import { Guild, Snowflake } from "discord.js"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { isDefaultSticker } from "src/utils/isDefaultSticker"; import { Repository } from "typeorm"; import { TemplateSafeValueContainer, renderTemplate } from "../templateFormatter"; import { renderUsername, trimLines } from "../utils"; import { decrypt, encrypt } from "../utils/crypt"; import { channelToTemplateSafeChannel, guildToTemplateSafeGuild } from "../utils/templateSafeObjects"; import { BaseGuildRepository } from "./BaseGuildRepository"; import { dataSource } from "./dataSource"; import { ArchiveEntry } from "./entities/ArchiveEntry"; import { SavedMessage } from "./entities/SavedMessage"; const DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS = 30; const MESSAGE_ARCHIVE_HEADER_FORMAT = trimLines(` Server: {} ({}) `); const MESSAGE_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "[#{}] [{}] [{timestamp}] {username}: {content}{attachments}{stickers}"; export class GuildArchives extends BaseGuildRepository { protected archives: Repository; constructor(guildId) { super(guildId); this.archives = dataSource.getRepository(ArchiveEntry); } protected async _processEntityFromDB(entity: ArchiveEntry | undefined) { if (entity == null) { return entity; } entity.body = await decrypt(entity.body); return entity; } protected async _processEntityToDB(entity: Partial) { if (entity.body) { entity.body = await encrypt(entity.body); } return entity; } async find(id: string): Promise { const result = await this.archives.findOne({ where: { id }, relations: this.getRelations(), }); return this.processEntityFromDB(result); } async makePermanent(id: string): Promise { await this.archives.update( { id }, { expires_at: null, }, ); } /** * @return - ID of the created archive */ async create(body: string, expiresAt?: moment.Moment): Promise { if (!expiresAt) { expiresAt = moment.utc().add(DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS, "days"); } const data = await this.processEntityToDB({ guild_id: this.guildId, body, expires_at: expiresAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), }); const result = await this.archives.insert(data); return result.identifiers[0].id; } protected async renderLinesFromSavedMessages(savedMessages: SavedMessage[], guild: Guild): Promise { const msgLines: string[] = []; for (const msg of savedMessages) { const channel = guild.channels.cache.get(msg.channel_id as Snowflake); const partialUser = new TemplateSafeValueContainer({, id: msg.user_id }); const line = await renderTemplate( MESSAGE_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_FORMAT, new TemplateSafeValueContainer({ id:, timestamp: moment.utc(msg.posted_at).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), content:, attachments: => { return JSON.stringify({ name:, url: att.url, type: att.contentType }); }), stickers: => { return JSON.stringify({ name:, id:, isDefault: isDefaultSticker( }); }), user: partialUser, channel: channel ? channelToTemplateSafeChannel(channel) : null, username: renderUsername(,, }), ); msgLines.push(line); } return msgLines; } /** * @return - ID of the created archive */ async createFromSavedMessages( savedMessages: SavedMessage[], guild: Guild, expiresAt?: moment.Moment, ): Promise { if (expiresAt == null) { expiresAt = moment.utc().add(DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS, "days"); } const headerStr = await renderTemplate( MESSAGE_ARCHIVE_HEADER_FORMAT, new TemplateSafeValueContainer({ guild: guildToTemplateSafeGuild(guild), }), ); const msgLines = await this.renderLinesFromSavedMessages(savedMessages, guild); const messagesStr = msgLines.join("\n"); return this.create([headerStr, messagesStr].join("\n\n"), expiresAt); } async addSavedMessagesToArchive(archiveId: string, savedMessages: SavedMessage[], guild: Guild) { const msgLines = await this.renderLinesFromSavedMessages(savedMessages, guild); const messagesStr = msgLines.join("\n"); let archive = await this.find(archiveId); if (archive == null) { throw new Error("Archive not found"); } archive.body += "\n" + messagesStr; archive = await this.processEntityToDB(archive); await this.archives.update({ id: archiveId }, { body: archive.body }); } getUrl(baseUrl, archiveId) { return baseUrl ? `${baseUrl}/archives/${archiveId}` : `Archive ID: ${archiveId}`; } }