import { selfGrantableRolesCmd } from "../types"; import { asSingleLine, trimLines } from "src/utils"; import { getApplyingEntries } from "../util/getApplyingEntries"; export const RoleHelpCmd = selfGrantableRolesCmd({ trigger: ["role help", "role"], permission: null, async run({ message: msg, pluginData }) { const applyingEntries = getApplyingEntries(pluginData, msg); if (applyingEntries.length === 0) return; const allPrimaryAliases = []; for (const entry of applyingEntries) { for (const aliases of Object.values(entry.roles)) { if (aliases[0]) { allPrimaryAliases.push(aliases[0]); } } } const prefix = pluginData.guildConfig.prefix; const [firstRole, secondRole] = allPrimaryAliases; const help1 = asSingleLine(` To give yourself a role, type e.g. \`${prefix}role ${firstRole}\` where **${firstRole}** is the role you want. ${secondRole ? `You can also add multiple roles at once, e.g. \`${prefix}role ${firstRole} ${secondRole}\`` : ""} `); const help2 = asSingleLine(` To remove a role, type \`${prefix}role remove ${firstRole}\`, again replacing **${firstRole}** with the role you want to remove. `); const helpMessage = trimLines(` ${help1} ${help2} **Roles available to you:** ${allPrimaryAliases.join(", ")} `); const helpEmbed = { title: "How to get roles", description: helpMessage, color: parseInt("42bff4", 16), };{ embed: helpEmbed }); }, });