import { modActionsCmd } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { sendErrorMessage, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { helpers } from "knub"; import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin"; import { TextChannel } from "eris"; import { SECONDS, stripObjectToScalars, trimLines } from "../../../utils"; import { LogsPlugin } from "../../Logs/LogsPlugin"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { TimeAndDatePlugin } from "../../TimeAndDate/TimeAndDatePlugin"; import { Case } from "../../../data/entities/Case"; export const DeleteCaseCmd = modActionsCmd({ trigger: ["delete_case", "deletecase"], permission: "can_deletecase", description: trimLines(` Delete the specified case. This operation can *not* be reversed. It is generally recommended to use \`!hidecase\` instead when possible. `), signature: { caseNumber: ct.number({ rest: true }), force: ct.switchOption({ shortcut: "f" }), }, async run({ pluginData, message, args }) { const failed: number[] = []; const validCases: Case[] = []; let cancelled = 0; for (const num of args.caseNumber) { const theCase = await pluginData.state.cases.findByCaseNumber(num); if (!theCase) { failed.push(num); continue; } validCases.push(theCase); } if (failed.length === args.caseNumber.length) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "None of the cases were found!"); return; } for (const theCase of validCases) { if (!args.force) { const cases = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin); const embedContent = await cases.getCaseEmbed(theCase);{ content: "Delete the following case? Answer 'Yes' to continue, 'No' to cancel.", embed: embedContent.embed, }); const reply = await helpers.waitForReply( pluginData.client, as TextChannel,, 15 * SECONDS, ); const normalizedReply = (reply?.content || "").toLowerCase().trim(); if (normalizedReply !== "yes" && normalizedReply !== "y") {"Cancelled. Case was not deleted."); cancelled++; continue; } } const deletedByName = `${}#${}`; const timeAndDate = pluginData.getPlugin(TimeAndDatePlugin); const deletedAt = timeAndDate.inGuildTz().format(timeAndDate.getDateFormat("pretty_datetime")); await pluginData.state.cases.softDelete(,, deletedByName, `Case deleted by **${deletedByName}** (\`${}\`) on ${deletedAt}`, ); const logs = pluginData.getPlugin(LogsPlugin); logs.log(LogType.CASE_DELETE, { mod: stripObjectToScalars(message.member, ["user", "roles"]), case: stripObjectToScalars(theCase), }); } const failedAddendum = failed.length > 0 ? `\nThe following cases were not found: ${failed.toString().replace(new RegExp(",", "g"), ", ")}` : ""; const amt = validCases.length - cancelled; if (amt === 0) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "All deletions were cancelled, no cases were deleted."); return; } sendSuccessMessage( pluginData,, `${amt} case${amt === 1 ? " was" : "s were"} deleted!${failedAddendum}`, ); }, });