import { zeppelinGuildPlugin } from "../ZeppelinPluginBlueprint"; import { ConfigSchema, RoleButtonsPluginType } from "./types"; import { mapToPublicFn } from "../../pluginUtils"; import { LogsPlugin } from "../Logs/LogsPlugin"; import { applyAllRoleButtons } from "./functions/applyAllRoleButtons"; import { GuildRoleButtons } from "../../data/GuildRoleButtons"; import { RoleManagerPlugin } from "../RoleManager/RoleManagerPlugin"; import { StrictValidationError } from "../../validatorUtils"; import { onButtonInteraction } from "./events/buttonInteraction"; import { pluginInfo } from "./info"; import { createButtonComponents } from "./functions/createButtonComponents"; import { TooManyComponentsError } from "./functions/TooManyComponentsError"; export const RoleButtonsPlugin = zeppelinGuildPlugin()({ name: "role_buttons", configSchema: ConfigSchema, info: pluginInfo, showInDocs: true, configPreprocessor(options) { // Auto-fill "name" property for buttons based on the object key const buttonsArray = Array.isArray(options.config?.buttons) ? options.config.buttons : []; const seenMessages = new Set(); for (const [name, buttonsConfig] of Object.entries(options.config?.buttons ?? {})) { if (name.length > 16) { throw new StrictValidationError(["Name for role buttons can be at most 16 characters long"]); } if (buttonsConfig) { = name; if (buttonsConfig.message) { if ("message_id" in buttonsConfig.message) { if (seenMessages.has(buttonsConfig.message.message_id)) { throw new StrictValidationError(["Can't target the same message with two sets of role buttons"]); } seenMessages.add(buttonsConfig.message.message_id); } } if (buttonsConfig.options) { try { createButtonComponents(buttonsConfig); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TooManyComponentsError) { throw new StrictValidationError(["Too many options; can only have max 5 buttons per row on max 5 rows."]); } throw new StrictValidationError(["Error validating options"]); } } } } return options; }, dependencies: () => [LogsPlugin, RoleManagerPlugin], events: [onButtonInteraction], beforeLoad(pluginData) { pluginData.state.roleButtons = GuildRoleButtons.getGuildInstance(; }, async afterLoad(pluginData) { await applyAllRoleButtons(pluginData); }, });