Port CustomEventsPlugin

This commit is contained in:
Dragory 2020-07-30 02:47:47 +03:00
parent 28de8a592b
commit 4c4496600b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 5F387BA66DF8AAC1
9 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
export class ActionError extends Error {}

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { zeppelinPlugin } from "../ZeppelinPluginBlueprint";
import { ConfigSchema, CustomEventsPluginType } from "./types";
import { command, parseSignature } from "knub";
import { commandTypes } from "../../commandTypes";
import { stripObjectToScalars } from "../../utils";
import { runEvent } from "./functions/runEvent";
const defaultOptions = {
config: {
events: {},
export const CustomEventsPlugin = zeppelinPlugin<CustomEventsPluginType>()("custom_events", {
configSchema: ConfigSchema,
onLoad(pluginData) {
const config = pluginData.config.get();
for (const [key, event] of Object.entries(config.events)) {
if (event.trigger.type === "command") {
const signature = event.trigger.params ? parseSignature(event.trigger.params, commandTypes) : {};
const eventCommand = command({
trigger: event.trigger.name,
permission: `events.${key}.trigger.can_use`,
run({ message, args }) {
const strippedMsg = stripObjectToScalars(message, ["channel", "author"]);
runEvent(pluginData, event, { msg: message, args }, { args, msg: strippedMsg });
onUnload() {
// TODO: Run clearTriggers() once we actually have something there

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { CustomEventsPluginType, TCustomEvent } from "../types";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter";
import { resolveMember } from "../../../utils";
import { ActionError } from "../ActionError";
import { canActOn } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { Message } from "eris";
export const AddRoleAction = t.type({
type: t.literal("add_role"),
target: t.string,
role: t.union([t.string, t.array(t.string)]),
export type TAddRoleAction = t.TypeOf<typeof AddRoleAction>;
export async function addRoleAction(
pluginData: PluginData<CustomEventsPluginType>,
action: TAddRoleAction,
values: any,
event: TCustomEvent,
eventData: any,
) {
const targetId = await renderTemplate(action.target, values, false);
const target = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild, targetId);
if (!target) throw new ActionError(`Unknown target member: ${targetId}`);
if (event.trigger.type === "command" && !canActOn(pluginData, (eventData.msg as Message).member, target)) {
throw new ActionError("Missing permissions");
const rolesToAdd = Array.isArray(action.role) ? action.role : [action.role];
await target.edit({
roles: Array.from(new Set([...target.roles, ...rolesToAdd])),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { CustomEventsPluginType, TCustomEvent } from "../types";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter";
import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes";
import { ActionError } from "../ActionError";
import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin";
export const CreateCaseAction = t.type({
type: t.literal("create_case"),
case_type: t.string,
mod: t.string,
target: t.string,
reason: t.string,
export type TCreateCaseAction = t.TypeOf<typeof CreateCaseAction>;
export async function createCaseAction(
pluginData: PluginData<CustomEventsPluginType>,
action: TCreateCaseAction,
values: any,
event: TCustomEvent,
eventData: any,
) {
const modId = await renderTemplate(action.mod, values, false);
const targetId = await renderTemplate(action.target, values, false);
const reason = await renderTemplate(action.reason, values, false);
if (CaseTypes[action.case_type] == null) {
throw new ActionError(`Invalid case type: ${action.type}`);
const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin);
await casesPlugin.createCase({
userId: targetId,
type: CaseTypes[action.case_type],
reason: `__[${event.name}]__ ${reason}`,

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { CustomEventsPluginType } from "../types";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter";
import { ActionError } from "../ActionError";
import { TextChannel } from "eris";
export const MessageAction = t.type({
type: t.literal("message"),
channel: t.string,
content: t.string,
export type TMessageAction = t.TypeOf<typeof MessageAction>;
export async function messageAction(
pluginData: PluginData<CustomEventsPluginType>,
action: TMessageAction,
values: any,
) {
const targetChannelId = await renderTemplate(action.channel, values, false);
const targetChannel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(targetChannelId);
if (!targetChannel) throw new ActionError("Unknown target channel");
if (!(targetChannel instanceof TextChannel)) throw new ActionError("Target channel is not a text channel");
await targetChannel.createMessage({ content: action.content });

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { CustomEventsPluginType, TCustomEvent } from "../types";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter";
import { resolveMember } from "../../../utils";
import { ActionError } from "../ActionError";
import { canActOn } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { Message, VoiceChannel } from "eris";
export const MoveToVoiceChannelAction = t.type({
type: t.literal("move_to_vc"),
target: t.string,
channel: t.string,
export type TMoveToVoiceChannelAction = t.TypeOf<typeof MoveToVoiceChannelAction>;
export async function moveToVoiceChannelAction(
pluginData: PluginData<CustomEventsPluginType>,
action: TMoveToVoiceChannelAction,
values: any,
event: TCustomEvent,
eventData: any,
) {
const targetId = await renderTemplate(action.target, values, false);
const target = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild, targetId);
if (!target) throw new ActionError("Unknown target member");
if (event.trigger.type === "command" && !canActOn(pluginData, (eventData.msg as Message).member, target)) {
throw new ActionError("Missing permissions");
const targetChannelId = await renderTemplate(action.channel, values, false);
const targetChannel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(targetChannelId);
if (!targetChannel) throw new ActionError("Unknown target channel");
if (!(targetChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) throw new ActionError("Target channel is not a voice channel");
if (!target.voiceState.channelID) return;
await target.edit({
channelID: targetChannel.id,

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { CustomEventsPluginType, TCustomEvent } from "../types";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { ActionError } from "../ActionError";
import { Message } from "eris";
import { addRoleAction } from "../actions/addRoleAction";
import { createCaseAction } from "../actions/createCaseAction";
import { moveToVoiceChannelAction } from "../actions/moveToVoiceChannelAction";
import { messageAction } from "../actions/messageAction";
export async function runEvent(
pluginData: PluginData<CustomEventsPluginType>,
event: TCustomEvent,
eventData: any,
values: any,
) {
try {
for (const action of event.actions) {
if (action.type === "add_role") {
await addRoleAction(pluginData, action, values, event, eventData);
} else if (action.type === "create_case") {
await createCaseAction(pluginData, action, values, event, eventData);
} else if (action.type === "move_to_vc") {
await moveToVoiceChannelAction(pluginData, action, values, event, eventData);
} else if (action.type === "message") {
await messageAction(pluginData, action, values);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ActionError) {
if (event.trigger.type === "command") {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, (eventData.msg as Message).channel, e.message);
} else {
// TODO: Where to log action errors from other kinds of triggers?
throw e;

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { BasePluginType } from "knub";
import { AddRoleAction } from "./actions/addRoleAction";
import { CreateCaseAction } from "./actions/createCaseAction";
import { MoveToVoiceChannelAction } from "./actions/moveToVoiceChannelAction";
import { MessageAction } from "./actions/messageAction";
// Triggers
const CommandTrigger = t.type({
type: t.literal("command"),
name: t.string,
params: t.string,
can_use: t.boolean,
type TCommandTrigger = t.TypeOf<typeof CommandTrigger>;
const AnyTrigger = CommandTrigger; // TODO: Make into a union once we have more triggers
type TAnyTrigger = t.TypeOf<typeof AnyTrigger>;
const AnyAction = t.union([AddRoleAction, CreateCaseAction, MoveToVoiceChannelAction, MessageAction]);
type TAnyAction = t.TypeOf<typeof AnyAction>;
export const CustomEvent = t.type({
name: t.string,
trigger: AnyTrigger,
actions: t.array(AnyAction),
export type TCustomEvent = t.TypeOf<typeof CustomEvent>;
export const ConfigSchema = t.type({
events: t.record(t.string, CustomEvent),
export type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf<typeof ConfigSchema>;
export interface CustomEventsPluginType extends BasePluginType {
config: TConfigSchema;
state: {
clearTriggers: () => void;

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import { SpamPlugin } from "./Spam/SpamPlugin";
import { ReactionRolesPlugin } from "./ReactionRoles/ReactionRolesPlugin";
import { AutomodPlugin } from "./Automod/AutomodPlugin";
import { CompanionChannelsPlugin } from "./CompanionChannels/CompanionChannelsPlugin";
import { CustomEventsPlugin } from "./CustomEvents/CustomEventsPlugin";
// prettier-ignore
export const guildPlugins: Array<ZeppelinPluginBlueprint<any>> = [
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ export const guildPlugins: Array<ZeppelinPluginBlueprint<any>> = [
// prettier-ignore