import { IBasePluginConfig, IPluginOptions, logger, Plugin } from "knub"; import { PluginRuntimeError } from "../PluginRuntimeError"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/pipeable"; import { fold } from "fp-ts/lib/Either"; import { PathReporter } from "io-ts/lib/PathReporter"; import { isSnowflake, isUnicodeEmoji, resolveMember, resolveUser, UnknownUser } from "../utils"; import { Member, User } from "eris"; import { performance } from "perf_hooks"; import { validateStrict } from "../validatorUtils"; const SLOW_RESOLVE_THRESHOLD = 1500; export class ZeppelinPlugin extends Plugin { protected static configSchema: t.TypeC; public static dependencies = []; protected throwPluginRuntimeError(message: string) { throw new PluginRuntimeError(message, this.runtimePluginName, this.guildId); } protected canActOn(member1, member2) { if ( === || === { return false; } const ourLevel = this.getMemberLevel(member1); const memberLevel = this.getMemberLevel(member2); return ourLevel > memberLevel; } public static validateOptions(options: any): string[] | null { // Validate config values if (this.configSchema) { if (options.config) { const errors = validateStrict(this.configSchema, options.config); if (errors) return errors; } if (options.overrides) { for (const override of options.overrides) { if (override.config) { const errors = validateStrict(this.configSchema, override.config); if (errors) return errors; } } } } // No errors, return null return null; } public async runLoad(): Promise { const mergedOptions = this.getMergedOptions(); const validationErrors = ((this.constructor as unknown) as typeof ZeppelinPlugin).validateOptions(mergedOptions); if (validationErrors) { throw new Error(`Invalid options:\n${validationErrors.join("\n")}`); } return super.runLoad(); } public canUseEmoji(snowflake): boolean { if (isUnicodeEmoji(snowflake)) { return true; } else if (isSnowflake(snowflake)) { for (const guild of { if (guild.emojis.some(e => (e as any).id === snowflake)) { return true; } } } else { throw new PluginRuntimeError(`Invalid emoji: ${snowflake}`, this.runtimePluginName, this.guildId); } } public getRegisteredCommands() { return this.commands.commands; } /** * Resolves a user from the passed string. The passed string can be a user id, a user mention, a full username (with discrim), etc. * If the user is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API. */ async resolveUser(userResolvable: string): Promise { const start =; const user = await resolveUser(, userResolvable); const time = - start; if (time >= SLOW_RESOLVE_THRESHOLD) { const rounded = Math.round(time); logger.warn(`Slow user resolve (${rounded}ms): ${userResolvable}`); } return user; } /** * Resolves a member from the passed string. The passed string can be a user id, a user mention, a full username (with discrim), etc. * If the member is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API. */ async getMember(memberResolvable: string): Promise { const start =; const member = await resolveMember(, this.guild, memberResolvable); const time = - start; if (time >= SLOW_RESOLVE_THRESHOLD) { const rounded = Math.round(time); logger.warn(`Slow member resolve (${rounded}ms): ${memberResolvable} in ${} (${})`); } return member; } }