2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { noop, trimLines } from "../../../utils";
import { Message } from "eris";
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
export const PingCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "ping",
description: "Test the bot's ping to the Discord API",
permission: "can_ping",
async run({ message: msg, pluginData }) {
2020-11-09 20:03:57 +02:00
const times: number[] = [];
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
const messages: Message[] = [];
2020-11-09 20:03:57 +02:00
let msgToMsgDelay: number | undefined;
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const start = performance.now();
const message = await msg.channel.createMessage(`Calculating ping... ${i + 1}`);
times.push(performance.now() - start);
2020-11-09 20:03:57 +02:00
if (msgToMsgDelay === undefined) {
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
msgToMsgDelay = message.timestamp - msg.timestamp;
const highest = Math.round(Math.max(...times));
const lowest = Math.round(Math.min(...times));
const mean = Math.round(times.reduce((total, ms) => total + ms, 0) / times.length);
2020-11-09 20:03:57 +02:00
const shard = pluginData.client.shards.get(pluginData.client.guildShardMap[pluginData.guild.id])!;
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
Lowest: **${lowest}ms**
Highest: **${highest}ms**
Mean: **${mean}ms**
2020-11-09 20:03:57 +02:00
Time between ping command and first reply: **${msgToMsgDelay!}ms**
2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
Shard latency: **${shard.latency}ms**
// Clean up test messages
messages.map(m => m.id),