import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub"; import { Channel, Member } from "eris"; import { convertDelayStringToMS, getEmojiInString, getRoleMentions, getUrlsInString, getUserMentions, noop, stripObjectToScalars, tNullable, trimLines, } from "../utils"; import { LogType } from "../data/LogType"; import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs"; import { CaseTypes } from "../data/CaseTypes"; import { GuildArchives } from "../data/GuildArchives"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { SavedMessage } from "../data/entities/SavedMessage"; import { GuildSavedMessages } from "../data/GuildSavedMessages"; import { GuildMutes } from "../data/GuildMutes"; import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import { MuteResult, MutesPlugin } from "./Mutes"; import { CasesPlugin } from "./Cases"; import * as t from "io-ts"; const BaseSingleSpamConfig = t.type({ interval: t.number, count: t.number, mute: tNullable(t.boolean), mute_time: tNullable(t.number), clean: tNullable(t.boolean), }); type TBaseSingleSpamConfig = t.TypeOf; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ max_censor: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_messages: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_mentions: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_links: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_attachments: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_emojis: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_newlines: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_duplicates: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_characters: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), max_voice_moves: tNullable(BaseSingleSpamConfig), }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; enum RecentActionType { Message = 1, Mention, Link, Attachment, Emoji, Newline, Censor, Character, VoiceChannelMove, } interface IRecentAction { type: RecentActionType; userId: string; actionGroupId: string; extraData: T; timestamp: number; count: number; } const MAX_INTERVAL = 300; const SPAM_ARCHIVE_EXPIRY_DAYS = 90; export class SpamPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "spam"; protected static configSchema = ConfigSchema; protected logs: GuildLogs; protected archives: GuildArchives; protected savedMessages: GuildSavedMessages; protected mutes: GuildMutes; private onMessageCreateFn; // Handle spam detection with a queue so we don't have overlapping detections on the same user protected spamDetectionQueue: Promise; // List of recent potentially-spammy actions protected recentActions: Array>; // A map of userId => channelId => msgId // Keeps track of the last handled (= spam detected and acted on) message ID per user, per channel // TODO: Prevent this from growing infinitely somehow protected lastHandledMsgIds: Map>; private expiryInterval; protected static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { max_censor: null, max_messages: null, max_mentions: null, max_links: null, max_attachments: null, max_emojis: null, max_newlines: null, max_duplicates: null, max_characters: null, max_voice_moves: null, }, // Default override to make mods immune to the spam filter overrides: [ { level: ">=50", config: { max_messages: null, max_mentions: null, max_links: null, max_attachments: null, max_emojis: null, max_newlines: null, max_duplicates: null, max_characters: null, max_voice_moves: null, }, }, ], }; } onLoad() { this.logs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId); this.archives = GuildArchives.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.savedMessages = GuildSavedMessages.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.mutes = GuildMutes.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.recentActions = []; this.expiryInterval = setInterval(() => this.clearOldRecentActions(), 1000 * 60); this.lastHandledMsgIds = new Map(); this.spamDetectionQueue = Promise.resolve(); this.onMessageCreateFn = this.onMessageCreate.bind(this);"create", this.onMessageCreateFn); } onUnload() { clearInterval(this.expiryInterval);"create", this.onMessageCreateFn); } addRecentAction( type: RecentActionType, userId: string, actionGroupId: string, extraData: any, timestamp: number, count = 1, ) { this.recentActions.push({ type, userId, actionGroupId, extraData, timestamp, count }); } getRecentActions(type: RecentActionType, userId: string, actionGroupId: string, since: number) { return this.recentActions.filter(action => { if (action.timestamp < since) return false; if (action.type !== type) return false; if (action.actionGroupId !== actionGroupId) return false; if (action.userId !== userId) return false; return true; }); } getRecentActionCount(type: RecentActionType, userId: string, actionGroupId: string, since: number) { return this.recentActions.reduce((count, action) => { if (action.timestamp < since) return count; if (action.type !== type) return count; if (action.actionGroupId !== actionGroupId) return count; if (action.userId !== userId) return false; return count + action.count; }, 0); } clearRecentUserActions(type: RecentActionType, userId: string, actionGroupId: string) { this.recentActions = this.recentActions.filter(action => { return action.type !== type || action.userId !== userId || action.actionGroupId !== actionGroupId; }); } clearOldRecentActions() { // TODO: Figure out expiry time from longest interval in the config? const expiryTimestamp = - 1000 * MAX_INTERVAL; this.recentActions = this.recentActions.filter(action => action.timestamp >= expiryTimestamp); } async saveSpamArchives(savedMessages: SavedMessage[]) { const expiresAt = moment().add(SPAM_ARCHIVE_EXPIRY_DAYS, "days"); const archiveId = await this.archives.createFromSavedMessages(savedMessages, this.guild, expiresAt); const baseUrl = this.knub.getGlobalConfig().url; return this.archives.getUrl(baseUrl, archiveId); } async logAndDetectMessageSpam( savedMessage: SavedMessage, type: RecentActionType, spamConfig: TBaseSingleSpamConfig, actionCount: number, description: string, ) { if (actionCount === 0) return; // Make sure we're not handling some messages twice if (this.lastHandledMsgIds.has(savedMessage.user_id)) { const channelMap = this.lastHandledMsgIds.get(savedMessage.user_id); if (channelMap.has(savedMessage.channel_id)) { const lastHandledMsgId = channelMap.get(savedMessage.channel_id); if (lastHandledMsgId >= return; } } this.spamDetectionQueue = this.spamDetectionQueue.then( async () => { const timestamp = moment(savedMessage.posted_at).valueOf(); const member = await this.getMember(savedMessage.user_id); // Log this action... this.addRecentAction(type, savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id, savedMessage, timestamp, actionCount); // ...and then check if it trips the spam filters const since = timestamp - 1000 * spamConfig.interval; const recentActionsCount = this.getRecentActionCount( type, savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id, since, ); // If the user tripped the spam filter... if (recentActionsCount > spamConfig.count) { const recentActions = this.getRecentActions(type, savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id, since); // Start by muting them, if enabled let muteResult: MuteResult; if (spamConfig.mute && member) { const mutesPlugin = this.getPlugin("mutes"); const muteTime = spamConfig.mute_time ? convertDelayStringToMS(spamConfig.mute_time.toString()) : 120 * 1000; muteResult = await mutesPlugin.muteUser(, muteTime, "Automatic spam detection", { modId:, postInCaseLogOverride: false, }); } // Get the offending message IDs // We also get the IDs of any messages after the last offending message, to account for lag before detection const savedMessages = => a.extraData as SavedMessage); const msgIds = =>; const lastDetectedMsgId = msgIds[msgIds.length - 1]; const additionalMessages = await this.savedMessages.getUserMessagesByChannelAfterId( savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id, lastDetectedMsgId, ); additionalMessages.forEach(m => msgIds.push(; // Then, if enabled, remove the spam messages if (spamConfig.clean !== false) { msgIds.forEach(id => this.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE, id));, msgIds).catch(noop); } // Store the ID of the last handled message const uniqueMessages = Array.from(new Set([...savedMessages, ...additionalMessages])); uniqueMessages.sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : -1)); const lastHandledMsgId = uniqueMessages.reduce((last: string, m: SavedMessage): string => { return !last || > last ? : last; }, null); if (!this.lastHandledMsgIds.has(savedMessage.user_id)) { this.lastHandledMsgIds.set(savedMessage.user_id, new Map()); } const channelMap = this.lastHandledMsgIds.get(savedMessage.user_id); channelMap.set(savedMessage.channel_id, lastHandledMsgId); // Clear the handled actions from recentActions this.clearRecentUserActions(type, savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id); // Generate a log from the detected messages const channel = this.guild.channels.get(savedMessage.channel_id); const archiveUrl = await this.saveSpamArchives(uniqueMessages); // Create a case const casesPlugin = this.getPlugin("cases"); if (muteResult) { // If the user was muted, the mute already generated a case - in that case, just update the case with extra details // This will also post the case in the case log channel, which we didn't do with the mute initially to avoid // posting the case on the channel twice: once with the initial reason, and then again with the note from here const updateText = trimLines(` Details: ${description} (over ${spamConfig.count} in ${spamConfig.interval}s) ${archiveUrl} `); casesPlugin.createCaseNote({ caseId:, modId:, body: updateText, automatic: true, }); } else { // If the user was not muted, create a note case of the detected spam instead const caseText = trimLines(` Automatic spam detection: ${description} (over ${spamConfig.count} in ${spamConfig.interval}s) ${archiveUrl} `); casesPlugin.createCase({ userId: savedMessage.user_id, modId:, type: CaseTypes.Note, reason: caseText, automatic: true, }); } // Create a log entry this.logs.log(LogType.MESSAGE_SPAM_DETECTED, { member: stripObjectToScalars(member, ["user", "roles"]), channel: stripObjectToScalars(channel), description, limit: spamConfig.count, interval: spamConfig.interval, archiveUrl, }); } }, err => { logger.error(`Error while detecting spam:\n${err}`); }, ); } async logAndDetectOtherSpam( type: RecentActionType, spamConfig: any, userId: string, actionCount: number, actionGroupId: string, timestamp: number, extraData = null, description: string, ) { this.spamDetectionQueue = this.spamDetectionQueue.then(async () => { // Log this action... this.addRecentAction(type, userId, actionGroupId, extraData, timestamp, actionCount); // ...and then check if it trips the spam filters const since = timestamp - 1000 * spamConfig.interval; const recentActionsCount = this.getRecentActionCount(type, userId, actionGroupId, since); if (recentActionsCount > spamConfig.count) { const member = await this.getMember(userId); const details = `${description} (over ${spamConfig.count} in ${spamConfig.interval}s)`; if (spamConfig.mute && member) { const mutesPlugin = this.getPlugin("mutes"); const muteTime = spamConfig.mute_time ? convertDelayStringToMS(spamConfig.mute_time.toString()) : 120 * 1000; await mutesPlugin.muteUser(, muteTime, "Automatic spam detection", { modId:, extraNotes: [`Details: ${details}`], }); } else { // If we're not muting the user, just add a note on them const casesPlugin = this.getPlugin("cases"); await casesPlugin.createCase({ userId, modId:, type: CaseTypes.Note, reason: `Automatic spam detection: ${details}`, }); } // Clear recent cases this.clearRecentUserActions(RecentActionType.VoiceChannelMove, userId, actionGroupId); this.logs.log(LogType.OTHER_SPAM_DETECTED, { member: stripObjectToScalars(member, ["user", "roles"]), description, limit: spamConfig.count, interval: spamConfig.interval, }); } }); } // For interoperability with the Censor plugin async logCensor(savedMessage: SavedMessage) { const config = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id); const spamConfig = config.max_censor; if (spamConfig) { this.logAndDetectMessageSpam(savedMessage, RecentActionType.Censor, spamConfig, 1, "too many censored messages"); } } async onMessageCreate(savedMessage: SavedMessage) { if (savedMessage.is_bot) return; const config = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(savedMessage.user_id, savedMessage.channel_id); const maxMessages = config.max_messages; if (maxMessages) { this.logAndDetectMessageSpam(savedMessage, RecentActionType.Message, maxMessages, 1, "too many messages"); } const maxMentions = config.max_mentions; const mentions = ? [...getUserMentions(, ...getRoleMentions(] : []; if (maxMentions && mentions.length) { this.logAndDetectMessageSpam( savedMessage, RecentActionType.Mention, maxMentions, mentions.length, "too many mentions", ); } const maxLinks = config.max_links; if (maxLinks && && typeof === "string") { const links = getUrlsInString(; this.logAndDetectMessageSpam(savedMessage, RecentActionType.Link, maxLinks, links.length, "too many links"); } const maxAttachments = config.max_attachments; if (maxAttachments && { this.logAndDetectMessageSpam( savedMessage, RecentActionType.Attachment, maxAttachments,, "too many attachments", ); } const maxEmojis = config.max_emojis; if (maxEmojis && { const emojiCount = getEmojiInString(; this.logAndDetectMessageSpam(savedMessage, RecentActionType.Emoji, maxEmojis, emojiCount, "too many emoji"); } const maxNewlines = config.max_newlines; if (maxNewlines && { const newlineCount = (\n/g) || []).length; this.logAndDetectMessageSpam( savedMessage, RecentActionType.Newline, maxNewlines, newlineCount, "too many newlines", ); } const maxCharacters = config.max_characters; if (maxCharacters && { const characterCount = [].length; this.logAndDetectMessageSpam( savedMessage, RecentActionType.Character, maxCharacters, characterCount, "too many characters", ); } // TODO: Max duplicates check } @d.event("voiceChannelJoin") @d.event("voiceChannelSwitch") onVoiceChannelSwitch(member: Member, channel: Channel) { const config = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(,; const maxVoiceMoves = config.max_voice_moves; if (maxVoiceMoves) { this.logAndDetectOtherSpam( RecentActionType.VoiceChannelMove, maxVoiceMoves,, 1, "0",, null, "too many voice channel moves", ); } } }