import { Message, MessageContent, MessageFile, TextChannel } from "eris"; import { GuildCases } from "../data/GuildCases"; import { CaseTypes } from "../data/CaseTypes"; import { Case } from "../data/entities/Case"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { CaseTypeColors } from "../data/CaseTypeColors"; import { PluginInfo, trimPluginDescription, ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import { GuildArchives } from "../data/GuildArchives"; import { IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub"; import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs"; import { LogType } from "../data/LogType"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { tNullable } from "../utils"; import { ERRORS } from "../RecoverablePluginError"; import DiscordRESTError = require("eris/lib/errors/DiscordRESTError.js"); // tslint:disable-line const ConfigSchema = t.type({ log_automatic_actions: t.boolean, case_log_channel: tNullable(t.string), }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; /** * Can also be used as a config object for functions that create cases */ export type CaseArgs = { userId: string; modId: string; ppId?: string; type: CaseTypes; auditLogId?: string; reason?: string; automatic?: boolean; postInCaseLogOverride?: boolean; noteDetails?: string[]; extraNotes?: string[]; }; export type CaseNoteArgs = { caseId: number; modId: string; body: string; automatic?: boolean; postInCaseLogOverride?: boolean; noteDetails?: string[]; }; export class CasesPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "cases"; public static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static pluginInfo: PluginInfo = { prettyName: "Cases", description: trimPluginDescription(` This plugin contains basic configuration for cases created by other plugins `), }; protected cases: GuildCases; protected archives: GuildArchives; protected logs: GuildLogs; public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { log_automatic_actions: true, case_log_channel: null, }, }; } onLoad() { this.cases = GuildCases.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.archives = GuildArchives.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.logs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId); } protected resolveCaseId(caseOrCaseId: Case | number): number { return caseOrCaseId instanceof Case ? : caseOrCaseId; } /** * Creates a new case and, depending on config, posts it in the case log channel */ public async createCase(args: CaseArgs): Promise { const user = await this.resolveUser(args.userId); const userName = `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`; const mod = await this.resolveUser(args.modId); const modName = `${mod.username}#${mod.discriminator}`; let ppName = null; if (args.ppId) { const pp = await this.resolveUser(args.ppId); ppName = `${pp.username}#${pp.discriminator}`; } const createdCase = await this.cases.create({ type: args.type, user_id: args.userId, user_name: userName, mod_id: args.modId, mod_name: modName, audit_log_id: args.auditLogId, pp_id: args.ppId, pp_name: ppName, }); if (args.reason || (args.noteDetails && args.noteDetails.length)) { await this.createCaseNote({ caseId:, modId: args.modId, body: args.reason || "", automatic: args.automatic, postInCaseLogOverride: false, noteDetails: args.noteDetails, }); } if (args.extraNotes) { for (const extraNote of args.extraNotes) { await this.createCaseNote({ caseId:, modId: args.modId, body: extraNote, automatic: args.automatic, postInCaseLogOverride: false, }); } } const config = this.getConfig(); if ( config.case_log_channel && (!args.automatic || config.log_automatic_actions) && args.postInCaseLogOverride !== false ) { await this.postCaseToCaseLogChannel(createdCase); } return createdCase; } /** * Adds a case note to an existing case and, depending on config, posts the updated case in the case log channel */ public async createCaseNote(args: CaseNoteArgs): Promise { const theCase = await this.cases.find(this.resolveCaseId(args.caseId)); if (!theCase) { this.throwRecoverablePluginError(ERRORS.UNKNOWN_NOTE_CASE); } const mod = await this.resolveUser(args.modId); const modName = `${mod.username}#${mod.discriminator}`; let body = args.body; // Add note details to the beginning of the note if (args.noteDetails && args.noteDetails.length) { body = => `__[${d}]__`).join(" ") + " " + body; } await this.cases.createNote(, { mod_id:, mod_name: modName, body: body || "", }); if (theCase.mod_id == null) { // If the case has no moderator information, assume the first one to add a note to it did the action await this.cases.update(, { mod_id:, mod_name: modName, }); } const archiveLinkMatch = body && body.match(/(?<=\/archives\/)[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+/g); if (archiveLinkMatch) { for (const archiveId of archiveLinkMatch) { this.archives.makePermanent(archiveId); } } if ((!args.automatic || this.getConfig().log_automatic_actions) && args.postInCaseLogOverride !== false) { await this.postCaseToCaseLogChannel(; } } /** * Returns a Discord embed for the specified case */ public async getCaseEmbed(caseOrCaseId: Case | number): Promise { const theCase = await this.cases.with("notes").find(this.resolveCaseId(caseOrCaseId)); if (!theCase) return null; const createdAt = moment(theCase.created_at); const actionTypeStr = CaseTypes[theCase.type].toUpperCase(); const embed: any = { title: `${actionTypeStr} - Case #${theCase.case_number}`, footer: { text: `Case created at ${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm")}`, }, fields: [ { name: "User", value: `${theCase.user_name}\n<@!${theCase.user_id}>`, inline: true, }, { name: "Moderator", value: `${theCase.mod_name}\n<@!${theCase.mod_id}>`, inline: true, }, ], }; if (theCase.pp_id) { embed.fields[1].value += `\np.p. ${theCase.pp_name}\n<@!${theCase.pp_id}>`; } if (theCase.is_hidden) { embed.title += " (hidden)"; } if (CaseTypeColors[theCase.type]) { embed.color = CaseTypeColors[theCase.type]; } if (theCase.notes.length) { theCase.notes.forEach((note: any) => { const noteDate = moment(note.created_at); embed.fields.push({ name: `${note.mod_name} at ${noteDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm")}:`, value: note.body, }); }); } else { embed.fields.push({ name: "!!! THIS CASE HAS NO NOTES !!!", value: "\u200B", }); } return { embed }; } public async getCaseTypeAmountForUserId(userID: string, type: CaseTypes): Promise { const cases = (await this.cases.getByUserId(userID)).filter(c => !c.is_hidden); let typeAmount = 0; if (cases.length > 0) { cases.forEach(singleCase => { if (singleCase.type === type.valueOf()) { typeAmount++; } }); } return typeAmount; } /** * A helper for posting to the case log channel. * Returns silently if the case log channel isn't specified or is invalid. */ public async postToCaseLogChannel(content: MessageContent, file: MessageFile = null): Promise { const caseLogChannelId = this.getConfig().case_log_channel; if (!caseLogChannelId) return; const caseLogChannel = this.guild.channels.get(caseLogChannelId); if (!caseLogChannel || !(caseLogChannel instanceof TextChannel)) return; let result; try { result = await caseLogChannel.createMessage(content, file); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DiscordRESTError && e.code === 50013) { logger.warn( `Missing permissions to post mod cases in <#${}> in guild ${} (${})`, ); this.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Missing permissions to post mod cases in <#${}>`, }); return; } throw e; } return result; } /** * A helper to post a case embed to the case log channel */ public async postCaseToCaseLogChannel(caseOrCaseId: Case | number): Promise { const theCase = await this.cases.find(this.resolveCaseId(caseOrCaseId)); if (!theCase) return; const caseEmbed = await this.getCaseEmbed(caseOrCaseId); if (!caseEmbed) return; try { return this.postToCaseLogChannel(caseEmbed); } catch (e) { this.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Failed to post case #${theCase.case_number} to the case log channel`, }); return null; } } }