import { modActionsCommand, IgnoredEventType } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { canActOn, sendErrorMessage, hasPermission, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { resolveUser, resolveMember, stripObjectToScalars } from "../../../utils"; import { isBanned } from "../functions/isBanned"; import { readContactMethodsFromArgs } from "../functions/readContactMethodsFromArgs"; import { formatReasonWithAttachments } from "../functions/formatReasonWithAttachments"; import { banUserId } from "../functions/banUserId"; import { CaseTypes } from "src/data/CaseTypes"; import { TextChannel } from "eris"; import { waitForReply } from "knub/dist/helpers"; import { ignoreEvent } from "../functions/ignoreEvent"; import { CasesPlugin } from "src/plugins/Cases/CasesPlugin"; import { LogType } from "src/data/LogType"; export const MassbanCmd = modActionsCommand({ trigger: "massban", permission: "can_massban", description: "Mass-ban a list of user IDs", signature: [ { userIds: ct.string({ rest: true }), }, ], async run({ pluginData, message: msg, args }) { // Limit to 100 users at once (arbitrary?) if (args.userIds.length > 100) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, `Can only massban max 100 users at once`); return; } // Ask for ban reason (cleaner this way instead of trying to cram it into the args)"Ban reason? `cancel` to cancel"); const banReasonReply = await waitForReply(pluginData.client, as TextChannel,; if (!banReasonReply || !banReasonReply.content || banReasonReply.content.toLowerCase().trim() === "cancel") { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Cancelled"); return; } const banReason = formatReasonWithAttachments(banReasonReply.content, msg.attachments); // Verify we can act on each of the users specified for (const userId of args.userIds) { const member = pluginData.guild.members.get(userId); // TODO: Get members on demand? if (member && !canActOn(pluginData, msg.member, member)) { sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Cannot massban one or more users: insufficient permissions"); return; } } // Ignore automatic ban cases and logs for these users // We'll create our own cases below and post a single "mass banned" log instead args.userIds.forEach(userId => { // Use longer timeouts since this can take a while ignoreEvent(pluginData, IgnoredEventType.Ban, userId, 120 * 1000); pluginData.state.serverLogs.ignoreLog(LogType.MEMBER_BAN, userId, 120 * 1000); }); // Show a loading indicator since this can take a while const loadingMsg = await"Banning..."); // Ban each user and count failed bans (if any) const failedBans = []; const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin); for (const userId of args.userIds) { try { await pluginData.guild.banMember(userId, 1, encodeURIComponent(banReason)); await casesPlugin.createCase({ userId, modId:, type: CaseTypes.Ban, reason: `Mass ban: ${banReason}`, postInCaseLogOverride: false, }); } catch (e) { failedBans.push(userId); } } // Clear loading indicator loadingMsg.delete(); const successfulBanCount = args.userIds.length - failedBans.length; if (successfulBanCount === 0) { // All bans failed - don't create a log entry and notify the user sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "All bans failed. Make sure the IDs are valid."); } else { // Some or all bans were successful. Create a log entry for the mass ban and notify the user. pluginData.state.serverLogs.log(LogType.MASSBAN, { mod: stripObjectToScalars(, count: successfulBanCount, reason: banReason, }); if (failedBans.length) { sendSuccessMessage( pluginData,, `Banned ${successfulBanCount} users, ${failedBans.length} failed: ${failedBans.join(" ")}`, ); } else { sendSuccessMessage(pluginData,, `Banned ${successfulBanCount} users successfully`); } } }, });