Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ZeppelinBot/Zeppelin.git synced 2025-03-18 06:51:51 +00:00

Combine Knub's type helpers with Zeppelin's, continue Utility plugin port

This commit is contained in:
Dragory 2020-07-06 01:51:48 +03:00
parent b338351e37
commit 9f059f33af
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 5F387BA66DF8AAC1
13 changed files with 533 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ import {
} from "./utils";
import { Client, GuildChannel, Member, Message, User } from "eris";
import { baseTypeHelpers, CommandContext, TypeConversionError } from "knub";
import { baseTypeConverters, baseTypeHelpers, CommandContext, TypeConversionError } from "knub";
import { createTypeHelper } from "knub-command-manager";
export const customArgumentTypes = {
export const commandTypes = {
delay(value) {
const result = convertDelayStringToMS(value);
if (result == null) {
@ -49,9 +51,11 @@ export const customArgumentTypes = {
export const customArgumentHelpers = {
delay: createTypeHelper<number>(customArgumentTypes.delay),
resolvedUser: createTypeHelper<Promise<User>>(customArgumentTypes.resolvedUser),
resolvedUserLoose: createTypeHelper<Promise<User | UnknownUser>>(customArgumentTypes.resolvedUserLoose),
resolvedMember: createTypeHelper<Promise<Member | null>>(customArgumentTypes.resolvedMember),
export const commandTypeHelpers = {
delay: createTypeHelper<number>(commandTypes.delay),
resolvedUser: createTypeHelper<Promise<User>>(commandTypes.resolvedUser),
resolvedUserLoose: createTypeHelper<Promise<User | UnknownUser>>(commandTypes.resolvedUserLoose),
resolvedMember: createTypeHelper<Promise<Member | null>>(commandTypes.resolvedMember),

View file

@ -11,18 +11,34 @@ import { LevelCmd } from "./commands/LevelCmd";
import { SearchCmd } from "./commands/SearchCmd";
import { BanSearchCmd } from "./commands/BanSearchCmd";
import { InfoCmd } from "./commands/InfoCmd";
import { NicknameResetCmd } from "./commands/NicknameResetCmd";
import { NicknameCmd } from "./commands/NicknameCmd";
import { PingCmd } from "./commands/PingCmd";
import { SourceCmd } from "./commands/SourceCmd";
import { ContextCmd } from "./commands/ContextCmd";
import { VcmoveCmd } from "./commands/VcmoveCmd";
import { HelpCmd } from "./commands/HelpCmd";
import { AboutCmd } from "./commands/AboutCmd";
export const UtilityPlugin = zeppelinPlugin<UtilityPluginType>()("utility", {
configSchema: ConfigSchema,
// prettier-ignore
commands: [
onLoad({ state, guild }) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { messageLink, multiSorter, resolveMember, sorter } from "../../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { GuildChannel, MessageContent, TextChannel } from "eris";
import { getCurrentUptime } from "../../../uptime";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import LCL from "last-commit-log";
import path from "path";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
export const AboutCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "about",
description: "Show information about Zeppelin's status on the server",
permission: "can_about",
async run({ message: msg, pluginData }) {
const uptime = getCurrentUptime();
const prettyUptime = humanizeDuration(uptime, { largest: 2, round: true });
let lastCommit;
try {
// From project root
// FIXME: Store these paths properly somewhere
const lcl = new LCL(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", ".."));
lastCommit = await lcl.getLastCommit();
} catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line:no-empty
let lastUpdate;
let version;
if (lastCommit) {
lastUpdate = moment(lastCommit.committer.date, "X").format("LL [at] H:mm [(UTC)]");
version = lastCommit.shortHash;
} else {
lastUpdate = "?";
version = "?";
const shard = pluginData.client.shards.get(pluginData.client.guildShardMap[pluginData.guild.id]);
const lastReload = humanizeDuration(Date.now() - pluginData.state.lastReload, {
largest: 2,
round: true,
const basicInfoRows = [
["Uptime", prettyUptime],
["Last reload", `${lastReload} ago`],
["Last update", lastUpdate],
["Version", version],
["API latency", `${shard.latency}ms`],
const loadedPlugins = Array.from(
const aboutContent: MessageContent = {
embed: {
title: `About ${pluginData.client.user.username}`,
fields: [
name: "Status",
value: basicInfoRows
.map(([label, value]) => {
return `${label}: **${value}**`;
name: `Loaded plugins on this server (${loadedPlugins.length})`,
value: loadedPlugins.join(", "),
const supporters = await pluginData.state.supporters.getAll();
[r => r.amount, "DESC"],
[r => r.name.toLowerCase(), "ASC"],
if (supporters.length) {
name: "Zeppelin supporters 🎉",
value: supporters.map(s => `**${s.name}** ${s.amount ? `${s.amount}€/mo` : ""}`.trim()).join("\n"),
// For the embed color, find the highest colored role the bot has - this is their color on the server as well
const botMember = await resolveMember(pluginData.client, pluginData.guild, pluginData.client.user.id);
let botRoles = botMember.roles.map(r => (msg.channel as GuildChannel).guild.roles.get(r));
botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => !!r); // Drop any unknown roles
botRoles = botRoles.filter(r => r.color); // Filter to those with a color
botRoles.sort(sorter("position", "DESC")); // Sort by position (highest first)
if (botRoles.length) {
aboutContent.embed.color = botRoles[0].color;
// Use the bot avatar as the embed image
if (pluginData.client.user.avatarURL) {
aboutContent.embed.thumbnail = { url: pluginData.client.user.avatarURL };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { messageLink } from "../../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { TextChannel } from "eris";
export const ContextCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "context",
description: "Get a link to the context of the specified message",
usage: "!context 94882524378968064 650391267720822785",
permission: "can_context",
signature: {
channel: ct.channel(),
messageId: ct.string(),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
if (!(args.channel instanceof TextChannel)) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Channel must be a text channel");
const previousMessage = (await this.bot.getMessages(args.channel.id, 1, args.messageId))[0];
if (!previousMessage) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Message context not found");
msg.channel.createMessage(messageLink(this.guildId, previousMessage.channel.id, previousMessage.id));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { createChunkedMessage, messageLink } from "../../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { TextChannel } from "eris";
import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "../../ZeppelinPlugin";
import { PluginCommandDefinition } from "knub/dist/commands/commandUtils";
import { LoadedPlugin } from "knub";
export const HelpCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "help",
description: "Show a quick reference for the specified command's usage",
usage: "!help clean",
permission: "can_help",
signature: {
command: ct.string({ catchAll: true }),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
const searchStr = args.command.toLowerCase();
const matchingCommands: Array<{
plugin: LoadedPlugin;
command: PluginCommandDefinition;
}> = [];
const guildData = pluginData.getKnubInstance().getLoadedGuild(pluginData.guild.id);
for (const plugin of guildData.loadedPlugins.values()) {
const registeredCommands = plugin.pluginData.commands.getAll();
for (const registeredCommand of registeredCommands) {
for (const trigger of registeredCommand.originalTriggers) {
const strTrigger = typeof trigger === "string" ? trigger : trigger.source;
if (strTrigger.startsWith(searchStr)) {
command: registeredCommand,
const totalResults = matchingCommands.length;
const limitedResults = matchingCommands.slice(0, 3);
const commandSnippets = limitedResults.map(({ plugin, command }) => {
const prefix: string = command.originalPrefix
? typeof command.originalPrefix === "string"
? command.originalPrefix
: command.originalPrefix.source
: "";
const originalTrigger = command.originalTriggers[0];
const trigger: string = originalTrigger
? typeof originalTrigger === "string"
? originalTrigger
: originalTrigger.source
: "";
const description = command.config.extra.blueprint.description;
const usage = command.config.extra.blueprint.usage;
const commandSlug = trigger
.replace(/\s/g, "-");
const pluginName = plugin.blueprint?.name || plugin.class?.pluginName;
let snippet = `**${prefix}${trigger}**`;
if (description) snippet += `\n${description}`;
if (usage) snippet += `\nBasic usage: \`${usage}\``;
snippet += `\n<https://zeppelin.gg/docs/plugins/${pluginName}/usage#command-${commandSlug}>`;
return snippet;
if (totalResults === 0) {
msg.channel.createMessage("No matching commands found!");
let message =
totalResults !== limitedResults.length
? `Results (${totalResults} total, showing first ${limitedResults.length}):\n\n`
: "";
message += `${commandSnippets.join("\n\n")}`;
createChunkedMessage(msg.channel, message);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { baseTypeHelpers as t } from "knub";
import { customArgumentHelpers as ct } from "../../../customArgumentTypes";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { embedPadding, resolveMember, trimLines, UnknownUser } from "../../../utils";
import { EmbedOptions, GuildTextableChannel } from "eris";
import moment from "moment-timezone";

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { customArgumentHelpers as ct } from "../../../customArgumentTypes";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { helpers } from "knub";
const { getMemberLevel } = helpers;
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ export const LevelCmd = utilityCmd({
const member = args.member || message.member;
const level = getMemberLevel(pluginData, member);
message.channel.createMessage(`The permission level of ${member.username}#${member.discriminator} is **${level}**`);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { baseTypeHelpers as t } from "knub";
import { errorMessage } from "../../../utils";
import { canActOn, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
export const NicknameCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "nickname",
description: "Set a member's nickname",
usage: "!nickname 106391128718245888 Drag",
permission: "can_nickname",
signature: {
member: ct.resolvedMember(),
nickname: t.string({ catchAll: true }),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
if (msg.member.id !== args.member.id && canActOn(pluginData, msg.member, args.member)) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Cannot change nickname: insufficient permissions"));
const nicknameLength = [...args.nickname].length;
if (nicknameLength < 2 || nicknameLength > 32) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Nickname must be between 2 and 32 characters long"));
const oldNickname = args.member.nick || "<none>";
try {
await args.member.edit({
nick: args.nickname,
} catch (e) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Failed to change nickname"));
`Changed nickname of <@!${args.member.id}> from **${oldNickname}** to **${args.nickname}**`,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { errorMessage } from "../../../utils";
import { canActOn, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
export const NicknameResetCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "nickname reset",
description: "Reset a member's nickname to their username",
usage: "!nickname reset 106391128718245888",
permission: "can_nickname",
signature: {
member: ct.resolvedMember(),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
if (msg.member.id !== args.member.id && canActOn(pluginData, msg.member, args.member)) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Cannot reset nickname: insufficient permissions"));
try {
await args.member.edit({
nick: "",
} catch (e) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Failed to reset nickname"));
sendSuccessMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, `The nickname of <@!${args.member.id}> has been reset`);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { noop, trimLines } from "../../../utils";
import { Message } from "eris";
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
export const PingCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "ping",
description: "Test the bot's ping to the Discord API",
permission: "can_ping",
async run({ message: msg, pluginData }) {
const times = [];
const messages: Message[] = [];
let msgToMsgDelay = null;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const start = performance.now();
const message = await msg.channel.createMessage(`Calculating ping... ${i + 1}`);
times.push(performance.now() - start);
if (msgToMsgDelay === null) {
msgToMsgDelay = message.timestamp - msg.timestamp;
const highest = Math.round(Math.max(...times));
const lowest = Math.round(Math.min(...times));
const mean = Math.round(times.reduce((total, ms) => total + ms, 0) / times.length);
const shard = pluginData.client.shards.get(pluginData.client.guildShardMap[pluginData.guild.id]);
Lowest: **${lowest}ms**
Highest: **${highest}ms**
Mean: **${mean}ms**
Time between ping command and first reply: **${msgToMsgDelay}ms**
Shard latency: **${shard.latency}ms**
// Clean up test messages
messages.map(m => m.id),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import { errorMessage } from "../../../utils";
import { getBaseUrl } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
export const SourceCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "source",
description: "View the message source of the specified message id",
usage: "!source 534722219696455701",
permission: "can_source",
signature: {
messageId: ct.string(),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
const savedMessage = await pluginData.state.savedMessages.find(args.messageId);
if (!savedMessage) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Unknown message"));
const source =
(savedMessage.data.content || "<no text content>") + "\n\nSource:\n\n" + JSON.stringify(savedMessage.data);
const archiveId = await pluginData.state.archives.create(source, moment().add(1, "hour"));
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl(pluginData);
const url = pluginData.state.archives.getUrl(baseUrl, archiveId);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Message source: ${url}`);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import { utilityCmd } from "../types";
import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes";
import {
} from "../../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage, sendSuccessMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils";
import { TextChannel, VoiceChannel } from "eris";
import { LogType } from "../../../data/LogType";
export const VcmoveCmd = utilityCmd({
trigger: "vcmove",
description: "Move a member to another voice channel",
usage: "!vcmove @Dragory 473223047822704651",
permission: "can_vcmove",
signature: {
member: ct.resolvedMember(),
channel: ct.string({ catchAll: true }),
async run({ message: msg, args, pluginData }) {
let channel: VoiceChannel;
if (isSnowflake(args.channel)) {
// Snowflake -> resolve channel directly
const potentialChannel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(args.channel);
if (!potentialChannel || !(potentialChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Unknown or non-voice channel");
channel = potentialChannel;
} else if (channelMentionRegex.test(args.channel)) {
// Channel mention -> parse channel id and resolve channel from that
const channelId = args.channel.match(channelMentionRegex)[1];
const potentialChannel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(channelId);
if (!potentialChannel || !(potentialChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Unknown or non-voice channel");
channel = potentialChannel;
} else {
// Search string -> find closest matching voice channel name
const voiceChannels = pluginData.guild.channels.filter(theChannel => {
return theChannel instanceof VoiceChannel;
}) as VoiceChannel[];
const closestMatch = simpleClosestStringMatch(args.channel, voiceChannels, ch => ch.name);
if (!closestMatch) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "No matching voice channels");
channel = closestMatch;
if (!args.member.voiceState || !args.member.voiceState.channelID) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Member is not in a voice channel");
if (args.member.voiceState.channelID === channel.id) {
sendErrorMessage(pluginData, msg.channel, "Member is already on that channel!");
const oldVoiceChannel = pluginData.guild.channels.get(args.member.voiceState.channelID);
try {
await args.member.edit({
channelID: channel.id,
} catch (e) {
msg.channel.createMessage(errorMessage("Failed to move member"));
pluginData.state.logs.log(LogType.VOICE_CHANNEL_FORCE_MOVE, {
mod: stripObjectToScalars(msg.author),
member: stripObjectToScalars(args.member, ["user", "roles"]),
oldChannel: stripObjectToScalars(oldVoiceChannel),
newChannel: stripObjectToScalars(channel),
`**${args.member.user.username}#${args.member.user.discriminator}** moved to **${channel.name}**`,

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import moment from "moment-timezone";
import escapeStringRegexp from "escape-string-regexp";
import safeRegex from "safe-regex";
import { isFullMessage, MINUTES, multiSorter, noop, sorter, trimLines } from "../../utils";
import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../pluginUtils";
import { getBaseUrl, sendErrorMessage } from "../../pluginUtils";
import { PluginData } from "knub";
import { ArgsFromSignatureOrArray } from "knub/dist/commands/commandUtils";
import { searchCmdSignature } from "./commands/SearchCmd";
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ export async function archiveSearch(
moment().add(1, "hour"),
const baseUrl = (pluginData.getKnubInstance().getGlobalConfig() as any).url; // FIXME: No any cast
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl(pluginData);
const url = await pluginData.state.archives.getUrl(baseUrl, archiveId);
msg.channel.createMessage(`Exported search results: ${url}`);