# Management After starting Zeppelin -- either in the [development](./DEVELOPMENT.md) or [production](./PRODUCTION.md) environment -- you have several tools available to manage it. ## Note Make sure to add yourself to the list of staff members (`STAFF`) in `.env` and allow at least one server by default (`DEFAULT_ALLOWED_SERVERS`). Then, invite the bot to the server. In all examples below, `@Bot` refers to a user mention of the bot user. Make sure to run the commands on a server with the bot, in a channel that the bot can see. In the command parameters, `` refers to a required parameter (don't include the `< >` symbols) and `[this]` refers to an optional parameter (don't include the `[ ]` symbols). `` refers to being able to list multiple values, e.g. `value1 value2 value3`. ## Allow a server to invite the bot Run the following command: ``` @Bot allow_server [userId] ``` When specifying a user ID, that user will be given "Bot manager" level access to the server's dashboard, allowing them to manage access for other users. ## Disallow a server Run the following command: ``` @Bot disallow_server ``` ## Grant access to a server's dashboard Run the following command: ``` @Bot add_dashboard_user ``` ## Remove access to a server's dashboard Run the following command: ``` @Bot remove_dashboard_user ```