import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import { IPluginOptions } from "knub"; import { Message, TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from "eris"; import { renderTemplate } from "../templateFormatter"; import { stripObjectToScalars } from "../utils"; import { CasesPlugin } from "./Cases"; import { CaseTypes } from "../data/CaseTypes"; // Triggers type CommandTrigger = { type: "command"; name: string; params: string; can_use: boolean; }; type AnyTrigger = CommandTrigger; // Actions type AddRoleAction = { type: "add_role"; target: string; role: string | string[]; }; type CreateCaseAction = { type: "create_case"; case_type: string; mod: string; target: string; reason: string; }; type MoveToVoiceChannelAction = { type: "move_to_vc"; target: string; channel: string; }; type MessageAction = { type: "message"; channel: string; content: string; }; type AnyAction = AddRoleAction | CreateCaseAction | MoveToVoiceChannelAction | MessageAction; // Event type CustomEvent = { name: string; trigger: AnyTrigger; actions: AnyAction[]; }; interface ICustomEventsPluginConfig { events: { [key: string]: CustomEvent; }; } class ActionError extends Error {} export class CustomEventsPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "custom_events"; private clearTriggers: () => void; public static dependencies = ["cases"]; getDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { events: {}, }, }; } onLoad() { for (const [key, event] of Object.entries(this.getConfig().events)) { if (event.trigger.type === "command") { this.commands.add(, event.trigger.params, (msg, args) => { const strippedMsg = stripObjectToScalars(msg, ["channel", "author"]); this.runEvent(event, { msg, args }, { args, msg: strippedMsg }); }, { requiredPermission: `events.${key}.trigger.can_use`, locks: [], }, ); } } } onUnload() { // TODO: Run this.clearTriggers() once we actually have something there } async runEvent(event: CustomEvent, eventData: any, values: any) { try { for (const action of event.actions) { if (action.type === "add_role") { await this.addRoleAction(action, values, event, eventData); } else if (action.type === "create_case") { await this.createCaseAction(action, values, event, eventData); } else if (action.type === "move_to_vc") { await this.moveToVoiceChannelAction(action, values, event, eventData); } else if (action.type === "message") { await this.messageAction(action, values); } } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ActionError) { if (event.trigger.type === "command") { this.sendErrorMessage((eventData.msg as Message).channel, e.message); } else { // TODO: Where to log action errors from other kinds of triggers? } return; } throw e; } } async addRoleAction(action: AddRoleAction, values: any, event: CustomEvent, eventData: any) { const targetId = await renderTemplate(, values, false); const target = await this.getMember(targetId); if (!target) throw new ActionError(`Unknown target member: ${targetId}`); if (event.trigger.type === "command" && !this.canActOn((eventData.msg as Message).member, target)) { throw new ActionError("Missing permissions"); } const rolesToAdd = Array.isArray(action.role) ? action.role : [action.role]; await target.edit({ roles: Array.from(new Set([, ...rolesToAdd])), }); } async createCaseAction(action: CreateCaseAction, values: any, event: CustomEvent, eventData: any) { const modId = await renderTemplate(action.mod, values, false); const targetId = await renderTemplate(, values, false); const reason = await renderTemplate(action.reason, values, false); if (CaseTypes[action.case_type] == null) { throw new ActionError(`Invalid case type: ${action.type}`); } const casesPlugin = this.getPlugin("cases"); await casesPlugin.createCase({ userId: targetId, modId: modId, type: CaseTypes[action.case_type], reason: `__[${}]__ ${reason}`, }); } async moveToVoiceChannelAction(action: MoveToVoiceChannelAction, values: any, event: CustomEvent, eventData: any) { const targetId = await renderTemplate(, values, false); const target = await this.getMember(targetId); if (!target) throw new ActionError("Unknown target member"); if (event.trigger.type === "command" && !this.canActOn((eventData.msg as Message).member, target)) { throw new ActionError("Missing permissions"); } const targetChannelId = await renderTemplate(, values, false); const targetChannel = this.guild.channels.get(targetChannelId); if (!targetChannel) throw new ActionError("Unknown target channel"); if (!(targetChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) throw new ActionError("Target channel is not a voice channel"); if (!target.voiceState.channelID) return; await target.edit({ channelID:, }); } async messageAction(action: MessageAction, values: any) { const targetChannelId = await renderTemplate(, values, false); const targetChannel = this.guild.channels.get(targetChannelId); if (!targetChannel) throw new ActionError("Unknown target channel"); if (!(targetChannel instanceof TextChannel)) throw new ActionError("Target channel is not a text channel"); await targetChannel.createMessage({ content: action.content }); } }