import * as t from "io-ts"; import { automodAction } from "../helpers"; import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType"; import { noop } from "../../../utils"; export const CleanAction = automodAction({ configType: t.boolean, defaultConfig: false, async apply({ pluginData, contexts, ruleName }) { const messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId: Map = new Map(); for (const context of contexts) { if (context.message) { if (!messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId.has(context.message.channel_id)) { messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId.set(context.message.channel_id, []); } if (messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId.get(context.message.channel_id)!.includes( { console.warn(`Message ID to delete was already present: ${}, rule ${ruleName}`); continue; } messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId.get(context.message.channel_id)!.push(; } } for (const [channelId, messageIds] of messageIdsToDeleteByChannelId.entries()) { for (const id of messageIds) { pluginData.state.logs.ignoreLog(LogType.MESSAGE_DELETE, id); } await pluginData.client.deleteMessages(channelId, messageIds).catch(noop); } }, });