import { utilityCmd } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { createChunkedMessage } from "../../../utils"; import { PluginCommandDefinition } from "knub/dist/commands/commandUtils"; import { LoadedPlugin } from "knub"; export const HelpCmd = utilityCmd({ trigger: "help", description: "Show a quick reference for the specified command's usage", usage: "!help clean", permission: "can_help", signature: { command: ct.string({ catchAll: true }), }, async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) { const searchStr = args.command.toLowerCase(); const matchingCommands: Array<{ plugin: LoadedPlugin; command: PluginCommandDefinition; }> = []; const guildData = pluginData.getKnubInstance().getLoadedGuild(; for (const plugin of guildData.loadedPlugins.values()) { const registeredCommands = plugin.pluginData.commands.getAll(); for (const registeredCommand of registeredCommands) { for (const trigger of registeredCommand.originalTriggers) { const strTrigger = typeof trigger === "string" ? trigger : trigger.source; if (strTrigger.startsWith(searchStr)) { matchingCommands.push({ plugin, command: registeredCommand, }); } } } } const totalResults = matchingCommands.length; const limitedResults = matchingCommands.slice(0, 3); const commandSnippets ={ plugin, command }) => { const prefix: string = command.originalPrefix ? typeof command.originalPrefix === "string" ? command.originalPrefix : command.originalPrefix.source : ""; const originalTrigger = command.originalTriggers[0]; const trigger: string = originalTrigger ? typeof originalTrigger === "string" ? originalTrigger : originalTrigger.source : ""; const description = command.config.extra.blueprint.description; const usage = command.config.extra.blueprint.usage; const commandSlug = trigger .trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s/g, "-"); let snippet = `**${prefix}${trigger}**`; if (description) snippet += `\n${description}`; if (usage) snippet += `\nBasic usage: \`${usage}\``; snippet += `\n`; return snippet; }); if (totalResults === 0) {"No matching commands found!"); return; } let message = totalResults !== limitedResults.length ? `Results (${totalResults} total, showing first ${limitedResults.length}):\n\n` : ""; message += `${commandSnippets.join("\n\n")}`; createChunkedMessage(, message); }, });