Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ZeppelinBot/Zeppelin.git synced 2025-03-18 06:51:51 +00:00

1239 lines
35 KiB
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import {
2020-07-27 21:51:03 +03:00
2020-07-05 15:59:15 +03:00
2020-07-05 15:59:15 +03:00
2020-07-27 21:51:03 +03:00
2020-07-05 15:59:15 +03:00
} from "eris";
import url from "url";
import tlds from "tlds";
2019-07-22 01:33:38 +03:00
import emojiRegex from "emoji-regex";
import * as t from "io-ts";
2019-01-15 03:04:47 +02:00
import fs from "fs";
import https from "https";
import tmp from "tmp";
import { helpers } from "knub";
import { SavedMessage } from "./data/entities/SavedMessage";
import { decodeAndValidateStrict, StrictValidationError, validate } from "./validatorUtils";
2019-12-01 15:57:35 +02:00
import { either } from "fp-ts/lib/Either";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { SimpleCache } from "./SimpleCache";
import { logger } from "./logger";
const fsp = fs.promises;
2019-01-15 03:04:47 +02:00
const delayStringMultipliers = {
w: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
d: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
h: 1000 * 60 * 60,
m: 1000 * 60,
s: 1000,
2019-12-01 15:57:35 +02:00
x: 1,
export const MS = 1;
export const SECONDS = 1000 * MS;
export const MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS;
export const HOURS = 60 * MINUTES;
export const DAYS = 24 * HOURS;
2019-12-01 23:23:34 +02:00
export const WEEKS = 7 * 24 * HOURS;
export const EMPTY_CHAR = "\u200b";
export const DISCORD_HTTP_ERROR_NAME = "DiscordHTTPError";
export const DISCORD_REST_ERROR_NAME = "DiscordRESTError";
export function isDiscordHTTPError(err: Error | string) {
return typeof err === "object" && err.constructor?.name === DISCORD_HTTP_ERROR_NAME;
export function isDiscordRESTError(err: Error | string) {
return typeof err === "object" && err.constructor?.name === DISCORD_REST_ERROR_NAME;
export function tNullable<T extends t.Type<any, any>>(type: T) {
return t.union([type, t.undefined, t.null], `Nullable<${type.name}>`);
2019-08-22 02:58:32 +03:00
function typeHasProps(type: any): type is t.TypeC<any> {
return type.props != null;
function typeIsArray(type: any): type is t.ArrayC<any> {
return type._tag === "ArrayType";
export type TDeepPartial<T> = T extends t.InterfaceType<any>
? TDeepPartialProps<T["props"]>
: T extends t.DictionaryType<any, any>
? t.DictionaryType<T["domain"], TDeepPartial<T["codomain"]>>
: T extends t.UnionType<any[]>
? t.UnionType<Array<TDeepPartial<T["types"][number]>>>
: T extends t.IntersectionType<any>
? t.IntersectionType<Array<TDeepPartial<T["types"][number]>>>
: T extends t.ArrayType<any>
? t.ArrayType<TDeepPartial<T["type"]>>
: T;
// Based on t.PartialC
export interface TDeepPartialProps<P extends t.Props>
extends t.PartialType<
[K in keyof P]?: TDeepPartial<t.TypeOf<P[K]>>;
[K in keyof P]?: TDeepPartial<t.OutputOf<P[K]>>;
> {}
export function tDeepPartial<T>(type: T): TDeepPartial<T> {
if (type instanceof t.InterfaceType || type instanceof t.PartialType) {
const newProps = {};
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries(type.props)) {
newProps[key] = tDeepPartial(prop);
return t.partial(newProps) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.DictionaryType) {
return t.record(type.domain, tDeepPartial(type.codomain)) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.UnionType) {
return t.union(type.types.map(unionType => tDeepPartial(unionType))) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.IntersectionType) {
const types = type.types.map(intersectionType => tDeepPartial(intersectionType));
return (t.intersection(types as [t.Mixed, t.Mixed]) as unknown) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else if (type instanceof t.ArrayType) {
return t.array(tDeepPartial(type.type)) as TDeepPartial<T>;
} else {
return type as TDeepPartial<T>;
function tDeepPartialProp(prop: any) {
if (typeHasProps(prop)) {
return tDeepPartial(prop);
} else if (typeIsArray(prop)) {
return t.array(tDeepPartialProp(prop.type));
} else {
return prop;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/49262929/316944
export type Not<T, E> = T & Exclude<T, E>;
* Mirrors EmbedOptions from Eris
export const tEmbed = t.type({
title: tNullable(t.string),
description: tNullable(t.string),
url: tNullable(t.string),
timestamp: tNullable(t.string),
color: tNullable(t.number),
footer: tNullable(
text: t.string,
icon_url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_icon_url: tNullable(t.string),
image: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
thumbnail: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
proxy_url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
video: tNullable(
url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
provider: tNullable(
name: t.string,
url: tNullable(t.string),
fields: tNullable(
name: tNullable(t.string),
value: tNullable(t.string),
inline: tNullable(t.boolean),
author: tNullable(
name: t.string,
url: tNullable(t.string),
width: tNullable(t.number),
height: tNullable(t.number),
2020-05-22 23:21:43 +03:00
export type StrictMessageContent = { content?: string; tts?: boolean; disableEveryone?: boolean; embed?: EmbedOptions };
export const tStrictMessageContent = t.type({
content: tNullable(t.string),
tts: tNullable(t.boolean),
disableEveryone: tNullable(t.boolean),
embed: tNullable(tEmbed),
export const tMessageContent = t.union([t.string, tStrictMessageContent]);
2019-08-22 02:58:32 +03:00
export function dropPropertiesByName(obj, propName) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(propName)) delete obj[propName];
for (const value of Object.values(obj)) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)) {
dropPropertiesByName(value, propName);
2019-12-01 15:57:35 +02:00
export const tAlphanumeric = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
return s.match(/\W/) ? t.failure(from, to, "String must be alphanumeric") : t.success(s);
s => s,
export const tDateTime = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
const parsed =
s.length === 10 ? moment(s, "YYYY-MM-DD") : s.length === 19 ? moment(s, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : null;
return parsed && parsed.isValid() ? t.success(s) : t.failure(from, to, "Invalid datetime");
s => s,
export const tDelayString = new t.Type<string, string>(
(s): s is string => typeof s === "string",
(from, to) =>
either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), s => {
const ms = convertDelayStringToMS(s);
return ms === null ? t.failure(from, to, "Invalid delay string") : t.success(s);
s => s,
* Turns a "delay string" such as "1h30m" to milliseconds
export function convertDelayStringToMS(str, defaultUnit = "m"): number {
const regex = /^([0-9]+)\s*([wdhms])?[a-z]*\s*/;
let match;
let ms = 0;
str = str.trim();
// tslint:disable-next-line
while (str !== "" && (match = str.match(regex)) !== null) {
ms += match[1] * ((match[2] && delayStringMultipliers[match[2]]) || delayStringMultipliers[defaultUnit]);
str = str.slice(match[0].length);
// Invalid delay string
if (str !== "") {
return null;
return ms;
2019-12-01 15:57:35 +02:00
export function convertMSToDelayString(ms: number): string {
let result = "";
let remaining = ms;
for (const [abbr, multiplier] of Object.entries(delayStringMultipliers)) {
if (multiplier <= remaining) {
const amount = Math.floor(remaining / multiplier);
result += `${amount}${abbr}`;
remaining -= amount * multiplier;
if (remaining === 0) break;
return result;
export function successMessage(str, emoji = "<:zep_check:650361014180904971>") {
return emoji ? `${emoji} ${str}` : str;
export function errorMessage(str, emoji = "⚠") {
return emoji ? `${emoji} ${str}` : str;
2019-05-26 00:13:42 +03:00
export function get(obj, path, def?): any {
let cursor = obj;
const pathParts = path.split(".");
for (const part of pathParts) {
cursor = cursor[part];
if (cursor === undefined) return def;
if (cursor == null) return null;
return cursor;
export function has(obj, path): boolean {
return get(obj, path) !== undefined;
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
export function stripObjectToScalars(obj, includedNested: string[] = []) {
2019-05-03 08:13:10 +03:00
const result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
for (const key in obj) {
if (
obj[key] == null ||
typeof obj[key] === "string" ||
typeof obj[key] === "number" ||
typeof obj[key] === "boolean"
) {
result[key] = obj[key];
} else if (typeof obj[key] === "object") {
const prefix = `${key}.`;
const nestedNested = includedNested
.filter(p => p === key || p.startsWith(prefix))
.map(p => (p === key ? p : p.slice(prefix.length)));
if (nestedNested.length) {
result[key] = stripObjectToScalars(obj[key], nestedNested);
return result;
2018-12-15 23:01:45 +02:00
export const snowflakeRegex = /[1-9][0-9]{5,19}/;
const isSnowflakeRegex = new RegExp(`^${snowflakeRegex.source}$`);
2018-07-29 15:18:26 +03:00
export function isSnowflake(v: string): boolean {
2018-12-15 23:01:45 +02:00
return isSnowflakeRegex.test(v);
2018-07-29 15:18:26 +03:00
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
* Attempts to find a relevant audit log entry for the given user and action
const auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail: Map<string, number> = new Map();
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
export async function findRelevantAuditLogEntry(
guild: Guild,
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
actionType: number,
userId: string,
attempts: number = 3,
attemptDelay: number = 3000,
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
): Promise<GuildAuditLogEntry> {
if (auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.has(guild.id) && auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.get(guild.id) > Date.now()) {
return null;
let auditLogs: GuildAuditLog;
try {
auditLogs = await guild.getAuditLogs(5, null, actionType);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore internal server errors which seem to be pretty common with audit log requests
if (!isDiscordHTTPError(e) || e.code !== 500) {
// Ignore, try again next attempt
// If we don't have permission to read audit log, set audit log requests on cooldown
if (isDiscordRESTError(e) && e.code === 50013) {
auditLogNextAttemptAfterFail.set(guild.id, Date.now() + AUDIT_LOG_FAIL_COOLDOWN);
throw e;
const entries = auditLogs ? auditLogs.entries : [];
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
entries.sort((a, b) => {
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return -1;
if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return 1;
return 0;
const cutoffTS = Date.now() - 1000 * 60 * 2;
const relevantEntry = entries.find(entry => {
return entry.targetID === userId && entry.createdAt >= cutoffTS;
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
if (relevantEntry) {
return relevantEntry;
} else if (attempts > 0) {
await sleep(attemptDelay);
return findRelevantAuditLogEntry(guild, actionType, userId, attempts - 1, attemptDelay);
2018-07-29 18:46:49 +03:00
} else {
return null;
const realLinkRegex = /https?:\/\/\S+/; // http://anything or https://anything
const plainLinkRegex = /((?!https?:\/\/)\S)+\.\S+/; // anything.anything, without http:// or https:// preceding it
// Both of the above, with precedence on the first one
const urlRegex = new RegExp(`(${realLinkRegex.source}|${plainLinkRegex.source})`, "g");
const protocolRegex = /^[a-z]+:\/\//;
interface MatchedURL extends url.URL {
input: string;
export function getUrlsInString(str: string, onlyUnique = false): MatchedURL[] {
let matches = str.match(urlRegex) || [];
if (onlyUnique) {
matches = unique(matches);
2019-08-18 16:40:15 +03:00
return matches.reduce((urls, match) => {
const withProtocol = protocolRegex.test(match) ? match : `https://${match}`;
let matchUrl: MatchedURL;
try {
matchUrl = new url.URL(withProtocol) as MatchedURL;
matchUrl.input = match;
} catch (e) {
return urls;
const hostnameParts = matchUrl.hostname.split(".");
const tld = hostnameParts[hostnameParts.length - 1];
if (tlds.includes(tld)) {
return urls;
}, []);
export function getInviteCodesInString(str: string): string[] {
2020-05-04 21:56:15 +03:00
const inviteCodeRegex = /(?:discord.gg|discordapp.com\/invite|discord.com\/invite)\/([a-z0-9]+)/gi;
2019-11-30 22:05:48 +02:00
return Array.from(str.matchAll(inviteCodeRegex)).map(m => m[1]);
export const unicodeEmojiRegex = emojiRegex();
export const customEmojiRegex = /<a?:(.*?):(\d+)>/;
const matchAllEmojiRegex = new RegExp(`(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})`, "g");
export function getEmojiInString(str: string): string[] {
2018-12-15 23:01:45 +02:00
return str.match(matchAllEmojiRegex) || [];
2019-01-12 13:42:11 +02:00
export function isEmoji(str: string): boolean {
return str.match(`^(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})$`) !== null;
export function isUnicodeEmoji(str: string): boolean {
return str.match(`^${unicodeEmojiRegex.source}$`) !== null;
export function trimLines(str: string) {
return str
.map(l => l.trim())
export function asSingleLine(str: string) {
return trimLines(str).replace(/\n/g, " ");
2019-08-22 01:22:26 +03:00
export function trimEmptyStartEndLines(str: string) {
const lines = str.split("\n");
let emptyLinesAtStart = 0;
let emptyLinesAtEnd = 0;
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.match(/^\s*$/)) {
} else {
for (let i = lines.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*$/)) {
} else {
return lines.slice(emptyLinesAtStart, emptyLinesAtEnd ? -1 * emptyLinesAtEnd : null).join("\n");
export function trimIndents(str: string, indentLength: number) {
return str
.map(line => line.slice(indentLength))
2019-08-22 02:58:32 +03:00
export function indentLine(str: string, indentLength: number) {
return " ".repeat(indentLength) + str;
export function indentLines(str: string, indentLength: number) {
return str
.map(line => indentLine(line, indentLength))
export const emptyEmbedValue = "\u200b";
export const embedPadding = "\n" + emptyEmbedValue;
export const userMentionRegex = /<@!?([0-9]+)>/g;
2019-02-17 16:01:04 +02:00
export const roleMentionRegex = /<@&([0-9]+)>/g;
2019-02-17 16:45:29 +02:00
export const channelMentionRegex = /<#([0-9]+)>/g;
export function getUserMentions(str: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(userMentionRegex.source, "g");
const userIds = [];
let match;
// tslint:disable-next-line
while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
return userIds;
export function getRoleMentions(str: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(roleMentionRegex.source, "g");
const roleIds = [];
let match;
// tslint:disable-next-line
while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
return roleIds;
* Disable link previews in the given string by wrapping links in < >
export function disableLinkPreviews(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/(?<!<)(https?:\/\/\S+)/gi, "<$1>");
export function deactivateMentions(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/@/g, "@\u200b");
* Disable inline code in the given string by replacing backticks/grave accents with acute accents
* FIXME: Find a better way that keeps the grave accents? Can't use the code block approach here since it's just 1 character.
export function disableInlineCode(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/`/g, "\u00b4");
* Disable code blocks in the given string by adding invisible unicode characters between backticks
export function disableCodeBlocks(content: string): string {
return content.replace(/`/g, "`\u200b");
export function useMediaUrls(content: string): string {
2020-05-04 21:56:15 +03:00
return content.replace(/cdn\.discord(app)?\.com/g, "media.discordapp.net");
export function chunkArray<T>(arr: T[], chunkSize): T[][] {
const chunks: T[][] = [];
let currentChunk = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if ((i !== 0 && i % chunkSize === 0) || i === arr.length - 1) {
currentChunk = [];
return chunks;
export function chunkLines(str: string, maxChunkLength = 2000): string[] {
if (str.length < maxChunkLength) {
return [str];
const chunks = [];
while (str.length) {
if (str.length <= maxChunkLength) {
const slice = str.slice(0, maxChunkLength);
const lastLineBreakIndex = slice.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (lastLineBreakIndex === -1) {
chunks.push(str.slice(0, maxChunkLength));
str = str.slice(maxChunkLength);
} else {
chunks.push(str.slice(0, lastLineBreakIndex));
str = str.slice(lastLineBreakIndex + 1);
return chunks;
* Chunks a long message to multiple smaller messages, retaining leading and trailing line breaks, open code blocks, etc.
* Default maxChunkLength is 1990, a bit under the message length limit of 2000, so we have space to add code block
* shenanigans to the start/end when needed. Take this into account when choosing a custom maxChunkLength as well.
export function chunkMessageLines(str: string, maxChunkLength = 1990): string[] {
const chunks = chunkLines(str, maxChunkLength);
let openCodeBlock = false;
return chunks.map(chunk => {
// If the chunk starts with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away
if (chunk[0] === "\n") chunk = "\u200b" + chunk;
// If the chunk ends with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away
if (chunk[chunk.length - 1] === "\n") chunk = chunk + "\u200b";
// If the previous chunk had an open code block, open it here again
if (openCodeBlock) {
openCodeBlock = false;
if (chunk.startsWith("```")) {
// Edge case: chunk starts with a code block delimiter, e.g. the previous chunk and this one were split right before the end of a code block
// Fix: just strip the code block delimiter away from here, we don't need it anymore
chunk = chunk.slice(3);
} else {
chunk = "```" + chunk;
// If the chunk has an open code block, close it and open it again in the next chunk
const codeBlockDelimiters = chunk.match(/```/g);
if (codeBlockDelimiters && codeBlockDelimiters.length % 2 !== 0) {
chunk += "```";
openCodeBlock = true;
return chunk;
2019-01-06 15:27:51 +02:00
export async function createChunkedMessage(channel: TextableChannel, messageText: string) {
const chunks = chunkMessageLines(messageText);
for (const chunk of chunks) {
await channel.createMessage(chunk);
2019-01-15 03:04:47 +02:00
* Downloads the file from the given URL to a temporary file, with retry support
export function downloadFile(attachmentUrl: string, retries = 3): Promise<{ path: string; deleteFn: () => void }> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
tmp.file((err, path, fd, deleteFn) => {
if (err) throw err;
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(path);
.get(attachmentUrl, res => {
writeStream.on("finish", () => {
2019-01-15 03:04:47 +02:00
.on("error", httpsErr => {
if (retries === 0) {
throw httpsErr;
} else {
console.warn("File download failed, retrying. Error given:", httpsErr.message); // tslint:disable-line
2019-01-15 03:04:47 +02:00
resolve(downloadFile(attachmentUrl, retries - 1));
2019-02-17 16:45:29 +02:00
type ItemWithRanking<T> = [T, number];
export function simpleClosestStringMatch<T>(searchStr, haystack: T[], getter = null): T {
const normalizedSearchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
// See if any haystack item contains a part of the search string
const itemsWithRankings: Array<ItemWithRanking<T>> = haystack.map(item => {
const itemStr: string = getter ? getter(item) : item;
const normalizedItemStr = itemStr.toLowerCase();
let i = 0;
do {
if (!normalizedItemStr.includes(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i + 1))) break;
} while (i < normalizedSearchStr.length);
if (i > 0 && normalizedItemStr.startsWith(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i))) {
// Slightly prioritize items that *start* with the search string
i += 0.5;
return [item, i] as ItemWithRanking<T>;
// Sort by best match
itemsWithRankings.sort((a, b) => {
return a[1] > b[1] ? -1 : 1;
if (itemsWithRankings[0][1] === 0) {
return null;
return itemsWithRankings[0][0];
type sorterDirection = "ASC" | "DESC";
type sorterGetterFn = (any) => any;
type sorterGetterFnWithDirection = [sorterGetterFn, sorterDirection];
type sorterGetterResolvable = string | sorterGetterFn;
type sorterGetterResolvableWithDirection = [sorterGetterResolvable, sorterDirection];
type sorterFn = (a: any, b: any) => number;
function resolveGetter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable): sorterGetterFn {
if (typeof getter === "string") {
return obj => obj[getter];
return getter;
export function multiSorter(getters: Array<sorterGetterResolvable | sorterGetterResolvableWithDirection>): sorterFn {
const resolvedGetters: sorterGetterFnWithDirection[] = getters.map(getter => {
if (Array.isArray(getter)) {
return [resolveGetter(getter[0]), getter[1]] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection;
} else {
return [resolveGetter(getter), "ASC"] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection;
return (a, b) => {
for (const getter of resolvedGetters) {
const aVal = getter[0](a);
const bVal = getter[0](b);
if (aVal > bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? 1 : -1;
if (aVal < bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
export function sorter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable, direction: sorterDirection = "ASC"): sorterFn {
return multiSorter([[getter, direction]]);
2018-12-15 17:04:04 +02:00
export function noop() {
export const DBDateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";
2019-01-12 13:42:11 +02:00
export type CustomEmoji = {
id: string;
} & Emoji;
export type UserNotificationMethod = { type: "dm" } | { type: "channel"; channel: TextChannel };
export const disableUserNotificationStrings = ["no", "none", "off"];
export interface UserNotificationResult {
method: UserNotificationMethod | null;
success: boolean;
text?: string;
* Attempts to notify the user using one of the specified methods. Only the first one that succeeds will be used.
* @param methods List of methods to try, in priority order
export async function notifyUser(
user: User,
body: string,
methods: UserNotificationMethod[],
): Promise<UserNotificationResult> {
if (methods.length === 0) {
return { method: null, success: true };
let lastError: Error = null;
for (const method of methods) {
if (method.type === "dm") {
try {
const dmChannel = await user.getDMChannel();
await dmChannel.createMessage(body);
return {
success: true,
text: "user notified with a direct message",
} catch (e) {
lastError = e;
} else if (method.type === "channel") {
try {
await method.channel.createMessage(`<@!${user.id}> ${body}`);
return {
success: true,
text: `user notified in <#${method.channel.id}>`,
} catch (e) {
lastError = e;
const errorText = lastError ? `failed to message user: ${lastError.message}` : `failed to message user`;
return {
method: null,
success: false,
text: errorText,
export function ucfirst(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string" || str === "") return str;
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
2019-04-14 13:30:48 +03:00
export class UnknownUser {
public id: string = null;
public username = "Unknown";
public discriminator = "0000";
constructor(props = {}) {
for (const key in props) {
this[key] = props[key];
export function isObjectLiteral(obj) {
let deepestPrototype = obj;
while (Object.getPrototypeOf(deepestPrototype) != null) {
deepestPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(deepestPrototype);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === deepestPrototype;
const keyMods = ["+", "-", "="];
export function deepKeyIntersect(obj, keyReference) {
const result = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (!keyReference.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// Temporary solution so we don't erase keys with modifiers
// Modifiers will be removed soon(tm) so we can remove this when that happens as well
let found = false;
for (const mod of keyMods) {
if (keyReference.hasOwnProperty(mod + key)) {
key = mod + key;
found = true;
if (!found) continue;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// Also temp (because modifier shenanigans)
result[key] = keyReference[key];
} else if (
value != null &&
typeof value === "object" &&
typeof keyReference[key] === "object" &&
) {
result[key] = deepKeyIntersect(value, keyReference[key]);
} else {
result[key] = value;
return result;
const unknownUsers = new Set();
const unknownMembers = new Set();
export function resolveUserId(bot: Client, value: string) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
// A user mention?
const mentionMatch = value.match(/^<@!?(\d+)>$/);
if (mentionMatch) {
return mentionMatch[1];
// A non-mention, full username?
const usernameMatch = value.match(/^@?([^#]+)#(\d{4})$/);
if (usernameMatch) {
const user = bot.users.find(u => u.username === usernameMatch[1] && u.discriminator === usernameMatch[2]);
if (user) return user.id;
// Just a user ID?
const idMatch = value.match(/^\d+$/);
if (idMatch) {
return value;
return null;
* Finds a matching User for the passed user id, user mention, or full username (with discriminator).
* If a user is not found, returns an UnknownUser instead.
export function getUser(client: Client, userResolvable: string): User | UnknownUser {
const id = resolveUserId(client, userResolvable);
return id ? client.users.get(id) || new UnknownUser({ id }) : new UnknownUser();
* Resolves a User from the passed string. The passed string can be a user id, a user mention, a full username (with discrim), etc.
* If the user is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API.
export async function resolveUser(bot: Client, value: string): Promise<User | UnknownUser>;
export async function resolveUser<T>(bot: Client, value: Not<T, string>): Promise<UnknownUser>;
export async function resolveUser<T>(bot, value) {
if (typeof value !== "string") {
return new UnknownUser();
// If we have the user cached, return that directly
const userId = resolveUserId(bot, value);
if (!userId) {
return new UnknownUser({ id: userId });
if (bot.users.has(userId)) {
return bot.users.get(userId);
// We don't want to spam the API by trying to fetch unknown users again and again,
// so we cache the fact that they're "unknown" for a while
if (unknownUsers.has(userId)) {
return new UnknownUser({ id: userId });
const freshUser = await bot.getRESTUser(userId).catch(noop);
if (freshUser) {
bot.users.add(freshUser, bot);
return freshUser;
setTimeout(() => unknownUsers.delete(userId), 15 * MINUTES);
return new UnknownUser({ id: userId });
* Resolves a guild Member from the passed user id, user mention, or full username (with discriminator).
* If the member is not found in the cache, it's fetched from the API.
export async function resolveMember(bot: Client, guild: Guild, value: string): Promise<Member> {
const userId = resolveUserId(bot, value);
if (!userId) return null;
// If we have the member cached, return that directly
if (guild.members.has(userId)) {
return guild.members.get(userId);
// We don't want to spam the API by trying to fetch unknown members again and again,
// so we cache the fact that they're "unknown" for a while
const unknownKey = `${guild.id}-${userId}`;
if (unknownMembers.has(unknownKey)) {
return null;
logger.debug(`Fetching unknown member (${userId} in ${guild.name} (${guild.id})) from the API`);
const freshMember = await bot.getRESTGuildMember(guild.id, userId).catch(noop);
if (freshMember) {
freshMember.id = userId;
return freshMember;
setTimeout(() => unknownMembers.delete(unknownKey), 15 * MINUTES);
return null;
* Resolves a role from the passed role ID, role mention, or role name.
* In the event of duplicate role names, this function will return the first one it comes across.
* FIXME: Define "first one it comes across" better
export async function resolveRoleId(bot: Client, guildId: string, value: string) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
// Role mention
const mentionMatch = value.match(/^<@&?(\d+)>$/);
if (mentionMatch) {
return mentionMatch[1];
// Role name
const roleList = await bot.getRESTGuildRoles(guildId);
const role = roleList.filter(x => x.name.toLocaleLowerCase() === value.toLocaleLowerCase());
if (role[0]) {
return role[0].id;
// Role ID
const idMatch = value.match(/^\d+$/);
if (idMatch) {
return value;
return null;
const inviteCache = new SimpleCache<Promise<ChannelInvite>>(10 * MINUTES, 200);
export async function resolveInvite(client: Client, code: string): Promise<ChannelInvite | null> {
if (inviteCache.has(code)) {
return inviteCache.get(code);
const promise = client.getInvite(code).catch(() => null);
inviteCache.set(code, promise);
return promise;
export async function confirm(bot: Client, channel: TextableChannel, userId: string, content: MessageContent) {
const msg = await channel.createMessage(content);
2020-07-06 02:08:11 +03:00
const reply = await helpers.waitForReaction(bot, msg, ["✅", "❌"], userId);
return reply && reply.name === "✅";
export function messageSummary(msg: SavedMessage) {
// Regular text content
let result = "```" + (msg.data.content ? disableCodeBlocks(msg.data.content) : "<no text content>") + "```";
// Rich embed
const richEmbed = (msg.data.embeds || []).find(e => (e as Embed).type === "rich");
if (richEmbed) result += "Embed:```" + disableCodeBlocks(JSON.stringify(richEmbed)) + "```";
// Attachments
if (msg.data.attachments) {
result +=
"Attachments:\n" + msg.data.attachments.map((a: Attachment) => disableLinkPreviews(a.url)).join("\n") + "\n";
return result;
2019-10-11 22:56:34 +03:00
export function verboseUserMention(user: User | UnknownUser): string {
if (user.id == null) {
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**`;
2019-10-11 22:56:34 +03:00
return `<@!${user.id}> (**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**, \`${user.id}\`)`;
export function verboseUserName(user: User | UnknownUser): string {
if (user.id == null) {
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}**`;
2019-10-11 22:56:34 +03:00
return `**${user.username}#${user.discriminator}** (\`${user.id}\`)`;
export function verboseChannelMention(channel: GuildChannel): string {
return `<#${channel.id}> (**#${channel.name}**, \`${channel.id}\`)`;
export function messageLink(message: Message): string;
2019-11-30 19:54:44 +02:00
export function messageLink(guildId: string, channelId: string, messageId: string): string;
export function messageLink(guildIdOrMessage: string | Message | null, channelId?: string, messageId?: string): string {
let guildId;
if (guildIdOrMessage == null) {
// Full arguments without a guild id -> DM/Group chat
guildId = "@me";
} else if (guildIdOrMessage instanceof Message) {
// Message object as the only argument
guildId = (guildIdOrMessage.channel as GuildChannel).guild?.id ?? "@me";
channelId = guildIdOrMessage.channel.id;
messageId = guildIdOrMessage.id;
} else {
// Full arguments with all IDs
guildId = guildIdOrMessage;
2020-05-04 21:56:15 +03:00
return `https://discord.com/channels/${guildId}/${channelId}/${messageId}`;
export function isValidEmbed(embed: any): boolean {
const result = decodeAndValidateStrict(tEmbed, embed);
return !(result instanceof StrictValidationError);
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US");
export function formatNumber(numberToFormat: number): string {
return formatter.format(numberToFormat);
interface IMemoizedItem {
createdAt: number;
value: any;
const memoizeCache: Map<any, IMemoizedItem> = new Map();
export function memoize<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, key?, time?): T {
const realKey = key ?? fn;
if (memoizeCache.has(realKey)) {
const memoizedItem = memoizeCache.get(realKey);
if (!time || memoizedItem.createdAt > Date.now() - time) {
return memoizedItem.value;
const value = fn();
memoizeCache.set(realKey, {
createdAt: Date.now(),
return value;
type RecursiveRenderFn = (str: string) => string | Promise<string>;
export async function renderRecursively(value, fn: RecursiveRenderFn) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const result = [];
for (const item of value) {
result.push(await renderRecursively(item, fn));
return result;
} else if (value === null) {
return null;
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
const result = {};
for (const [prop, _value] of Object.entries(value)) {
result[prop] = await renderRecursively(_value, fn);
return result;
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
return fn(value);
return value;
export function canUseEmoji(client: Client, emoji: string): boolean {
if (isUnicodeEmoji(emoji)) {
return true;
} else if (isSnowflake(emoji)) {
for (const guild of client.guilds.values()) {
if (guild.emojis.some(e => (e as any).id === emoji)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid emoji ${emoji}`);
export function trimPluginDescription(str) {
const emptyLinesTrimmed = trimEmptyStartEndLines(str);
const lines = emptyLinesTrimmed.split("\n");
const firstLineIndentation = (lines[0].match(/^ +/g) || [""])[0].length;
return trimIndents(emptyLinesTrimmed, firstLineIndentation);
2020-07-05 15:59:15 +03:00
export function isFullMessage(msg: PossiblyUncachedMessage): msg is Message {
return (msg as Message).createdAt != null;
2020-07-27 21:51:03 +03:00
export function isGuildInvite(invite: AnyInvite): invite is GuildInvite {
return (invite as GuildInvite).guild != null;
export function asyncMap<T, R>(arr: T[], fn: (item: T) => Promise<R>): Promise<R[]> {
return Promise.all(arr.map((item, index) => fn(item)));
export function unique<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(arr));