257 lines
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257 lines
9.2 KiB
import { GuildPluginData } from "knub";
import { MuteOptions, MutesPluginType } from "../types";
import { ERRORS, RecoverablePluginError } from "../../../RecoverablePluginError";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import {
} from "../../../utils";
import { renderTemplate } from "../../../templateFormatter";
import { MemberOptions, TextChannel, User } from "eris";
import { CasesPlugin } from "../../Cases/CasesPlugin";
import { CaseTypes } from "../../../data/CaseTypes";
import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType";
import { Case } from "../../../data/entities/Case";
import { LogsPlugin } from "../../../plugins/Logs/LogsPlugin";
import { muteLock } from "../../../utils/lockNameHelpers";
export async function muteUser(
pluginData: GuildPluginData<MutesPluginType>,
userId: string,
muteTime?: number,
reason?: string,
muteOptions: MuteOptions = {},
removeRolesOnMuteOverride: boolean | string[] | null = null,
restoreRolesOnMuteOverride: boolean | string[] | null = null,
) {
const lock = await pluginData.locks.acquire(muteLock({ id: userId }));
const muteRole = pluginData.config.get().mute_role;
if (!muteRole) {
throw new RecoverablePluginError(ERRORS.NO_MUTE_ROLE_IN_CONFIG);
const timeUntilUnmute = muteTime ? humanizeDuration(muteTime) : "indefinite";
// No mod specified -> mark Zeppelin as the mod
if (!muteOptions.caseArgs?.modId) {
muteOptions.caseArgs = muteOptions.caseArgs ?? {};
muteOptions.caseArgs.modId = pluginData.client.user.id;
const user = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, userId);
if (!user.id) {
throw new RecoverablePluginError(ERRORS.INVALID_USER);
const member = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild, user.id, true); // Grab the fresh member so we don't have stale role info
const config = pluginData.config.getMatchingConfig({ member, userId });
let rolesToRestore: string[] = [];
if (member) {
const logs = pluginData.getPlugin(LogsPlugin);
// remove and store any roles to be removed/restored
const currentUserRoles = member.roles;
const memberOptions: MemberOptions = {};
const removeRoles = removeRolesOnMuteOverride ?? config.remove_roles_on_mute;
const restoreRoles = restoreRolesOnMuteOverride ?? config.restore_roles_on_mute;
// remove roles
if (!Array.isArray(removeRoles)) {
if (removeRoles) {
// exclude managed roles from being removed
const managedRoles = pluginData.guild.roles.filter(x => x.managed).map(y => y.id);
memberOptions.roles = managedRoles.filter(x => member.roles.includes(x));
await member.edit(memberOptions);
} else {
memberOptions.roles = currentUserRoles.filter(x => !(<string[]>removeRoles).includes(x));
await member.edit(memberOptions);
// set roles to be restored
if (!Array.isArray(restoreRoles)) {
if (restoreRoles) {
rolesToRestore = currentUserRoles;
} else {
rolesToRestore = currentUserRoles.filter(x => (<string[]>restoreRoles).includes(x));
// Apply mute role if it's missing
if (!member.roles.includes(muteRole)) {
try {
await member.addRole(muteRole);
} catch (e) {
const actualMuteRole = pluginData.guild.roles.find(x => x.id === muteRole);
if (!actualMuteRole) {
logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, {
body: `Cannot mute users, specified mute role Id is invalid`,
throw new RecoverablePluginError(ERRORS.INVALID_MUTE_ROLE_ID);
const zep = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild, pluginData.client.user.id);
const zepRoles = pluginData.guild.roles.filter(x => zep!.roles.includes(x.id));
// If we have roles and one of them is above the muted role, throw generic error
if (zepRoles.length >= 0 && zepRoles.some(zepRole => zepRole.position > actualMuteRole.position)) {
logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, {
body: `Cannot mute user ${member.id}: ${e}`,
throw e;
} else {
// Otherwise, throw error that mute role is above zeps roles
logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, {
body: `Cannot mute users, specified mute role is above Zeppelin in the role hierarchy`,
throw new RecoverablePluginError(ERRORS.MUTE_ROLE_ABOVE_ZEP);
// If enabled, move the user to the mute voice channel (e.g. afk - just to apply the voice perms from the mute role)
const cfg = pluginData.config.get();
const moveToVoiceChannel = cfg.kick_from_voice_channel ? null : cfg.move_to_voice_channel;
if (moveToVoiceChannel || cfg.kick_from_voice_channel) {
// TODO: Add back the voiceState check once we figure out how to get voice state for guild members that are loaded on-demand
try {
await member.edit({ channelID: moveToVoiceChannel });
} catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line
// If the user is already muted, update the duration of their existing mute
const existingMute = await pluginData.state.mutes.findExistingMuteForUserId(user.id);
let notifyResult: UserNotificationResult = { method: null, success: true };
if (existingMute) {
if (existingMute.roles_to_restore?.length || rolesToRestore?.length) {
rolesToRestore = Array.from(new Set([...existingMute.roles_to_restore, ...rolesToRestore]));
await pluginData.state.mutes.updateExpiryTime(user.id, muteTime, rolesToRestore);
} else {
await pluginData.state.mutes.addMute(user.id, muteTime, rolesToRestore);
const template = existingMute
? config.update_mute_message
: muteTime
? config.timed_mute_message
: config.mute_message;
const muteMessage =
template &&
(await renderTemplate(template, {
guildName: pluginData.guild.name,
reason: reason || "None",
time: timeUntilUnmute,
moderator: muteOptions.caseArgs?.modId
? stripObjectToScalars(await resolveUser(pluginData.client, muteOptions.caseArgs.modId))
: "",
if (muteMessage && user instanceof User) {
let contactMethods: UserNotificationMethod[] = [];
if (muteOptions?.contactMethods) {
contactMethods = muteOptions.contactMethods;
} else {
const useDm = existingMute ? config.dm_on_update : config.dm_on_mute;
if (useDm) {
contactMethods.push({ type: "dm" });
const useChannel = existingMute ? config.message_on_update : config.message_on_mute;
const channel = config.message_channel && pluginData.guild.channels.get(config.message_channel);
if (useChannel && channel instanceof TextChannel) {
contactMethods.push({ type: "channel", channel });
notifyResult = await notifyUser(user, muteMessage, contactMethods);
// Create/update a case
const casesPlugin = pluginData.getPlugin(CasesPlugin);
let theCase: Case | undefined =
existingMute && existingMute.case_id ? await pluginData.state.cases.find(existingMute.case_id) : undefined;
if (theCase) {
// Update old case
// Since mutes can often have multiple notes (extraNotes), we won't post each case note individually,
// but instead we'll post the entire case afterwards
const noteDetails = [`Mute updated to ${muteTime ? timeUntilUnmute : "indefinite"}`];
const reasons = reason ? [reason] : [];
if (muteOptions.caseArgs?.extraNotes) {
for (const noteReason of reasons) {
await casesPlugin.createCaseNote({
caseId: existingMute!.case_id,
modId: muteOptions.caseArgs?.modId,
body: noteReason,
postInCaseLogOverride: false,
if (muteOptions.caseArgs?.postInCaseLogOverride !== false) {
} else {
// Create new case
const noteDetails = [`Muted ${muteTime ? `for ${timeUntilUnmute}` : "indefinitely"}`];
if (notifyResult.text) {
theCase = await casesPlugin.createCase({
...(muteOptions.caseArgs || {}),
modId: muteOptions.caseArgs?.modId,
type: CaseTypes.Mute,
await pluginData.state.mutes.setCaseId(user.id, theCase.id);
// Log the action
const mod = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, muteOptions.caseArgs?.modId);
if (muteTime) {
pluginData.state.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_TIMED_MUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
time: timeUntilUnmute,
caseNumber: theCase.case_number,
} else {
pluginData.state.serverLogs.log(LogType.MEMBER_MUTE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(mod),
user: stripObjectToScalars(user),
caseNumber: theCase.case_number,
pluginData.state.events.emit("mute", user.id, reason);
return {
case: theCase,
updatedExistingMute: !!existingMute,