleverly, check the default values for
+ warn_notify_threshold
and warn_notify_message
+ if these are acceptable then all you need to do is enable
+ warn_notify_enabled
+ When a member is banned, Zeppelin automatically deletes the last day of
+ message history. You can extend this through the
+ ban_delete_message_days