import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions } from "knub"; import { GuildSelfGrantableRoles } from "../data/GuildSelfGrantableRoles"; import { GuildChannel, Message, Role, TextChannel } from "eris"; import { asSingleLine, chunkArray, errorMessage, sorter, successMessage, trimLines } from "../utils"; import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; interface ISelfGrantableRolesPluginConfig { can_manage: boolean; can_use: boolean; can_ignore_cooldown: boolean; } export class SelfGrantableRolesPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "self_grantable_roles"; protected selfGrantableRoles: GuildSelfGrantableRoles; getDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { can_manage: false, can_use: false, can_ignore_cooldown: false, }, overrides: [ { level: ">=50", config: { can_ignore_cooldown: true, }, }, { level: ">=100", config: { can_manage: true, }, }, ], }; } onLoad() { this.selfGrantableRoles = GuildSelfGrantableRoles.getInstance(this.guildId); } @d.command("role remove", "") @d.permission("can_use") @d.cooldown(2500, "can_ignore_cooldown") async roleRemoveCmd(msg: Message, args: { roleNames: string[] }) { const lock = await this.locks.acquire(`grantableRoles:${}`); const channelGrantableRoles = await this.selfGrantableRoles.getForChannel(; if (channelGrantableRoles.length === 0) { lock.unlock(); return; } const nonMatchingRoleNames: string[] = []; const rolesToRemove: Set = new Set(); // Match given role names with actual grantable roles const roleNames = new Set( args.roleNames .map(n => n.split(/[\s,]+/)) .flat() .map(v => v.toLowerCase()), ); for (const roleName of roleNames) { let matched = false; for (const grantableRole of channelGrantableRoles) { let matchedAlias = false; for (const alias of grantableRole.aliases) { const normalizedAlias = alias.toLowerCase(); if (roleName === normalizedAlias && this.guild.roles.has(grantableRole.role_id)) { rolesToRemove.add(this.guild.roles.get(grantableRole.role_id)); matched = true; matchedAlias = true; break; } } if (matchedAlias) break; } if (!matched) { nonMatchingRoleNames.push(roleName); } } // Remove the roles if (rolesToRemove.size) { const rolesToRemoveArr = Array.from(rolesToRemove.values()); const roleIdsToRemove = =>; const newRoleIds = msg.member.roles.filter(roleId => !roleIdsToRemove.includes(roleId)); try { await msg.member.edit({ roles: newRoleIds, }); const removedRolesStr = => `**${}**`); const removedRolesWord = rolesToRemoveArr.length === 1 ? "role" : "roles"; if (nonMatchingRoleNames.length) { successMessage( `<@!${}> Removed ${removedRolesStr.join(", ")} ${removedRolesWord};` + ` couldn't recognize the other roles you mentioned`, ), ); } else { successMessage(`<@!${}> Removed ${removedRolesStr.join(", ")} ${removedRolesWord}`), ); } } catch (e) {`<@!${}> Got an error while trying to remove the roles`)); } } else { errorMessage(`<@!${}> Unknown ${args.roleNames.length === 1 ? "role" : "roles"}`), ); } lock.unlock(); } @d.command("role", "") @d.permission("can_use") @d.cooldown(1500, "can_ignore_cooldown") async roleCmd(msg: Message, args: { roleNames: string[] }) { const lock = await this.locks.acquire(`grantableRoles:${}`); const channelGrantableRoles = await this.selfGrantableRoles.getForChannel(; if (channelGrantableRoles.length === 0) { lock.unlock(); return; } const nonMatchingRoleNames: string[] = []; const rolesToGrant: Set = new Set(); // Match given role names with actual grantable roles const roleNames = new Set( args.roleNames .map(n => n.split(/[\s,]+/)) .flat() .map(v => v.toLowerCase()), ); for (const roleName of roleNames) { let matched = false; for (const grantableRole of channelGrantableRoles) { let matchedAlias = false; for (const alias of grantableRole.aliases) { const normalizedAlias = alias.toLowerCase(); if (roleName === normalizedAlias && this.guild.roles.has(grantableRole.role_id)) { rolesToGrant.add(this.guild.roles.get(grantableRole.role_id)); matched = true; matchedAlias = true; break; } } if (matchedAlias) break; } if (!matched) { nonMatchingRoleNames.push(roleName); } } // Grant the roles if (rolesToGrant.size) { const rolesToGrantArr = Array.from(rolesToGrant.values()); const roleIdsToGrant = =>; const newRoleIds = Array.from(new Set(msg.member.roles.concat(roleIdsToGrant)).values()); try { await msg.member.edit({ roles: newRoleIds, }); const grantedRolesStr = => `**${}**`); const grantedRolesWord = rolesToGrantArr.length === 1 ? "role" : "roles"; if (nonMatchingRoleNames.length) { successMessage( `<@!${}> Granted you the ${grantedRolesStr.join(", ")} ${grantedRolesWord};` + ` couldn't recognize the other roles you mentioned`, ), ); } else { successMessage(`<@!${}> Granted you the ${grantedRolesStr.join(", ")} ${grantedRolesWord}`), ); } } catch (e) { errorMessage(`<@!${}> Got an error while trying to grant you the roles`), ); } } else { errorMessage(`<@!${}> Unknown ${args.roleNames.length === 1 ? "role" : "roles"}`), ); } lock.unlock(); } @d.command("role help") @d.command("role") @d.cooldown(5000, "can_ignore_cooldown") async roleHelpCmd(msg: Message) { const channelGrantableRoles = await this.selfGrantableRoles.getForChannel(; if (channelGrantableRoles.length === 0) return; const prefix = this.guildConfig.prefix; const firstRole = channelGrantableRoles[0].aliases[0]; const secondRole = channelGrantableRoles[1] ? channelGrantableRoles[1].aliases[0] : null; const help1 = asSingleLine(` To give yourself a role, type e.g. \`${prefix}role ${firstRole}\` where **${firstRole}** is the role you want. ${secondRole ? `You can also add multiple roles at once, e.g. \`${prefix}role ${firstRole} ${secondRole}\`` : ""} `); const help2 = asSingleLine(` To remove a role, type \`!role remove ${firstRole}\`, again replacing **${firstRole}** with the role you want to remove. `); const helpMessage = trimLines(` ${help1} ${help2} **Available roles:** ${ => r.aliases[0]).join(", ")} `); const helpEmbed = { title: "How to get roles", description: helpMessage, color: parseInt("42bff4", 16), };{ embed: helpEmbed }); } @d.command("self_grantable_roles add", " [aliases:string...]") @d.permission("can_manage") async addSelfGrantableRoleCmd(msg: Message, args: { channel: GuildChannel; roleId: string; aliases?: string[] }) { if (!( instanceof TextChannel)) {"Invalid channel (must be a text channel)")); return; } const role = this.guild.roles.get(args.roleId); if (!role) {"Unknown role")); return; } const aliases = (args.aliases || []).map(n => n.split(/[\s,]+/)).flat(); aliases.push(\s+/g, "")); const uniqueAliases = Array.from(new Set(aliases).values()); // Remove existing self grantable role on that channel, if one exists await this.selfGrantableRoles.delete(,; // Add new one await this.selfGrantableRoles.add(,, uniqueAliases); successMessage(`Self-grantable role **${}** added to **#${}**`), ); } @d.command("self_grantable_roles delete", " ") @d.permission("can_manage") async deleteSelfGrantableRoleCmd(msg: Message, args: { channel: GuildChannel; roleId: string }) { await this.selfGrantableRoles.delete(, args.roleId); const roleName = this.guild.roles.has(args.roleId) ? this.guild.roles.get(args.roleId).name : args.roleId; successMessage(`Self-grantable role **${roleName}** removed from **#${}**`), ); } @d.command("self_grantable_roles", "") @d.permission("can_manage") async selfGrantableRolesCmd(msg: Message, args: { channel: GuildChannel }) { if (!( instanceof TextChannel)) {"Invalid channel (must be a text channel)")); return; } const channelGrantableRoles = await this.selfGrantableRoles.getForChannel(; if (channelGrantableRoles.length === 0) {`No self-grantable roles on **#${}**`)); return; } channelGrantableRoles.sort(sorter(gr => gr.aliases.join(", "))); const longestId = channelGrantableRoles.reduce((longest, gr) => Math.max(longest, gr.role_id.length), 0); const lines = => { const paddedId = gr.role_id.padEnd(longestId, " "); return `${paddedId} ${gr.aliases.join(", ")}`; }); const batches = chunkArray(lines, 20); for (const batch of batches) { await`\`\`\`js\n${batch.join("\n")}\n\`\`\``); } } }