configAccessibleObjects are used to guarantee backwards compatibility and consistency. Perm overrides from our own plugins are ignored as to not spam logs through bot managed slowmode or companion channels
1496 lines
43 KiB
1496 lines
43 KiB
import {
} from "discord.js";
import emojiRegex from "emoji-regex";
import { either } from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import { unsafeCoerce } from "fp-ts/lib/function";
import fs from "fs";
import https from "https";
import * as t from "io-ts";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import tlds from "tlds";
import tmp from "tmp";
import { URL } from "url";
import { SavedMessage } from "./data/entities/SavedMessage";
import { SimpleCache } from "./SimpleCache";
import { sendDM } from "./utils/sendDM";
import { waitForButtonConfirm } from "./utils/waitForInteraction";
import { decodeAndValidateStrict, StrictValidationError } from "./validatorUtils";
import { isEqual } from "lodash";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
const fsp = fs.promises;
const delayStringMultipliers = {
w: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
d: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
h: 1000 * 60 * 60,
m: 1000 * 60,
s: 1000,
x: 1,
export const MS = 1;
export const SECONDS = 1000 * MS;
export const MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS;
export const HOURS = 60 * MINUTES;
export const DAYS = 24 * HOURS;
export const WEEKS = 7 * 24 * HOURS;
export const EMPTY_CHAR = "\u200b";
// https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes
export const MIN_SNOWFLAKE = 0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_00001_00001_000000000001;
// 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_11111_11111_111111111111 without _ which BigInt doesn't support
export const MAX_SNOWFLAKE = BigInt("0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
const snowflakePattern = /^[1-9]\d+$/;
export function isValidSnowflake(str: string) {
if (!str.match(snowflakePattern)) return false;
if (parseInt(str, 10) < MIN_SNOWFLAKE) return false;
if (BigInt(str) > MAX_SNOWFLAKE) return false;
return true;
export const DISCORD_HTTP_ERROR_NAME = "DiscordHTTPError";
export const DISCORD_REST_ERROR_NAME = "DiscordAPIError";
export function isDiscordHTTPError(err: Error | string) {
return typeof err === "object" && err.constructor?.name === DISCORD_HTTP_ERROR_NAME;
export function isDiscordAPIError(err: Error | string) {
return typeof err === "object" && err.constructor?.name === DISCORD_REST_ERROR_NAME;
export function tNullable<T extends t.Type<any, any>>(type: T) {
return t.union([type, t.undefined, t.null], `Nullable<${type.name}>`);
function typeHasProps(type: any): type is t.TypeC<any> {
return type.props != null;
function typeIsArray(type: any): type is t.ArrayC<any> {
return type._tag === "ArrayType";
export const tNormalizedNullOrUndefined = new t.Type<undefined, null | undefined>(
(v): v is undefined => typeof v === "undefined",
(v, c) => (v == null ? t.success(undefined) : t.failure(v, c, "Value must be null or undefined")),
s => undefined,
* Similar to `tNullable`, but normalizes both `null` and `undefined` to `undefined`.
* This allows adding optional config options that can be "removed" by setting the value to `null`.
export function tNormalizedNullOptional<T extends t.Type<any, any>>(type: T) {
return t.union(
[type, tNormalizedNullOrUndefined],
`Optional<${type.name}>`, // Simplified name for errors and config schema views
export type TDeepPartial<T> = T extends t.InterfaceType<any>
? TDeepPartialProps<T["props"]>
: T extends t.DictionaryType<any, any>
? t.DictionaryType<T["domain"], TDeepPartial<T["codomain"]>>
: T extends t.UnionType<any[]>
? t.UnionType<Array<TDeepPartial<T["types"][number]>>>
: T extends t.IntersectionType<any>
? t.IntersectionType<Array<TDeepPartial<T["types"][number]>>>
: T extends t.ArrayType<any>
? t.ArrayType<TDeepPartial<T["type"]>>
: T;
// Based on t.PartialC
export interface TDeepPartialProps<P extends t.Props>
extends t.PartialType<
[K in keyof P]?: TDeepPartial<t.TypeOf<P[K]>>;
[K in keyof P]?: TDeepPartial<t.OutputOf<P[K]>>;
> {}
export function tDeepPartial<T>(type: T): TDeepPartial<T> {
if (type instanceof t.InterfaceType || type instanceof t.PartialType) {
const newProps = {};
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries(type.props)) {
newProps[key] = tDeepPartial(prop);
return t.partial(newProps) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.DictionaryType) {
return t.record(type.domain, tDeepPartial(type.codomain)) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.UnionType) {
return t.union(type.types.map(unionType => tDeepPartial(unionType))) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.IntersectionType) {
const types = type.types.map(intersectionType => tDeepPartial(intersectionType));
return (t.intersection(types as [t.Mixed, t.Mixed]) as unknown) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.ArrayType) {
return t.array(tDeepPartial(type.type)) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else {
return type as TDeepPartial<T>;
function tDeepPartialProp(prop: any) {
if (typeHasProps(prop)) {
return tDeepPartial(prop);
} else if (typeIsArray(prop)) {
return t.array(tDeepPartialProp(prop.type));
} else {
return prop;
export function getScalarDifference<T>(
base: T,
object: T,
ignoreKeys: string[] = [],
): Map<string, { was: any; is: any }> {
base = stripObjectToScalars(base) as T;
object = stripObjectToScalars(object) as T;
const diff = new Map<string, { was: any; is: any }>();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
if (!isEqual(value, base[key]) && !ignoreKeys.includes(key)) {
diff.set(key, { was: base[key], is: value });
return diff;
// This is a stupid, messy solution that is not extendable at all.
// If anyone plans on adding anything to this, they should rewrite this first.
// I just want to get this done and this works for now :)
export function prettyDifference(diff: Map<string, { was: any; is: any }>): Map<string, { was: any; is: any }> {
const toReturn = new Map<string, { was: any; is: any }>();
for (let [key, difference] of diff) {
if (key === "rateLimitPerUser") {
difference.is = humanizeDuration(difference.is * 1000);
difference.was = humanizeDuration(difference.was * 1000);
key = "slowmode";
toReturn.set(key, { was: difference.was, is: difference.is });
return toReturn;
export function differenceToString(diff: Map<string, { was: any; is: any }>): string {
let toReturn = "";
diff = prettyDifference(diff);
for (const [key, difference] of diff) {
toReturn += `${key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)}: \`${difference.was}\` ➜ \`${difference.is}\`\n`;
return toReturn;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/49262929/316944
export type Not<T, E> = T & Exclude<T, E>;
// io-ts partial dictionary type
// From https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts/issues/429#issuecomment-655394345
export interface PartialDictionaryC<D extends t.Mixed, C extends t.Mixed>
extends t.DictionaryType<
[K in t.TypeOf<D>]?: t.TypeOf<C>;
[K in t.OutputOf<D>]?: t.OutputOf<C>;
> {}
export const tPartialDictionary = <D extends t.Mixed, C extends t.Mixed>(
domain: D,
codomain: C,
name?: string,
): PartialDictionaryC<D, C> => {
return unsafeCoerce(t.record(t.union([domain, t.undefined]), codomain, name));
export function nonNullish<V>(v: V): v is NonNullable<V> {
return v != null;
export type InviteOpts = "withMetadata" | "withCount" | "withoutCount";
export type GuildInvite<CT extends InviteOpts = "withMetadata"> = Invite & { guild: Guild };
export type GroupDMInvite<CT extends InviteOpts = "withMetadata"> = Invite & {
channel: PartialChannelData;
type: typeof Constants.ChannelTypes.GROUP;
* Mirrors EmbedOptions from Eris
export const tEmbed = t.type({
title: tNullable(t.string),
description: tNullable(t.string),
url: tNullable(t.string),
timestamp: tNullable(t.string),
color: tNullable(t.number),
footer: tNullable(
text: t.string,
icon_url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_icon_url: tNullable(t.string),
image: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
thumbnail: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
video: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
provider: tNullable(
name: t.string,
url: tNullable(t.string),
fields: tNullable(
name: tNullable(t.string),
value: tNullable(t.string),
inline: tNullable(t.boolean),
author: tNullable(
name: t.string,
url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
export type EmbedWith<T extends keyof MessageEmbedOptions> = MessageEmbedOptions &
Pick<Required<MessageEmbedOptions>, T>;
export type StrictMessageContent = {
content?: string;
tts?: boolean;
disableEveryone?: boolean;
embed?: MessageEmbedOptions;
export const tStrictMessageContent = t.type({
content: tNullable(t.string),
tts: tNullable(t.boolean),
disableEveryone: tNullable(t.boolean),
embed: tNullable(tEmbed),
export const tMessageContent = t.union([t.string, tStrictMessageContent]);
* Mirrors AllowedMentions from Eris
export const tAllowedMentions = t.type({
everyone: tNormalizedNullOptional(t.boolean),
users: tNormalizedNullOptional(t.union([t.boolean, t.array(t.string)])),
roles: tNormalizedNullOptional(t.union([t.boolean, t.array(t.string)])),
repliedUser: tNormalizedNullOptional(t.boolean),
export function dropPropertiesByName(obj, propName) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(propName)) delete obj[propName];
for (const value of Object.values(obj)) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)) {
dropPropertiesByName(value, propName);
export const tAlphanumeric = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
return s.match(/\W/) ? t.failure(from, to, "String must be alphanumeric") : t.success(s);
s => s,
export const tDateTime = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
const parsed =
s.length === 10 ? moment.utc(s, "YYYY-MM-DD") : s.length === 19 ? moment.utc(s, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : null;
return parsed && parsed.isValid() ? t.success(s) : t.failure(from, to, "Invalid datetime");
s => s,
export const tDelayString = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
const ms = convertDelayStringToMS(s);
return ms === null ? t.failure(from, to, "Invalid delay string") : t.success(s);
s => s,
// To avoid running into issues with the JS max date vaLue, we cap maximum delay strings *far* below that.
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date#The_ECMAScript_epoch_and_timestamps
const MAX_DELAY_STRING_AMOUNT = 100 * 365 * DAYS;
* Turns a "delay string" such as "1h30m" to milliseconds
export function convertDelayStringToMS(str, defaultUnit = "m"): number | null {
const regex = /^([0-9]+)\s*([wdhms])?[a-z]*\s*/;
let match;
let ms = 0;
str = str.trim();
// tslint:disable-next-line
while (str !== "" && (match = str.match(regex)) !== null) {
ms += match[1] * ((match[2] && delayStringMultipliers[match[2]]) || delayStringMultipliers[defaultUnit]);
str = str.slice(match[0].length);
// Invalid delay string
if (str !== "") {
return null;
return null;
return ms;
export function convertMSToDelayString(ms: number): string {
let result = "";
let remaining = ms;
for (const [abbr, multiplier] of Object.entries(delayStringMultipliers)) {
if (multiplier <= remaining) {
const amount = Math.floor(remaining / multiplier);
result += `${amount}${abbr}`;
remaining -= amount * multiplier;
if (remaining === 0) break;
return result;
export function successMessage(str, emoji = "<:zep_check:650361014180904971>") {
return emoji ? `${emoji} ${str}` : str;
export function errorMessage(str, emoji = "⚠") {
return emoji ? `${emoji} ${str}` : str;
export function get(obj, path, def?): any {
let cursor = obj;
const pathParts = path.split(".");
for (const part of pathParts) {
// hasOwnProperty check here is necessary to prevent prototype traversal in tags
if (!cursor.hasOwnProperty(part)) return def;
cursor = cursor[part];
if (cursor === undefined) return def;
if (cursor == null) return null;
return cursor;
export function has(obj, path): boolean {
return get(obj, path) !== undefined;
export function stripObjectToScalars(obj, includedNested: string[] = []) {
const result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
for (const key in obj) {
if (
obj[key] == null ||
typeof obj[key] === "string" ||
typeof obj[key] === "number" ||
typeof obj[key] === "boolean"
) {
result[key] = obj[key];
} else if (typeof obj[key] === "object") {
const prefix = `${key}.`;
const nestedNested = includedNested
.filter(p => p === key || p.startsWith(prefix))
.map(p => (p === key ? p : p.slice(prefix.length)));
if (nestedNested.length) {
result[key] = stripObjectToScalars(obj[key], nestedNested);
return result;
export const snowflakeRegex = /[1-9][0-9]{5,19}/;
const isSnowflakeRegex = new RegExp(`^${snowflakeRegex.source}$`);
export function isSnowflake(v: string): boolean {
return isSnowflakeRegex.test(v);
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
* Attempts to find a relevant audit log entry for the given user and action
const auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail: Map<string, number> = new Map();
export async function findRelevantAuditLogEntry(
guild: Guild,
actionType: number,
userId: string,
attempts: number = 3,
attemptDelay: number = 3000,
): Promise<GuildAuditLogsEntry | null> {
if (auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.has(guild.id) && auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.get(guild.id)! > Date.now()) {
return null;
let auditLogs: GuildAuditLogs | null = null;
try {
auditLogs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs({ limit: 5, type: actionType });
} catch (e) {
if (isDiscordAPIError(e) && e.code === 50013) {
// If we don't have permission to read audit log, set audit log requests on cooldown
auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.set(guild.id, Date.now() + AUDIT_LOG_FAIL_COOLDOWN);
} else if (isDiscordHTTPError(e) && e.code === 500) {
// Ignore internal server errors which seem to be pretty common with audit log requests
} else if (e.message.startsWith("Request timed out")) {
// Ignore timeouts, try again next loop
} else {
throw e;
const entries = auditLogs ? auditLogs.entries.array() : [];
entries.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return -1;
if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return 1;
return 0;
const cutoffTS = Date.now() - 1000 * 60 * 2;
const relevantEntry = entries.find(entry => {
return (entry.target as { id }).id === userId && entry.createdTimestamp >= cutoffTS;
if (relevantEntry) {
return relevantEntry;
} else if (attempts > 0) {
await sleep(attemptDelay);
return findRelevantAuditLogEntry(guild, actionType, userId, attempts - 1, attemptDelay);
} else {
return null;
const realLinkRegex = /https?:\/\/\S+/; // http://anything or https://anything
const plainLinkRegex = /((?!https?:\/\/)\S)+\.\S+/; // anything.anything, without http:// or https:// preceding it
// Both of the above, with precedence on the first one
const urlRegex = new RegExp(`(${realLinkRegex.source}|${plainLinkRegex.source})`, "g");
const protocolRegex = /^[a-z]+:\/\//;
interface MatchedURL extends URL {
input: string;
export function getUrlsInString(str: string, onlyUnique = false): MatchedURL[] {
let matches = str.match(urlRegex) || [];
if (onlyUnique) {
matches = unique(matches);
return matches.reduce<MatchedURL[]>((urls, match) => {
const withProtocol = protocolRegex.test(match) ? match : `https://${match}`;
let matchUrl: MatchedURL;
try {
matchUrl = new URL(withProtocol) as MatchedURL;
matchUrl.input = match;
} catch {
return urls;
const hostnameParts = matchUrl.hostname.split(".");
const tld = hostnameParts[hostnameParts.length - 1];
if (tlds.includes(tld)) {
return urls;
}, []);
export function parseInviteCodeInput(str: string): string {
if (str.match(/^[a-z0-9]{6,}$/i)) {
return str;
return getInviteCodesInString(str)[0];
export function isNotNull(value): value is Exclude<typeof value, null> {
return value != null;
// discord.com/invite/<code>
// discordapp.com/invite/<code>
// discord.gg/invite/<code>
// discord.gg/<code>
const quickInviteDetection = /(?:discord.com|discordapp.com)\/invite\/([a-z0-9\-]+)|discord.gg\/(?:\S+\/)?([a-z0-9\-]+)/gi;
const isInviteHostRegex = /(?:^|\.)(?:discord.gg|discord.com|discordapp.com)$/i;
const longInvitePathRegex = /^\/invite\/([a-z0-9\-]+)$/i;
export function getInviteCodesInString(str: string): string[] {
const inviteCodes: string[] = [];
// Clean up markdown
str = str.replace(/[|*_~]/g, "");
// Quick detection
const quickDetectionMatch = str.matchAll(quickInviteDetection);
if (quickDetectionMatch) {
inviteCodes.push(...[...quickDetectionMatch].map(m => m[1] || m[2]));
// Deep detection via URL parsing
const linksInString = getUrlsInString(str, true);
const potentialInviteLinks = linksInString.filter(url => isInviteHostRegex.test(url.hostname));
const withNormalizedPaths = potentialInviteLinks.map(url => {
url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/").replace(/\/+$/g, "");
return url;
const codesFromInviteLinks = withNormalizedPaths
.map(url => {
// discord.gg/[anything/]<code>
if (url.hostname === "discord.gg") {
const parts = url.pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean);
return parts[parts.length - 1];
// discord.com/invite/<code>[/anything]
// discordapp.com/invite/<code>[/anything]
const longInviteMatch = url.pathname.match(longInvitePathRegex);
if (longInviteMatch) {
return longInviteMatch[1];
return null;
.filter(Boolean) as string[];
return unique(inviteCodes);
export const unicodeEmojiRegex = emojiRegex();
export const customEmojiRegex = /<a?:(.*?):(\d+)>/;
const matchAllEmojiRegex = new RegExp(`(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})`, "g");
export function getEmojiInString(str: string): string[] {
return str.match(matchAllEmojiRegex) || [];
export function isEmoji(str: string): boolean {
return str.match(`^(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})$`) !== null;
export function isUnicodeEmoji(str: string): boolean {
return str.match(`^${unicodeEmojiRegex.source}$`) !== null;
export function trimLines(str: string) {
return str
.map(l => l.trim())
export function trimEmptyLines(str: string) {
return str
.filter(l => l.trim() !== "")
export function asSingleLine(str: string) {
return trimLines(str).replace(/\n/g, " ");
export function trimEmptyStartEndLines(str: string) {
const lines = str.split("\n");
let emptyLinesAtStart = 0;
let emptyLinesAtEnd = 0;
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.match(/^\s*$/)) {
} else {
for (let i = lines.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*$/)) {
} else {
return lines.slice(emptyLinesAtStart, emptyLinesAtEnd ? -1 * emptyLinesAtEnd : undefined).join("\n");
export function trimIndents(str: string, indentLength: number) {
const regex = new RegExp(`^\\s{0,${indentLength}}`, "g");
return str
.map(line => line.replace(regex, ""))
export function indentLine(str: string, indentLength: number) {
return " ".repeat(indentLength) + str;
export function indentLines(str: string, indentLength: number) {
return str
.map(line => indentLine(line, indentLength))
export const emptyEmbedValue = "\u200b";
export const preEmbedPadding = emptyEmbedValue + "\n";
export const embedPadding = "\n" + emptyEmbedValue;
export const userMentionRegex = /<@!?([0-9]+)>/g;
export const roleMentionRegex = /<@&([0-9]+)>/g;
export const channelMentionRegex = /<#([0-9]+)>/g;
export function getUserMentions(str: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(userMentionRegex.source, "g");
const userIds: string[] = [];
let match;
// tslint:disable-next-line
while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
return userIds;
export function getRoleMentions(str: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(roleMentionRegex.source, "g");
const roleIds: string[] = [];
let match;
// tslint:disable-next-line
while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
return roleIds;
* Disable link previews in the given string by wrapping links in < >
export function disableLinkPreviews(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/(?<!<)(https?:\/\/\S+)/gi, "<$1>");
export function deactivateMentions(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/@/g, "@\u200b");
* Disable inline code in the given string by replacing backticks/grave accents with acute accents
* FIXME: Find a better way that keeps the grave accents? Can't use the code block approach here since it's just 1 character.
export function disableInlineCode(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/`/g, "\u00b4");
* Disable code blocks in the given string by adding invisible unicode characters between backticks
export function disableCodeBlocks(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/`/g, "`\u200b");
export function useMediaUrls(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/cdn\.discord(app)?\.com/g, "media.discordapp.net");
export function chunkArray<T>(arr: T[], chunkSize): T[][] {
const chunks: T[][] = [];
let currentChunk: T[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ((i !== 0 && i % chunkSize === 0) || i === arr.length - 1) {
currentChunk = [];
return chunks;
export function chunkLines(str: string, maxChunkLength = 2000): string[] {
if (str.length < maxChunkLength) {
return [str];
const chunks: string[] = [];
while (str.length) {
if (str.length <= maxChunkLength) {
const slice = str.slice(0, maxChunkLength);
const lastLineBreakIndex = slice.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (lastLineBreakIndex === -1) {
chunks.push(str.slice(0, maxChunkLength));
str = str.slice(maxChunkLength);
} else {
chunks.push(str.slice(0, lastLineBreakIndex));
str = str.slice(lastLineBreakIndex + 1);
return chunks;
* Chunks a long message to multiple smaller messages, retaining leading and trailing line breaks, open code blocks, etc.
* Default maxChunkLength is 1990, a bit under the message length limit of 2000, so we have space to add code block
* shenanigans to the start/end when needed. Take this into account when choosing a custom maxChunkLength as well.
export function chunkMessageLines(str: string, maxChunkLength = 1990): string[] {
const chunks = chunkLines(str, maxChunkLength);
let openCodeBlock = false;
return chunks.map(chunk => {
// If the chunk starts with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away
if (chunk[0] === "\n") chunk = "\u200b" + chunk;
// If the chunk ends with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away
if (chunk[chunk.length - 1] === "\n") chunk = chunk + "\u200b";
// If the previous chunk had an open code block, open it here again
if (openCodeBlock) {
openCodeBlock = false;
if (chunk.startsWith("```")) {
// Edge case: chunk starts with a code block delimiter, e.g. the previous chunk and this one were split right before the end of a code block
// Fix: just strip the code block delimiter away from here, we don't need it anymore
chunk = chunk.slice(3);
} else {
chunk = "```" + chunk;
// If the chunk has an open code block, close it and open it again in the next chunk
const codeBlockDelimiters = chunk.match(/```/g);
if (codeBlockDelimiters && codeBlockDelimiters.length % 2 !== 0) {
chunk += "```";
openCodeBlock = true;
return chunk;
export async function createChunkedMessage(
channel: TextChannel | User,
messageText: string,
allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions,
) {
const chunks = chunkMessageLines(messageText);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
await channel.send({ content: chunk, allowedMentions });
* Downloads the file from the given URL to a temporary file, with retry support
export function downloadFile(attachmentUrl: string, retries = 3): Promise<{ path: string; deleteFn: () => void }> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
tmp.file((err, path, fd, deleteFn) => {
if (err) throw err;
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(path);
.get(attachmentUrl, res => {
writeStream.on("finish", () => {
.on("error", httpsErr => {
if (retries === 0) {
throw httpsErr;
} else {
console.warn("File download failed, retrying. Error given:", httpsErr.message); // tslint:disable-line
resolve(downloadFile(attachmentUrl, retries - 1));
type ItemWithRanking<T> = [T, number];
export function simpleClosestStringMatch(searchStr: string, haystack: string[]): string | null;
export function simpleClosestStringMatch<T extends Not<any, string>>(
haystack: T[],
getter: (item: T) => string,
): T | null;
export function simpleClosestStringMatch(searchStr, haystack, getter?) {
const normalizedSearchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
// See if any haystack item contains a part of the search string
const itemsWithRankings: Array<ItemWithRanking<any>> = haystack.map(item => {
const itemStr: string = getter ? getter(item) : item;
const normalizedItemStr = itemStr.toLowerCase();
let i = 0;
do {
if (!normalizedItemStr.includes(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i + 1))) break;
} while (i < normalizedSearchStr.length);
if (i > 0 && normalizedItemStr.startsWith(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i))) {
// Slightly prioritize items that *start* with the search string
i += 0.5;
return [item, i] as ItemWithRanking<any>;
// Sort by best match
itemsWithRankings.sort((a, b) => {
return a[1] > b[1] ? -1 : 1;
if (itemsWithRankings[0][1] === 0) {
return null;
return itemsWithRankings[0][0];
type sorterDirection = "ASC" | "DESC";
type sorterGetterFn = (any) => any;
type sorterGetterFnWithDirection = [sorterGetterFn, sorterDirection];
type sorterGetterResolvable = string | sorterGetterFn;
type sorterGetterResolvableWithDirection = [sorterGetterResolvable, sorterDirection];
type sorterFn = (a: any, b: any) => number;
function resolveGetter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable): sorterGetterFn {
if (typeof getter === "string") {
return obj => obj[getter];
return getter;
export function multiSorter(getters: Array<sorterGetterResolvable | sorterGetterResolvableWithDirection>): sorterFn {
const resolvedGetters: sorterGetterFnWithDirection[] = getters.map(getter => {
if (Array.isArray(getter)) {
return [resolveGetter(getter[0]), getter[1]] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection;
} else {
return [resolveGetter(getter), "ASC"] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection;
return (a, b) => {
for (const getter of resolvedGetters) {
const aVal = getter[0](a);
const bVal = getter[0](b);
if (aVal > bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? 1 : -1;
if (aVal < bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
export function sorter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable, direction: sorterDirection = "ASC"): sorterFn {
return multiSorter([[getter, direction]]);
export function noop() {
export type CustomEmoji = {
id: string;
} & Emoji;
export type UserNotificationMethod = { type: "dm" } | { type: "channel"; channel: TextChannel };
export const disableUserNotificationStrings = ["no", "none", "off"];
export interface UserNotificationResult {
method: UserNotificationMethod | null;
success: boolean;
text?: string;
export function createUserNotificationError(text: string): UserNotificationResult {
return {
method: null,
success: false,
* Attempts to notify the user using one of the specified methods. Only the first one that succeeds will be used.
* @param methods List of methods to try, in priority order
export async function notifyUser(
user: User,
body: string,
methods: UserNotificationMethod[],
): Promise<UserNotificationResult> {
if (methods.length === 0) {
return { method: null, success: true };
let lastError: Error | null = null;
for (const method of methods) {
if (method.type === "dm") {
try {
await sendDM(user, body, "mod action notification");
return {
success: true,
text: "user notified with a direct message",
} catch (e) {
lastError = e;
} else if (method.type === "channel") {
try {
await method.channel.send({
content: `<@!${user.id}> ${body}`,
allowedMentions: { users: [user.id] },
return {
success: true,
text: `user notified in <#${method.channel.id}>`,
} catch (e) {
lastError = e;
const errorText = lastError ? `failed to message user: ${lastError.message}` : `failed to message user`;
return {
method: null,
success: false,
text: errorText,
export function ucfirst(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string" || str === "") return str;
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
export class UnknownUser {
public id: string;
public username = "Unknown";
public discriminator = "0000";
constructor(props = {}) {
for (const key in props) {
this[key] = props[key];
export function isObjectLiteral(obj) {
let deepestPrototype = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(deepestPrototype) != null) {
deepestPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(deepestPrototype);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === deepestPrototype;
const keyMods = ["+", "-", "="];
export function deepKeyIntersect(obj, keyReference) {
const result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (!keyReference.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// Temporary solution so we don't erase keys with modifiers
// Modifiers will be removed soon(tm) so we can remove this when that happens as well
let found = false;
for (const mod of keyMods) {
if (keyReference.hasOwnProperty(mod + key)) {
key = mod + key;
found = true;
if (!found) continue;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// Also temp (because modifier shenanigans)
result[key] = keyReference[key];
} else if (
value != null &&
typeof value === "object" &&
typeof keyReference[key] === "object" &&
) {
result[key] = deepKeyIntersect(value, keyReference[key]);
} else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
const unknownUsers = new Set();
const unknownMembers = new Set();
export function resolveUserId(bot: Client, value: string) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
// A user mention?
const mentionMatch = value.match(/^<@!?(\d+)>$/);
if (mentionMatch) {
return mentionMatch[1];
// A non-mention, full username?
const usernameMatch = value.match(/^@?([^#]+)#(\d{4})$/);
if (usernameMatch) {
const user = bot.users.cache.find(u => u.username === usernameMatch[1] && u.discriminator === usernameMatch[2]);
if (user) return user.id;
// Just a user ID?
if (isValidSnowflake(value)) {
return value;
return null;
* Finds a matching User for the passed user id, user mention, or full username (with discriminator).
* If a user is not found, returns an UnknownUser instead.
export function getUser(client: Client, userResolvable: string): User | UnknownUser {
const id = resolveUserId(client, userResolvable);
return id ? client.users.resolve(id as Snowflake) || new UnknownUser({ id }) : new UnknownUser();
* Resolves a User from the passed string. The passed string can be a user id, a user mention, a full username (with discrim), etc.
* If the user is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API.
export async function resolveUser(bot: Client, value: string): Promise<User | UnknownUser>;
export async function resolveUser<T>(bot: Client, value: Not<T, string>): Promise<UnknownUser>;
export async function resolveUser<T>(bot, value) {
if (typeof value !== "string") {
return new UnknownUser();
const userId = resolveUserId(bot, value);
if (!userId) {
return new UnknownUser();
// If we have the user cached, return that directly
if (bot.users.cache.has(userId)) {
return bot.users.fetch(userId);
// We don't want to spam the API by trying to fetch unknown users again and again,
// so we cache the fact that they're "unknown" for a while
if (unknownUsers.has(userId)) {
return new UnknownUser({ id: userId });
const freshUser = await bot.users.fetch(userId, true, true).catch(noop);
if (freshUser) {
return freshUser;
setTimeout(() => unknownUsers.delete(userId), 15 * MINUTES);
return new UnknownUser({ id: userId });
* Resolves a guild Member from the passed user id, user mention, or full username (with discriminator).
* If the member is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API.
export async function resolveMember(
bot: Client,
guild: Guild,
value: string,
fresh = false,
): Promise<GuildMember | null> {
const userId = resolveUserId(bot, value);
if (!userId) return null;
// If we have the member cached, return that directly
if (guild.members.cache.has(userId as Snowflake) && !fresh) {
return guild.members.cache.get(userId as Snowflake) || null;
// We don't want to spam the API by trying to fetch unknown members again and again,
// so we cache the fact that they're "unknown" for a while
const unknownKey = `${guild.id}-${userId}`;
if (unknownMembers.has(unknownKey)) {
return null;
const freshMember = await guild.members.fetch({ user: userId as Snowflake, force: true }).catch(noop);
if (freshMember) {
// freshMember.id = userId; // I dont even know why this is here -Dark
return freshMember;
setTimeout(() => unknownMembers.delete(unknownKey), 15 * MINUTES);
return null;
* Resolves a role from the passed role ID, role mention, or role name.
* In the event of duplicate role names, this function will return the first one it comes across.
* FIXME: Define "first one it comes across" better
export async function resolveRoleId(bot: Client, guildId: string, value: string) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
// Role mention
const mentionMatch = value.match(/^<@&?(\d+)>$/);
if (mentionMatch) {
return mentionMatch[1];
// Role name
const roleList = await (await bot.guilds.fetch(guildId as Snowflake)).roles.cache;
const role = roleList.filter(x => x.name.toLocaleLowerCase() === value.toLocaleLowerCase());
if (role[0]) {
return role[0].id;
// Role ID
const idMatch = value.match(/^\d+$/);
if (idMatch) {
return value;
return null;
const inviteCache = new SimpleCache<Promise<Invite | null>>(10 * MINUTES, 200);
type ResolveInviteReturnType<T extends boolean> = Promise<Invite | null>;
export async function resolveInvite<T extends boolean>(
client: Client,
code: string,
withCounts?: T,
): ResolveInviteReturnType<T> {
const key = `${code}:${withCounts ? 1 : 0}`;
if (inviteCache.has(key)) {
return inviteCache.get(key) as ResolveInviteReturnType<T>;
// @ts-ignore: the getInvite() withCounts typings are blergh
const promise = client.fetchInvite(code).catch(() => null);
inviteCache.set(key, promise);
return promise as ResolveInviteReturnType<T>;
export async function confirm(channel: TextChannel, userId: string, content: MessageOptions): Promise<boolean> {
return waitForButtonConfirm(channel, content, { restrictToId: userId });
export function messageSummary(msg: SavedMessage) {
// Regular text content
let result = "```\n" + (msg.data.content ? disableCodeBlocks(msg.data.content) : "<no text content>") + "```";
// Rich embed
const richEmbed = (msg.data.embeds || []).find(e => (e as MessageEmbed).type === "rich");
if (richEmbed) result += "Embed:```" + disableCodeBlocks(JSON.stringify(richEmbed)) + "```";
// Attachments
if (msg.data.attachments) {
result +=
"Attachments:\n" +
msg.data.attachments.map((a: MessageAttachment) => disableLinkPreviews(a.url)).join("\n") +
return result;
export function verboseUserMention(user: User | UnknownUser): string {
if (user.id == null) {
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**`;
return `<@!${user.id}> (**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**, \`${user.id}\`)`;
export function verboseUserName(user: User | UnknownUser): string {
if (user.id == null) {
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**`;
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}** (\`${user.id}\`)`;
export function verboseChannelMention(channel: GuildChannel): string {
const plainTextName = channel.type === "voice" || channel.type === "stage" ? channel.name : `#${channel.name}`;
return `<#${channel.id}> (**${plainTextName}**, \`${channel.id}\`)`;
export function messageLink(message: Message): string;
export function messageLink(guildId: string, channelId: string, messageId: string): string;
export function messageLink(guildIdOrMessage: string | Message | null, channelId?: string, messageId?: string): string {
let guildId;
if (guildIdOrMessage == null) {
// Full arguments without a guild id -> DM/Group chat
guildId = "@me";
} else if (guildIdOrMessage instanceof Message) {
// Message object as the only argument
guildId = (guildIdOrMessage.channel as GuildChannel).guild?.id ?? "@me";
channelId = guildIdOrMessage.channel.id;
messageId = guildIdOrMessage.id;
} else {
// Full arguments with all IDs
guildId = guildIdOrMessage;
return `https://discord.com/channels/${guildId}/${channelId}/${messageId}`;
export function isValidEmbed(embed: any): boolean {
const result = decodeAndValidateStrict(tEmbed, embed);
return !(result instanceof StrictValidationError);
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US");
export function formatNumber(numberToFormat: number): string {
return formatter.format(numberToFormat);
interface IMemoizedItem {
createdAt: number;
value: any;
const memoizeCache: Map<any, IMemoizedItem> = new Map();
export function memoize<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, key?, time?): T {
const realKey = key ?? fn;
if (memoizeCache.has(realKey)) {
const memoizedItem = memoizeCache.get(realKey)!;
if (!time || memoizedItem.createdAt > Date.now() - time) {
return memoizedItem.value;
const value = fn();
memoizeCache.set(realKey, {
createdAt: Date.now(),
return value;
type RecursiveRenderFn = (str: string) => string | Promise<string>;
export async function renderRecursively(value, fn: RecursiveRenderFn) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const result: any[] = [];
for (const item of value) {
result.push(await renderRecursively(item, fn));
return result;
} else if (value === null) {
return null;
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
const result = {};
for (const [prop, _value] of Object.entries(value)) {
result[prop] = await renderRecursively(_value, fn);
return result;
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
return fn(value);
return value;
export function isValidEmoji(emoji: string): boolean {
return isUnicodeEmoji(emoji) || isSnowflake(emoji);
export function canUseEmoji(client: Client, emoji: string): boolean {
if (isUnicodeEmoji(emoji)) {
return true;
} else if (isSnowflake(emoji)) {
for (const guild of client.guilds.cache) {
if (guild[1].emojis.cache.some(e => (e as any).id === emoji)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid emoji ${emoji}`);
return false;
* Trims any empty lines from the beginning and end of the given string
* and indents matching the first line's indent
export function trimMultilineString(str) {
const emptyLinesTrimmed = trimEmptyStartEndLines(str);
const lines = emptyLinesTrimmed.split("\n");
const firstLineIndentation = (lines[0].match(/^ +/g) || [""])[0].length;
return trimIndents(emptyLinesTrimmed, firstLineIndentation);
export const trimPluginDescription = trimMultilineString;
export function isFullMessage(msg: Message | PartialMessage): msg is Message {
return (msg as Message).createdAt != null;
export function isGuildInvite<CT extends InviteOpts>(invite: Invite): invite is GuildInvite<CT> {
return invite.guild != null;
export function isGroupDMInvite<CT extends InviteOpts>(invite: Invite): invite is GroupDMInvite<CT> {
return invite.guild == null && invite.channel?.type === "group";
export function inviteHasCounts(invite: Invite): invite is Invite {
return invite.memberCount != null;
export function asyncMap<T, R>(arr: T[], fn: (item: T) => Promise<R>): Promise<R[]> {
return Promise.all(arr.map((item, index) => fn(item)));
export function unique<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(arr));
export const DBDateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";