- Use a single Dockerfile for all Zeppelin services
- Add a Dockerfile in project root that can be used by
app hosting services
- Provide a standalone and lightweight prod setup
- Standalone is the same as the old setup, with mysql+nginx
- Lightweight only runs bot+backend+dash, no mysql/nginx
- Remove mounted mysql data folders for dev and prod
- This resolves permission issues caused by the mount
- The mysql service uses a regular named volume now
- Simplify .env options and clearly separate different prod setups
- Remove update.sh
- Different setups require different update procedures, so a common
update.sh no longer works
Production containers now copy the Zeppelin source files at
build-time rather than using a shared volume. This means fewer
permission issues and backend/dashboard builds only have to run once
at build-time, not every time the containers are started.
Docs in PRODUCTION.md have been updated accordingly.