import { modActionsCommand } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { Case } from "../../../data/entities/Case"; import { sendErrorMessage, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { formatReasonWithAttachments } from "../functions/formatReasonWithAttachments"; import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes"; export const UpdateCmd = modActionsCommand({ trigger: "update", permission: "can_note", description: "Update the specified case (or, if case number is omitted, your latest case) by adding more notes/details to it", signature: [ { caseNumber: ct.number(), note: ct.string({ required: false, catchAll: true }), }, { note: ct.string({ required: false, catchAll: true }), }, ], async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) { let theCase: Case; if (args.caseNumber != null) { theCase = await pluginData.state.cases.findByCaseNumber(args.caseNumber); } else { theCase = await pluginData.state.cases.findLatestByModId(; } if (!theCase) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Case not found"); return; } if (!args.note && msg.attachments.length === 0) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Text or attachment required"); return; } const note = formatReasonWithAttachments(args.note, msg.attachments); const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin); await casesPlugin.createCaseNote({ caseId:, modId:, body: note, }); pluginData.state.serverLogs.log(LogType.CASE_UPDATE, { mod:, caseNumber: theCase.case_number, caseType: CaseTypes[theCase.type], note, }); sendSuccessMessage(pluginData,, `Case \`#${theCase.case_number}\` updated`); }, });