import at = require(""); import { Guild, GuildAuditLogEntry } from "eris"; /** * Turns a "delay string" such as "1h30m" to milliseconds * @param {String} str * @returns {Number} */ export function convertDelayStringToMS(str) { const regex = /^([0-9]+)\s*([dhms])?[a-z]*\s*/; let match; let ms = 0; str = str.trim(); // tslint:disable-next-line while (str !== "" && (match = str.match(regex)) !== null) { if (match[2] === "d") ms += match[1] * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; else if (match[2] === "h") ms += match[1] * 1000 * 60 * 60; else if (match[2] === "s") ms += match[1] * 1000; else if (match[2] === "m" || !match[2]) ms += match[1] * 1000 * 60; str = str.slice(match[0].length); } // Invalid delay string if (str !== "") { return null; } return ms; } export function successMessage(str) { return `👌 ${str}`; } export function errorMessage(str) { return `⚠ ${str}`; } export function uclower(str) { return str[0].toLowerCase() + str.slice(1); } export function stripObjectToScalars(obj, includedNested: string[] = []) { const result = {}; for (const key in obj) { if ( obj[key] == null || typeof obj[key] === "string" || typeof obj[key] === "number" || typeof obj[key] === "boolean" ) { result[key] = obj[key]; } else if (typeof obj[key] === "object") { const prefix = `${key}.`; const nestedNested = includedNested .filter(p => p === key || p.startsWith(prefix)) .map(p => (p === key ? p : p.slice(prefix.length))); if (nestedNested.length) { result[key] = stripObjectToScalars(obj[key], nestedNested); } } } return result; } const stringFormatRegex = /{([^{}]+?)}/g; export function formatTemplateString(str: string, values) { return str.replace(stringFormatRegex, (match, val) => { return (at(values, val)[0] as string) || ""; }); } export function isSnowflake(v: string): boolean { return /^\d{17,20}$/.test(v); } export function sleep(ms: number): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } /** * Attempts to find a relevant audit log entry for the given user and action */ export async function findRelevantAuditLogEntry( guild: Guild, actionType: number, userId: string, attempts: number = 3, attemptDelay: number = 3000 ): Promise { const auditLogEntries = await guild.getAuditLogs(5, null, actionType); auditLogEntries.entries.sort((a, b) => { if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return -1; if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return 1; return 0; }); const cutoffTS = - 1000 * 60 * 2; const relevantEntry = auditLogEntries.entries.find(entry => { return entry.targetID === userId && entry.createdAt >= cutoffTS; }); if (relevantEntry) { return relevantEntry; } else if (attempts > 0) { await sleep(attemptDelay); return findRelevantAuditLogEntry(guild, actionType, userId, attempts - 1, attemptDelay); } else { return null; } }