import { MessageOptions, Permissions, Snowflake, TextChannel, User } from "discord.js"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter"; import { convertDelayStringToMS, noop, renderRecursively, stripObjectToScalars, tDelayString, tMessageContent, tNullable, unique, verboseChannelMention, } from "../../../utils"; import { hasDiscordPermissions } from "../../../utils/hasDiscordPermissions"; import { automodAction } from "../helpers"; import { AutomodContext } from "../types"; export const ReplyAction = automodAction({ configType: t.union([ t.string, t.type({ text: tMessageContent, auto_delete: tNullable(t.union([tDelayString, t.number])), }), ]), defaultConfig: {}, async apply({ pluginData, contexts, actionConfig, ruleName }) { const contextsWithTextChannels = contexts .filter(c => c.message?.channel_id) .filter(c => pluginData.guild.channels.cache.get(c.message!.channel_id as Snowflake) instanceof TextChannel); const contextsByChannelId = contextsWithTextChannels.reduce((map: Map, context) => { if (!map.has(context.message!.channel_id)) { map.set(context.message!.channel_id, []); } map.get(context.message!.channel_id)!.push(context); return map; }, new Map()); for (const [channelId, _contexts] of contextsByChannelId.entries()) { const users = unique(Array.from(new Set( => c.user).filter(Boolean)))) as User[]; const user = users[0]; const renderReplyText = async str => renderTemplate(str, { user: stripObjectToScalars(user), }); const formatted = typeof actionConfig === "string" ? await renderReplyText(actionConfig) : ((await renderRecursively(actionConfig.text, renderReplyText)) as MessageOptions); if (formatted) { const channel = pluginData.guild.channels.cache.get(channelId as Snowflake) as TextChannel; // Check for basic Send Messages and View Channel permissions if ( !hasDiscordPermissions( channel.permissionsFor(pluginData.client.user!.id), Permissions.FLAGS.SEND_MESSAGES | Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL, ) ) { pluginData.state.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Missing permissions to reply in ${verboseChannelMention(channel)} in Automod rule \`${ruleName}\``, }); continue; } // If the message is an embed, check for embed permissions if ( typeof formatted !== "string" && !hasDiscordPermissions(channel.permissionsFor(pluginData.client.user!.id), Permissions.FLAGS.EMBED_LINKS) ) { pluginData.state.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Missing permissions to reply **with an embed** in ${verboseChannelMention( channel, )} in Automod rule \`${ruleName}\``, }); continue; } const messageContent: MessageOptions = typeof formatted === "string" ? { content: formatted } : formatted; const replyMsg = await channel.send({ ...messageContent, allowedMentions: { users: [], }, }); if (typeof actionConfig === "object" && actionConfig.auto_delete) { const delay = convertDelayStringToMS(String(actionConfig.auto_delete))!; setTimeout(() => replyMsg.delete().catch(noop), delay); } } } }, });