import * as t from "io-ts"; import { automodAction } from "../helpers"; import { convertDelayStringToMS, isDiscordRESTError, tDelayString, tNullable } from "../../../utils"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { Constants, TextChannel } from "eris"; export const SetSlowmodeAction = automodAction({ configType: t.type({ channels: t.array(t.string), duration: tNullable(tDelayString), }), defaultConfig: { duration: "10s", }, async apply({ pluginData, actionConfig }) { const slowmodeMs = Math.max(actionConfig.duration ? convertDelayStringToMS(actionConfig.duration)! : 0, 0); for (const channelId of actionConfig.channels) { const channel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(channelId); // Only text channels and text channels within categories support slowmodes if ( !channel || !(channel.type === Constants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT || channel.type === Constants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_CATEGORY) ) { continue; } let channelsToSlowmode: TextChannel[] = []; if (channel.type === Constants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_CATEGORY) { // Find all text channels within the category channelsToSlowmode = pluginData.guild.channels.filter( ch => ch.parentID === && ch.type === Constants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT, ) as TextChannel[]; } else { channelsToSlowmode.push(channel); } const slowmodeSeconds = Math.ceil(slowmodeMs / 1000); try { for (const chan of channelsToSlowmode) { await chan.edit({ rateLimitPerUser: slowmodeSeconds, }); } } catch (e) { // Check for invalid form body -> indicates duration was too large const errorMessage = isDiscordRESTError(e) && e.code === 50035 ? `Duration is greater than maximum native slowmode duration` : e.message; pluginData.state.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Unable to set slowmode for channel ${} to ${slowmodeSeconds} seconds: ${errorMessage}`, }); } } }, });