import { TextChannel } from "eris"; import { GuildPluginData } from "knub"; import { RemindersPluginType } from "../types"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import { disableLinkPreviews } from "knub/dist/helpers"; import { SECONDS } from "../../../utils"; const REMINDER_LOOP_TIME = 10 * SECONDS; const MAX_TRIES = 3; export async function postDueRemindersLoop(pluginData: GuildPluginData) { const pendingReminders = await pluginData.state.reminders.getDueReminders(); for (const reminder of pendingReminders) { const channel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(reminder.channel_id); if (channel && channel instanceof TextChannel) { try { // Only show created at date if one exists if (moment.utc(reminder.created_at).isValid()) { const target = moment.utc(); const diff = target.diff(moment.utc(reminder.created_at, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")); const result = humanizeDuration(diff, { largest: 2, round: true }); await channel.createMessage( disableLinkPreviews( `Reminder for <@!${reminder.user_id}>: ${reminder.body} \n\`Set at ${reminder.created_at} (${result} ago)\``, ), ); } else { await channel.createMessage(disableLinkPreviews(`Reminder for <@!${reminder.user_id}>: ${reminder.body}`)); } } catch (e) { // Probably random Discord internal server error or missing permissions or somesuch // Try again next round unless we've already tried to post this a bunch of times const tries = pluginData.state.tries.get( || 0; if (tries < MAX_TRIES) { pluginData.state.tries.set(, tries + 1); continue; } } } await pluginData.state.reminders.delete(; } if (!pluginData.state.unloaded) { pluginData.state.postRemindersTimeout = setTimeout(() => postDueRemindersLoop(pluginData), REMINDER_LOOP_TIME); } }