import { MessageAttachment } from "discord.js"; import { Column, Entity, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm"; import { StrictMessageContent } from "../../utils"; @Entity("scheduled_posts") export class ScheduledPost { @Column() @PrimaryColumn() id: number; @Column() guild_id: string; @Column() author_id: string; @Column() author_name: string; @Column() channel_id: string; @Column("simple-json") content: StrictMessageContent; @Column("simple-json") attachments: MessageAttachment[]; @Column({ type: String, nullable: true }) post_at: string | null; /** * How often to post the message, in milliseconds */ @Column({ type: String, nullable: true }) repeat_interval: number | null; @Column({ type: String, nullable: true }) repeat_until: string | null; @Column({ type: String, nullable: true }) repeat_times: number | null; @Column() enable_mentions: boolean; }