import { ZeppelinPlugin, trimPluginDescription } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { tNullable } from "../utils"; import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, logger, waitForReaction, waitForReply } from "knub"; import { Attachment, Constants as ErisConstants, Guild, Member, Message, TextChannel, User } from "eris"; import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs"; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ can_assign: t.boolean, assignable_roles: tNullable(t.array(t.string)) }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; enum RoleActions{ Add = 1, Remove }; export class RolesPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "roles"; public static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static pluginInfo = { prettyName: "Roles", description: trimPluginDescription(` Enables authorised users to add and remove whitelisted roles with a command. `), }; protected logs: GuildLogs; onLoad(){ this.logs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId); } public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { can_assign: false, assignable_roles: null }, overrides: [ { level: ">=50", config: { can_assign: true, }, }, ], }; } @d.command("role", " [role:string$]",{ extra: { info: { description: "Assign a permitted role to a user", }, }, }) @d.permission("can_assign") async assignRole(msg: Message, args: {action: string; user: string; role: string}){ const user = await this.resolveUser(args.user); const roleId = await this.resolveRoleId(args.role); if (user.discriminator == "0000") { return this.sendErrorMessage(, `User not found`); } //if the role doesnt exist, we can exit let roleIds = ( as TextChannel) => if(!(roleIds.includes(roleId))){ return this.sendErrorMessage(, `Role not found`); } // If the user exists as a guild member, make sure we can act on them first const targetMember = await this.getMember(; if (targetMember && !this.canActOn(msg.member, targetMember)) { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Cannot add or remove roles on this user: insufficient permissions"); return; } const action: string = args.action[0].toUpperCase() + args.action.slice(1).toLowerCase(); if(!RoleActions[action]){ this.sendErrorMessage(, "Cannot add or remove roles on this user: invalid action"); return; } //check if the role is allowed to be applied let config = this.getConfigForMsg(msg) if(!config.assignable_roles || !config.assignable_roles.includes(roleId)){ this.sendErrorMessage(, "You do not have access to the specified role"); return; } //at this point, everything has been verified, so it's ACTION TIME switch(RoleActions[action]){ case RoleActions.Add: if(targetMember.roles.includes(roleId)){ this.sendErrorMessage(, "Role already applied to user"); return; } await,, roleId); this.sendSuccessMessage(, `Role added to user!`); break; case RoleActions.Remove: if(!targetMember.roles.includes(roleId)){ this.sendErrorMessage(, "User does not have role"); return; } await,, roleId); this.sendSuccessMessage(, `Role removed from user!`); break; default: break; } } }