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synced 2025-03-19 15:30:00 +00:00
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114 lines
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import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { baseTypeHelpers as t } from "knub";
import { Role, TextChannel } from "eris";
import { chunkArray, sorter, trimLines } from "../../../utils";
import { refreshMembersIfNeeded } from "../refreshMembers";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
export const RolesCmd = utilityCmd(
search: t.string({ catchAll: true }),
counts: t.switchOption(),
sort: t.string({ option: true }),
description: "List all roles or roles matching a search",
usage: "!roles mod",
permission: "can_roles",
async ({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) => {
const { guild } = pluginData;
let roles: Array<{ _memberCount?: number } & Role> = Array.from((msg.channel as TextChannel).guild.roles.values());
let sort = args.sort;
if (args.search) {
const searchStr = args.search.toLowerCase();
roles = roles.filter(r => r.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchStr) || r.id === searchStr);
if (args.counts) {
await refreshMembersIfNeeded(guild);
// If the user requested role member counts as well, calculate them and sort the roles by their member count
const roleCounts: Map<string, number> = Array.from(guild.members.values()).reduce((map, member) => {
for (const roleId of member.roles) {
if (!map.has(roleId)) map.set(roleId, 0);
map.set(roleId, map.get(roleId) + 1);
return map;
}, new Map());
// The "everyone" role always has all members in it
roleCounts.set(guild.id, guild.memberCount);
for (const role of roles) {
role._memberCount = roleCounts.has(role.id) ? roleCounts.get(role.id) : 0;
if (!sort) sort = "-memberCount";
roles.sort((a, b) => {
if (a._memberCount > b._memberCount) return -1;
if (a._memberCount < b._memberCount) return 1;
return 0;
} else {
// Otherwise sort by name
roles.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name.toLowerCase() > b.name.toLowerCase()) return 1;
if (a.name.toLowerCase() < b.name.toLowerCase()) return -1;
return 0;
if (!sort) sort = "name";
let sortDir: "ASC" | "DESC" = "ASC";
if (sort && sort[0] === "-") {
sort = sort.slice(1);
sortDir = "DESC";
if (sort === "position" || sort === "order") {
roles.sort(sorter("position", sortDir));
} else if (sort === "memberCount" && args.counts) {
roles.sort(sorter("_memberCount", sortDir));
} else if (sort === "name") {
roles.sort(sorter(r => r.name.toLowerCase(), sortDir));
} else {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Unknown sorting method");
const longestId = roles.reduce((longest, role) => Math.max(longest, role.id.length), 0);
const chunks = chunkArray(roles, 20);
for (const [i, chunk] of chunks.entries()) {
const roleLines = chunk.map(role => {
const paddedId = role.id.padEnd(longestId, " ");
let line = `${paddedId} ${role.name}`;
if (role._memberCount != null) {
line += role._memberCount === 1 ? ` (${role._memberCount} member)` : ` (${role._memberCount} members)`;
return line;
if (i === 0) {
${args.search ? "Total roles found" : "Total roles"}: ${roles.length}
} else {
msg.channel.createMessage("```py\n" + roleLines.join("\n") + "```");