import { GuildPluginData } from "knub"; import { UtilityPluginType } from "../types"; import { embedPadding, EmbedWith, formatNumber, inviteHasCounts, memoize, MINUTES, preEmbedPadding, resolveInvite, resolveUser, trimLines, } from "../../../utils"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; import { getGuildPreview } from "./getGuildPreview"; import { TimeAndDatePlugin } from "../../TimeAndDate/TimeAndDatePlugin"; export async function getServerInfoEmbed( pluginData: GuildPluginData, serverId: string, requestMemberId?: string, ): Promise { const thisServer = serverId === ? pluginData.guild : null; const [restGuild, guildPreview] = await Promise.all([ thisServer ? memoize(() => pluginData.client.getRESTGuild(serverId), `getRESTGuild_${serverId}`, 10 * MINUTES) : null, getGuildPreview(pluginData.client, serverId), ]); if (!restGuild && !guildPreview) { return null; } const features = (restGuild || guildPreview)!.features; if (!thisServer && !features.includes("DISCOVERABLE")) { return null; } const embed: EmbedWith<"fields"> = { fields: [], }; = { name: `Server: ${(guildPreview || restGuild)!.name}`, icon_url: (guildPreview || restGuild)!.iconURL ?? undefined, }; // BASIC INFORMATION const timeAndDate = pluginData.getPlugin(TimeAndDatePlugin); const createdAt = moment.utc((guildPreview || restGuild)!.createdAt, "x"); const tzCreatedAt = requestMemberId ? await timeAndDate.inMemberTz(requestMemberId, createdAt) : timeAndDate.inGuildTz(createdAt); const prettyCreatedAt = tzCreatedAt.format(timeAndDate.getDateFormat("pretty_datetime")); const serverAge = humanizeDuration(moment.utc().valueOf() - createdAt.valueOf(), { largest: 2, round: true, }); const basicInformation: string[] = []; basicInformation.push(`Created: **${serverAge} ago** (\`${prettyCreatedAt}\`)`); if (thisServer) { const owner = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, thisServer.ownerID); const ownerName = `${owner.username}#${owner.discriminator}`; basicInformation.push(`Owner: **${ownerName}** (\`${thisServer.ownerID}\`)`); basicInformation.push(`Voice region: **${thisServer.region}**`); } if (features.length > 0) { basicInformation.push(`Features: ${features.join(", ")}`); } embed.fields.push({ name: preEmbedPadding + "Basic information", value: basicInformation.join("\n"), }); // IMAGE LINKS const iconUrl = `[Link](${(restGuild || guildPreview)!.iconURL})`; const bannerUrl = restGuild?.bannerURL ? `[Link](${restGuild.bannerURL})` : "None"; const splashUrl = (restGuild || guildPreview)!.splashURL != null ? `[Link](${(restGuild || guildPreview)!.splashURL?.replace("size=128", "size=2048")})` : "None"; embed.fields.push( { name: "Server icon", value: iconUrl, inline: true, }, { name: "Invite splash", value: splashUrl, inline: true, }, { name: "Server banner", value: bannerUrl, inline: true, }, ); // MEMBER COUNTS const totalMembers = guildPreview?.approximateMemberCount || restGuild?.approximateMemberCount || restGuild?.memberCount || thisServer?.memberCount || thisServer?.members.size || 0; let onlineMemberCount = (guildPreview?.approximatePresenceCount || restGuild?.approximatePresenceCount)!; if (onlineMemberCount == null && restGuild?.vanityURL) { // For servers with a vanity URL, we can also use the numbers from the invite for online count const invite = await resolveInvite(pluginData.client, restGuild.vanityURL!, true); if (invite && inviteHasCounts(invite)) { onlineMemberCount = invite.presenceCount; } } if (!onlineMemberCount && thisServer) { onlineMemberCount = thisServer.members.filter(m => m.status !== "offline").length; // Extremely inaccurate fallback } const offlineMemberCount = totalMembers - onlineMemberCount; let memberCountTotalLines = `Total: **${formatNumber(totalMembers)}**`; if (restGuild?.maxMembers) { memberCountTotalLines += `\nMax: **${formatNumber(restGuild.maxMembers)}**`; } let memberCountOnlineLines = `Online: **${formatNumber(onlineMemberCount)}**`; if (restGuild?.maxPresences) { memberCountOnlineLines += `\nMax online: **${formatNumber(restGuild.maxPresences)}**`; } embed.fields.push({ name: preEmbedPadding + "Members", inline: true, value: trimLines(` ${memberCountTotalLines} ${memberCountOnlineLines} Offline: **${formatNumber(offlineMemberCount)}** `), }); // CHANNEL COUNTS if (thisServer) { const totalChannels = thisServer.channels.size; const categories = thisServer.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof CategoryChannel); const textChannels = thisServer.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof TextChannel); const voiceChannels = thisServer.channels.filter(channel => channel instanceof VoiceChannel); embed.fields.push({ name: preEmbedPadding + "Channels", inline: true, value: trimLines(` Total: **${totalChannels}** / 500 Categories: **${categories.length}** Text: **${textChannels.length}** Voice: **${voiceChannels.length}** `), }); } // OTHER STATS const otherStats: string[] = []; if (thisServer) { otherStats.push(`Roles: **${thisServer.roles.size}** / 250`); } if (restGuild) { const maxEmojis = { 0: 50, 1: 100, 2: 150, 3: 250, }[restGuild.premiumTier] || 50; otherStats.push(`Emojis: **${restGuild.emojis.length}** / ${maxEmojis * 2}`); } else { otherStats.push(`Emojis: **${guildPreview!.emojis.length}**`); } if (thisServer) { otherStats.push(`Boosts: **${thisServer.premiumSubscriptionCount ?? 0}** (level ${thisServer.premiumTier})`); } embed.fields.push({ name: preEmbedPadding + "Other stats", inline: true, value: otherStats.join("\n"), }); if (!thisServer) { embed.footer = { text: "⚠️ Only showing publicly available information for this server", }; } return embed; }