import { NavigationGuard } from "vue-router"; import { RootStore } from "./store"; export const authGuard: NavigationGuard = async (to, from, next) => { if (RootStore.state.auth.apiKey) return next(); // We have an API key -> authenticated if (RootStore.state.auth.loadedInitialAuth) return next("/login"); // No API key and initial auth data was already loaded -> not authenticated await RootStore.dispatch("auth/loadInitialAuth"); // Initial auth data wasn't loaded yet (per above check) -> load it now if (RootStore.state.auth.apiKey) return next(); next("/login"); // Still no API key -> not authenticated }; export const loginCallbackGuard: NavigationGuard = async (to, from, next) => { await RootStore.dispatch("auth/setApiKey", to.query.apiKey); next("/dashboard"); };