import { modActionsCommand } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { canActOn, sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { resolveMember, resolveUser } from "../../../utils"; import { actualMuteUserCmd } from "../functions/actualMuteUserCmd"; const opts = { mod: ct.member({ option: true }), notify: ct.string({ option: true }), "notify-channel": ct.textChannel({ option: true }), }; export const ForcemuteCmd = modActionsCommand({ trigger: "forcemute", permission: "can_mute", description: "Force-mute the specified user, even if they're not on the server", signature: [ { user: ct.string(), time: ct.delay(), reason: ct.string({ required: false, catchAll: true }), ...opts, }, { user: ct.string(), reason: ct.string({ required: false, catchAll: true }), ...opts, }, ], async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) { const user = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, args.user); if (!user) return sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, `User not found`); const memberToMute = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild,; // Make sure we're allowed to mute this user if (memberToMute && !canActOn(pluginData, msg.member, memberToMute)) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Cannot mute: insufficient permissions"); return; } actualMuteUserCmd(pluginData, user, msg, args); }, });