import { decorators as d, ICommandContext, logger } from "knub"; import { GlobalZeppelinPlugin } from "./GlobalZeppelinPlugin"; import { Attachment, GuildChannel, Message, TextChannel } from "eris"; import { confirm, downloadFile, errorMessage, noop, SECONDS, trimLines } from "../utils"; import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import https from "https"; import fs from "fs"; const fsp = fs.promises; const MAX_ARCHIVED_MESSAGES = 5000; const MAX_MESSAGES_PER_FETCH = 100; const PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 * SECONDS; const MAX_ATTACHMENT_REHOST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 8; export class ChannelArchiverPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "channel_archiver"; public static showInDocs = false; protected isOwner(userId) { const owners = this.knub.getGlobalConfig().owners || []; return owners.includes(userId); } protected async rehostAttachment(attachment: Attachment, targetChannel: TextChannel): Promise { if (attachment.size > MAX_ATTACHMENT_REHOST_SIZE) { return "Attachment too big to rehost"; } let downloaded; try { downloaded = await downloadFile(attachment.url, 3); } catch (e) { return "Failed to download attachment after 3 tries"; } try { const rehostMessage = await targetChannel.createMessage(`Rehost of attachment ${}`, { name: attachment.filename, file: await fsp.readFile(downloaded.path), }); return rehostMessage.attachments[0].url; } catch (e) { return "Failed to rehost attachment"; } } @d.command("archive_channel", "", { options: [ { name: "attachment-channel", type: "textChannel", }, { name: "messages", type: "number", }, ], preFilters: [ (command, context: ICommandContext) => { return (context.plugin as ChannelArchiverPlugin).isOwner(; }, ], }) protected async archiveCmd( msg: Message, args: { channel: TextChannel; "attachment-channel"?: TextChannel; messages?: number }, ) { if (!this.isOwner( return; if (!args["attachment-channel"]) { const confirmed = await confirm(,,, "No `-attachment-channel` specified. Continue? Attachments will not be available in the log if their message is deleted.", ); if (!confirmed) {"Canceled")); return; } } const maxMessagesToArchive = args.messages ? Math.min(args.messages, MAX_ARCHIVED_MESSAGES) : MAX_ARCHIVED_MESSAGES; if (maxMessagesToArchive <= 0) return; const archiveLines = []; let archivedMessages = 0; let previousId; const startTime =; const progressMsg = await"Creating archive..."); const progressUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => { const secondsSinceStart = Math.round(( - startTime) / 1000); progressMsg .edit(`Creating archive...\n**Status:** ${archivedMessages} messages archived in ${secondsSinceStart} seconds`) .catch(() => clearInterval(progressUpdateInterval)); }, PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL); while (archivedMessages < maxMessagesToArchive) { const messagesToFetch = Math.min(MAX_MESSAGES_PER_FETCH, maxMessagesToArchive - archivedMessages); const messages = await, previousId); if (messages.length === 0) break; for (const message of messages) { const ts = moment.utc(message.timestamp).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); let content = `[${ts}] [${}] [${}#${ }]: ${message.content || ""}`; if (message.attachments.length) { if (args["attachment-channel"]) { const rehostedAttachmentUrl = await this.rehostAttachment( message.attachments[0], args["attachment-channel"], ); content += `\n-- Attachment: ${rehostedAttachmentUrl}`; } else { content += `\n-- Attachment: ${message.attachments[0].url}`; } } if (message.reactions && Object.keys(message.reactions).length > 0) { const reactionCounts = []; for (const [emoji, info] of Object.entries(message.reactions)) { reactionCounts.push(`${info.count}x ${emoji}`); } content += `\n-- Reactions: ${reactionCounts.join(", ")}`; } archiveLines.push(content); previousId =; archivedMessages++; } } clearInterval(progressUpdateInterval); archiveLines.reverse(); const nowTs = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); let result = `Archived ${archiveLines.length} messages from #${} at ${nowTs}`; result += `\n\n${archiveLines.join("\n")}\n`; progressMsg.delete().catch(noop);"Archive created!", { file: Buffer.from(result), name: `archive-${}-${moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss")}.txt`, }); } }