import { modActionsCmd } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { trimLines, createChunkedMessage, emptyEmbedValue, sorter } from "../../../utils"; import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin"; import { asyncMap } from "../../../utils/async"; import { EmbedOptions } from "eris"; import { getChunkedEmbedFields } from "../../../utils/getChunkedEmbedFields"; import { getDefaultPrefix } from "knub/dist/commands/commandUtils"; import { getGuildPrefix } from "../../../utils/getGuildPrefix"; const opts = { mod: ct.member({ option: true }), }; export const CasesModCmd = modActionsCmd({ trigger: "cases", permission: "can_view", description: "Show the most recent 5 cases by the specified -mod", signature: [ { ...opts, }, ], async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) { const modId = args.mod ? :; const recentCases = await pluginData.state.cases.with("notes").getRecentByModId(modId, 5); recentCases.sort(sorter("case_number", "ASC")); const mod = pluginData.client.users.get(modId); const modName = mod ? `${mod.username}#${mod.discriminator}` : modId; if (recentCases.length === 0) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, `No cases by **${modName}**`); } else { const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin); const lines = await asyncMap(recentCases, c => casesPlugin.getCaseSummary(c, true,; const prefix = getGuildPrefix(pluginData); const embed: EmbedOptions = { author: { name: `Most recent 5 cases by ${modName}`, icon_url: mod ? mod.avatarURL || mod.defaultAvatarURL : undefined, }, fields: [ ...getChunkedEmbedFields(emptyEmbedValue, lines.join("\n")), { name: emptyEmbedValue, value: trimLines(` Use \`${prefix}case \` to see more information about an individual case Use \`${prefix}cases \` to see a specific user's cases `), }, ], };{ embed }); } }, });