372 lines
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372 lines
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import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions } from "knub";
import { ZeppelinPlugin, trimPluginDescription } from "./ZeppelinPlugin";
import { Embed, EmbedBase, GuildChannel, Message, TextChannel } from "eris";
import {
} from "../utils";
import path from "path";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { GuildSavedMessages } from "../data/GuildSavedMessages";
import { SavedMessage } from "../data/entities/SavedMessage";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import { GuildStarboardMessages } from "../data/GuildStarboardMessages";
import { StarboardMessage } from "../data/entities/StarboardMessage";
import { GuildStarboardReactions } from "../data/GuildStarboardReactions";
const StarboardOpts = t.type({
channel_id: t.string,
stars_required: t.number,
star_emoji: tNullable(t.array(t.string)),
enabled: tNullable(t.boolean),
type TStarboardOpts = t.TypeOf<typeof StarboardOpts>;
const ConfigSchema = t.type({
boards: t.record(t.string, StarboardOpts),
can_migrate: t.boolean,
type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf<typeof ConfigSchema>;
const PartialConfigSchema = tDeepPartial(ConfigSchema);
const defaultStarboardOpts: Partial<TStarboardOpts> = {
star_emoji: ["⭐"],
enabled: true,
export class StarboardPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin<TConfigSchema> {
public static pluginName = "starboard";
public static configSchema = ConfigSchema;
public static pluginInfo = {
prettyName: "Starboard",
description: trimPluginDescription(`
This plugin allows you to set up starboards on your server. Starboards are like user voted pins where messages with enough reactions get immortalized on a "starboard" channel.
configurationGuide: trimPluginDescription(`
### Note on emojis
To specify emoji in the config, you need to use the emoji's "raw form".
To obtain this, post the emoji with a backslash in front of it.
- Example with a default emoji: "\:star:" => "⭐"
- Example with a custom emoji: "\:mrvnSmile:" => "<:mrvnSmile:543000534102310933>"
### Basic starboard
Any message on the server that gets 5 star reactions will be posted into the starboard channel (604342689038729226).
channel_id: "604342689038729226"
stars_required: 5
### Custom star emoji
This is identical to the basic starboard above, but accepts two emoji: the regular star and a custom :mrvnSmile: emoji
channel_id: "604342689038729226"
star_emoji: ["⭐", "<:mrvnSmile:543000534102310933>"]
stars_required: 5
### Limit starboard to a specific channel
This is identical to the basic starboard above, but only works from a specific channel (473087035574321152).
enabled: false # The starboard starts disabled and is then enabled in a channel override below
channel_id: "604342689038729226"
stars_required: 5
- channel: "473087035574321152"
enabled: true
protected savedMessages: GuildSavedMessages;
protected starboardMessages: GuildStarboardMessages;
protected starboardReactions: GuildStarboardReactions;
private onMessageDeleteFn;
public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions<TConfigSchema> {
return {
config: {
can_migrate: false,
boards: {},
overrides: [
level: ">=100",
config: {
can_migrate: true,
protected static preprocessStaticConfig(config: t.TypeOf<typeof PartialConfigSchema>) {
if (config.boards) {
for (const [name, opts] of Object.entries(config.boards)) {
config.boards[name] = Object.assign({}, defaultStarboardOpts, config.boards[name]);
return config;
protected getStarboardOptsForStarboardChannel(starboardChannel): TStarboardOpts[] {
const config = this.getConfigForChannel(starboardChannel);
const configs = Object.values(config.boards).filter(opts => opts.channel_id === starboardChannel.id);
configs.forEach(cfg => {
if (cfg.enabled == null) cfg.enabled = defaultStarboardOpts.enabled;
if (cfg.star_emoji == null) cfg.star_emoji = defaultStarboardOpts.star_emoji;
if (cfg.stars_required == null) cfg.stars_required = defaultStarboardOpts.stars_required;
return configs;
onLoad() {
this.savedMessages = GuildSavedMessages.getGuildInstance(this.guildId);
this.starboardMessages = GuildStarboardMessages.getGuildInstance(this.guildId);
this.starboardReactions = GuildStarboardReactions.getGuildInstance(this.guildId);
this.onMessageDeleteFn = this.onMessageDelete.bind(this);
this.savedMessages.events.on("delete", this.onMessageDeleteFn);
onUnload() {
this.savedMessages.events.off("delete", this.onMessageDeleteFn);
* When a reaction is added to a message, check if there are any applicable starboards and if the reactions reach
* the required threshold. If they do, post the message in the starboard channel.
async onMessageReactionAdd(msg: Message, emoji: { id: string; name: string }, userId: string) {
if (!msg.author) {
// Message is not cached, fetch it
try {
msg = await msg.channel.getMessage(msg.id);
} catch (e) {
// Sometimes we get this event for messages we can't fetch with getMessage; ignore silently
// No self-votes!
if (msg.author.id === userId) return;
const user = await this.resolveUser(userId);
if (user instanceof UnknownUser) return;
if (user.bot) return;
const config = this.getConfigForMemberIdAndChannelId(userId, msg.channel.id);
const applicableStarboards = Object.values(config.boards)
.filter(board => board.enabled)
// Can't star messages in the starboard channel itself
.filter(board => board.channel_id !== msg.channel.id)
// Matching emoji
.filter(board => {
return board.star_emoji.some((boardEmoji: string) => {
if (emoji.id) {
// Custom emoji
const customEmojiMatch = boardEmoji.match(/^<?:.+?:(\d+)>?$/);
if (customEmojiMatch) {
return customEmojiMatch[1] === emoji.id;
return boardEmoji === emoji.id;
} else {
// Unicode emoji
return emoji.name === boardEmoji;
for (const starboard of applicableStarboards) {
// Save reaction into the database
await this.starboardReactions.createStarboardReaction(msg.id, userId).catch(noop);
// If the message has already been posted to this starboard, we don't need to do anything else
const starboardMessages = await this.starboardMessages.getMatchingStarboardMessages(starboard.channel_id, msg.id);
if (starboardMessages.length > 0) continue;
const reactions = await this.starboardReactions.getAllReactionsForMessageId(msg.id);
const reactionsCount = reactions.length;
if (reactionsCount >= starboard.stars_required) {
await this.saveMessageToStarboard(msg, starboard.channel_id);
async onStarboardReactionRemove(msg: Message, emoji: { id: string; name: string }, userId: string) {
await this.starboardReactions.deleteStarboardReaction(msg.id, userId);
async onMessageReactionRemoveAll(msg: Message) {
await this.starboardReactions.deleteAllStarboardReactionsForMessageId(msg.id);
* Saves/posts a message to the specified starboard.
* The message is posted as an embed and image attachments are included as the embed image.
async saveMessageToStarboard(msg: Message, starboardChannelId: string) {
const channel = this.guild.channels.get(starboardChannelId);
if (!channel) return;
const time = moment(msg.timestamp, "x").format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm:ss [UTC]");
const embed: EmbedBase = {
footer: {
text: `#${(msg.channel as GuildChannel).name}`,
author: {
name: `${msg.author.username}#${msg.author.discriminator}`,
timestamp: new Date(msg.timestamp).toISOString(),
if (msg.author.avatarURL) {
embed.author.icon_url = msg.author.avatarURL;
if (msg.content) {
embed.description = msg.content;
// Include attachments
if (msg.attachments.length) {
const attachment = msg.attachments[0];
const ext = path
if (["jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif", "webp"].includes(ext)) {
embed.image = { url: attachment.url };
// Include any embed images in the original message
if (msg.embeds.length && msg.embeds[0].image) {
embed.image = msg.embeds[0].image;
embed.fields = [{ name: EMPTY_CHAR, value: `[Jump to message](${messageLink(msg)})` }];
const starboardMessage = await (channel as TextChannel).createMessage({ embed });
await this.starboardMessages.createStarboardMessage(channel.id, msg.id, starboardMessage.id);
* Remove a message from the specified starboard
async removeMessageFromStarboard(msg: StarboardMessage) {
await this.bot.deleteMessage(msg.starboard_channel_id, msg.starboard_message_id).catch(noop);
async removeMessageFromStarboardMessages(starboard_message_id: string, channel_id: string) {
await this.starboardMessages.deleteStarboardMessage(starboard_message_id, channel_id);
* When a message is deleted, also delete it from any starboards it's been posted in.
* Likewise, if a starboard message (i.e. the bot message in the starboard) is deleted, remove it from the database.
* This function is called in response to GuildSavedMessages events.
async onMessageDelete(msg: SavedMessage) {
// Deleted source message
const starboardMessages = await this.starboardMessages.getStarboardMessagesForMessageId(msg.id);
for (const starboardMessage of starboardMessages) {
// Deleted message from the starboard
const deletedStarboardMessages = await this.starboardMessages.getStarboardMessagesForStarboardMessageId(msg.id);
if (deletedStarboardMessages.length === 0) return;
for (const starboardMessage of deletedStarboardMessages) {
@d.command("starboard migrate_pins", "<pinChannel:channel> <starboardName:string>", {
extra: {
info: {
"Posts all pins from a channel to the specified starboard. The pins are NOT unpinned automatically.",
async migratePinsCmd(msg: Message, args: { pinChannel: GuildChannel; starboardName: string }) {
const config = await this.getConfig();
const starboard = config.boards[args.starboardName];
if (!starboard) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "Unknown starboard specified");
if (!(args.pinChannel instanceof TextChannel)) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "Unknown/invalid pin channel id");
const starboardChannel = this.guild.channels.get(starboard.channel_id);
if (!starboardChannel || !(starboardChannel instanceof TextChannel)) {
this.sendErrorMessage(msg.channel, "Starboard has an unknown/invalid channel id");
msg.channel.createMessage(`Migrating pins from <#${args.pinChannel.id}> to <#${starboardChannel.id}>...`);
const pins = await args.pinChannel.getPins();
pins.reverse(); // Migrate pins starting from the oldest message
for (const pin of pins) {
const existingStarboardMessage = await this.starboardMessages.getMatchingStarboardMessages(
if (existingStarboardMessage.length > 0) continue;
await this.saveMessageToStarboard(pin, starboardChannel.id);
this.sendSuccessMessage(msg.channel, `Pins migrated from <#${args.pinChannel.id}> to <#${starboardChannel.id}>!`);