More debug

This commit is contained in:
Miikka Virtanen 2020-07-31 11:16:07 +03:00
parent bd5cb6f556
commit b2957b564d

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { Client, TextChannel } from "eris";
import { connect } from "./data/db";
import { baseGuildPlugins, globalPlugins, guildPlugins } from "./plugins/availablePlugins";
import { errorMessage, isDiscordHTTPError, isDiscordRESTError, successMessage } from "./utils";
import { errorMessage, isDiscordHTTPError, isDiscordRESTError, MINUTES, successMessage } from "./utils";
import { startUptimeCounter } from "./uptime";
import { AllowedGuilds } from "./data/AllowedGuilds";
import { IZeppelinGlobalConfig, IZeppelinGuildConfig } from "./types";
@ -208,6 +208,20 @@ connect().then(async () => {
client.once("ready", () => {
// tslint:disable:no-console
setInterval(() => {
const shards = Array.from(client.shards.values());
console.log("Shards:", shards.length);
for (const shard of shards) {
console.log(`=== SHARD #${} ===`);
console.log("lastHeartbeatSent", shard.lastHeartbeatSent);
console.log("lastHeartbeatReceived", shard.lastHeartbeatReceived);
console.log("latency", shard.latency);
console.log("diff", shard.lastHeartbeatReceived - shard.lastHeartbeatSent);
}, 1 * MINUTES);
// tslint:enable:no-console
});"Starting the bot");