import { Attachment, TextChannel } from "eris"; import { downloadFile } from "src/utils"; import fs from "fs"; const fsp = fs.promises; const MAX_ATTACHMENT_REHOST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 8; export async function rehostAttachment(attachment: Attachment, targetChannel: TextChannel): Promise { if (attachment.size > MAX_ATTACHMENT_REHOST_SIZE) { return "Attachment too big to rehost"; } let downloaded; try { downloaded = await downloadFile(attachment.url, 3); } catch (e) { return "Failed to download attachment after 3 tries"; } try { const rehostMessage = await targetChannel.createMessage(`Rehost of attachment ${}`, { name: attachment.filename, file: await fsp.readFile(downloaded.path), }); return rehostMessage.attachments[0].url; } catch (e) { return "Failed to rehost attachment"; } }