import { Client, EmbedOptions, Emoji, Guild, GuildAuditLogEntry, Member, TextableChannel, TextChannel, User, } from "eris"; import url from "url"; import tlds from "tlds"; import emojiRegex from "emoji-regex/text"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import fs from "fs"; const fsp = fs.promises; import https from "https"; import tmp from "tmp"; import { logger } from "knub"; const delayStringMultipliers = { w: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, d: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, h: 1000 * 60 * 60, m: 1000 * 60, s: 1000, }; export function tNullable(type: t.Mixed) { return t.union([type, t.undefined, t.null]); } /** * Turns a "delay string" such as "1h30m" to milliseconds */ export function convertDelayStringToMS(str, defaultUnit = "m"): number { const regex = /^([0-9]+)\s*([wdhms])?[a-z]*\s*/; let match; let ms = 0; str = str.trim(); // tslint:disable-next-line while (str !== "" && (match = str.match(regex)) !== null) { ms += match[1] * ((match[2] && delayStringMultipliers[match[2]]) || delayStringMultipliers[defaultUnit]); str = str.slice(match[0].length); } // Invalid delay string if (str !== "") { return null; } return ms; } export function successMessage(str) { return `👌 ${str}`; } export function errorMessage(str) { return `⚠ ${str}`; } export function get(obj, path, def?): any { let cursor = obj; const pathParts = path.split("."); for (const part of pathParts) { cursor = cursor[part]; if (cursor === undefined) return def; if (cursor == null) return null; } return cursor; } export function has(obj, path): boolean { return get(obj, path) !== undefined; } export function stripObjectToScalars(obj, includedNested: string[] = []) { const result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {}; for (const key in obj) { if ( obj[key] == null || typeof obj[key] === "string" || typeof obj[key] === "number" || typeof obj[key] === "boolean" ) { result[key] = obj[key]; } else if (typeof obj[key] === "object") { const prefix = `${key}.`; const nestedNested = includedNested .filter(p => p === key || p.startsWith(prefix)) .map(p => (p === key ? p : p.slice(prefix.length))); if (nestedNested.length) { result[key] = stripObjectToScalars(obj[key], nestedNested); } } } return result; } export const snowflakeRegex = /[1-9][0-9]{5,19}/; const isSnowflakeRegex = new RegExp(`^${snowflakeRegex.source}$`); export function isSnowflake(v: string): boolean { return isSnowflakeRegex.test(v); } export function sleep(ms: number): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } /** * Attempts to find a relevant audit log entry for the given user and action */ export async function findRelevantAuditLogEntry( guild: Guild, actionType: number, userId: string, attempts: number = 3, attemptDelay: number = 3000, ): Promise { const auditLogEntries = await guild.getAuditLogs(5, null, actionType); auditLogEntries.entries.sort((a, b) => { if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return -1; if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return 1; return 0; }); const cutoffTS = - 1000 * 60 * 2; const relevantEntry = auditLogEntries.entries.find(entry => { return entry.targetID === userId && entry.createdAt >= cutoffTS; }); if (relevantEntry) { return relevantEntry; } else if (attempts > 0) { await sleep(attemptDelay); return findRelevantAuditLogEntry(guild, actionType, userId, attempts - 1, attemptDelay); } else { return null; } } const urlRegex = /(\S+\.\S+)/g; const protocolRegex = /^[a-z]+:\/\//; export function getUrlsInString(str: string): url.URL[] { const matches = str.match(urlRegex) || []; return matches.reduce((urls, match) => { if (!protocolRegex.test(match)) { match = `https://${match}`; } let matchUrl: url.URL; try { matchUrl = new url.URL(match); } catch (e) { return urls; } const hostnameParts = matchUrl.hostname.split("."); const tld = hostnameParts[hostnameParts.length - 1]; if (tlds.includes(tld)) { urls.push(matchUrl); } return urls; }, []); } export function getInviteCodesInString(str: string): string[] { const inviteCodeRegex = /(?|\/invite)\/([a-z0-9]+)/gi; const inviteCodes = []; let match; // tslint:disable-next-line while ((match = inviteCodeRegex.exec(str)) !== null) { inviteCodes.push(match[1]); } return inviteCodes; } export const unicodeEmojiRegex = emojiRegex(); export const customEmojiRegex = //; const matchAllEmojiRegex = new RegExp(`(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})`, "g"); export function getEmojiInString(str: string): string[] { return str.match(matchAllEmojiRegex) || []; } export function isEmoji(str: string): boolean { return str.match(`^(${unicodeEmojiRegex.source})|(${customEmojiRegex.source})$`) !== null; } export function isUnicodeEmoji(str: string): boolean { return str.match(`^${unicodeEmojiRegex.source}$`) !== null; } export function trimLines(str: string) { return str .trim() .split("\n") .map(l => l.trim()) .join("\n") .trim(); } export function asSingleLine(str: string) { return trimLines(str).replace(/\n/g, " "); } export const emptyEmbedValue = "\u200b"; export const embedPadding = "\n" + emptyEmbedValue; export const userMentionRegex = /<@!?([0-9]+)>/g; export const roleMentionRegex = /<@&([0-9]+)>/g; export const channelMentionRegex = /<#([0-9]+)>/g; export function getUserMentions(str: string) { const regex = new RegExp(userMentionRegex.source, "g"); const userIds = []; let match; // tslint:disable-next-line while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { userIds.push(match[1]); } return userIds; } export function getRoleMentions(str: string) { const regex = new RegExp(roleMentionRegex.source, "g"); const roleIds = []; let match; // tslint:disable-next-line while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { roleIds.push(match[1]); } return roleIds; } /** * Disables link previews in the given string by wrapping links in < > */ export function disableLinkPreviews(str: string): string { return str.replace(/(?"); } export function deactivateMentions(content: string): string { return content.replace(/@/g, "@\u200b"); } export function disableCodeBlocks(content: string): string { return content.replace(/`/g, "`\u200b"); } export function useMediaUrls(content: string): string { return content.replace(/cdn\.discordapp\.com/g, ""); } export function chunkArray(arr: T[], chunkSize): T[][] { const chunks: T[][] = []; let currentChunk = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { currentChunk.push(arr[i]); if ((i !== 0 && i % chunkSize === 0) || i === arr.length - 1) { chunks.push(currentChunk); currentChunk = []; } } return chunks; } export function chunkLines(str: string, maxChunkLength = 2000): string[] { if (str.length < maxChunkLength) { return [str]; } const chunks = []; while (str.length) { if (str.length <= maxChunkLength) { chunks.push(str); break; } const slice = str.slice(0, maxChunkLength); const lastLineBreakIndex = slice.lastIndexOf("\n"); if (lastLineBreakIndex === -1) { chunks.push(str.slice(0, maxChunkLength)); str = str.slice(maxChunkLength); } else { chunks.push(str.slice(0, lastLineBreakIndex)); str = str.slice(lastLineBreakIndex + 1); } } return chunks; } /** * Chunks a long message to multiple smaller messages, retaining leading and trailing line breaks, open code blocks, etc. */ export function chunkMessageLines(str: string): string[] { const chunks = chunkLines(str, 1990); // We don't split at exactly 2000 to be able to do the stuff below let openCodeBlock = false; return => { // If the chunk starts with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away if (chunk[0] === "\n") chunk = "\u200b" + chunk; // If the chunk ends with a newline, add an invisible unicode char so Discord doesn't strip it away if (chunk[chunk.length - 1] === "\n") chunk = chunk + "\u200b"; // If the previous chunk had an open code block, open it here again if (openCodeBlock) { openCodeBlock = false; if (chunk.startsWith("```")) { // Edge case: chunk starts with a code block delimiter, e.g. the previous chunk and this one were split right before the end of a code block // Fix: just strip the code block delimiter away from here, we don't need it anymore chunk = chunk.slice(3); } else { chunk = "```" + chunk; } } // If the chunk has an open code block, close it and open it again in the next chunk const codeBlockDelimiters = chunk.match(/```/g); if (codeBlockDelimiters && codeBlockDelimiters.length % 2 !== 0) { chunk += "```"; openCodeBlock = true; } return chunk; }); } export async function createChunkedMessage(channel: TextableChannel, messageText: string) { const chunks = chunkMessageLines(messageText); for (const chunk of chunks) { await channel.createMessage(chunk); } } /** * Downloads the file from the given URL to a temporary file, with retry support */ export function downloadFile(attachmentUrl: string, retries = 3): Promise<{ path: string; deleteFn: () => void }> { return new Promise(resolve => { tmp.file((err, path, fd, deleteFn) => { if (err) throw err; const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(path); https .get(attachmentUrl, res => { res.pipe(writeStream); writeStream.on("finish", () => { writeStream.end(); resolve({ path, deleteFn, }); }); }) .on("error", httpsErr => { fsp.unlink(path); if (retries === 0) { throw httpsErr; } else { console.warn("File download failed, retrying. Error given:", httpsErr.message); resolve(downloadFile(attachmentUrl, retries - 1)); } }); }); }); } type ItemWithRanking = [T, number]; export function simpleClosestStringMatch(searchStr, haystack: T[], getter = null): T { const normalizedSearchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase(); // See if any haystack item contains a part of the search string const itemsWithRankings: Array> = => { const itemStr: string = getter ? getter(item) : item; const normalizedItemStr = itemStr.toLowerCase(); let i = 0; do { if (!normalizedItemStr.includes(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i + 1))) break; i++; } while (i < normalizedSearchStr.length); if (i > 0 && normalizedItemStr.startsWith(normalizedSearchStr.slice(0, i))) { // Slightly prioritize items that *start* with the search string i += 0.5; } return [item, i] as ItemWithRanking; }); // Sort by best match itemsWithRankings.sort((a, b) => { return a[1] > b[1] ? -1 : 1; }); if (itemsWithRankings[0][1] === 0) { return null; } return itemsWithRankings[0][0]; } type sorterDirection = "ASC" | "DESC"; type sorterGetterFn = (any) => any; type sorterGetterFnWithDirection = [sorterGetterFn, sorterDirection]; type sorterGetterResolvable = string | sorterGetterFn; type sorterGetterResolvableWithDirection = [sorterGetterResolvable, sorterDirection]; type sorterFn = (a: any, b: any) => number; function resolveGetter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable): sorterGetterFn { if (typeof getter === "string") { return obj => obj[getter]; } return getter; } export function multiSorter(getters: Array): sorterFn { const resolvedGetters: sorterGetterFnWithDirection[] = => { if (Array.isArray(getter)) { return [resolveGetter(getter[0]), getter[1]] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection; } else { return [resolveGetter(getter), "ASC"] as sorterGetterFnWithDirection; } }); return (a, b) => { for (const getter of resolvedGetters) { const aVal = getter[0](a); const bVal = getter[0](b); if (aVal > bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? 1 : -1; if (aVal < bVal) return getter[1] === "ASC" ? -1 : 1; } return 0; }; } export function sorter(getter: sorterGetterResolvable, direction: sorterDirection = "ASC"): sorterFn { return multiSorter([[getter, direction]]); } export function noop() { // IT'S LITERALLY NOTHING } export const DBDateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"; export type CustomEmoji = { id: string; } & Emoji; export interface INotifyUserConfig { useDM?: boolean; useChannel?: boolean; channelId?: string; } export enum NotifyUserStatus { Ignored = 1, Failed, DirectMessaged, ChannelMessaged, } export interface INotifyUserResult { status: NotifyUserStatus; text?: string; } export async function notifyUser( bot: Client, guild: Guild, user: User, body: string, config: INotifyUserConfig, ): Promise { if (!config.useDM && !config.useChannel) { return { status: NotifyUserStatus.Ignored }; } if (config.useDM) { try { const dmChannel = await bot.getDMChannel(; await dmChannel.createMessage(body);`Notified ${} via DM: ${body}`); return { status: NotifyUserStatus.DirectMessaged, text: "user notified with a direct message", }; } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line } if (config.useChannel && config.channelId) { try { const channel = guild.channels.get(config.channelId); if (channel instanceof TextChannel) { await channel.createMessage(`<@!${}> ${body}`); return { status: NotifyUserStatus.ChannelMessaged, text: `user notified in <#${}>`, }; } } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line } return { status: NotifyUserStatus.Failed, text: "failed to message user", }; } export function ucfirst(str) { if (typeof str !== "string" || str === "") return str; return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } export class UnknownUser { public id: string = null; public username = "Unknown"; public discriminator = "0000"; constructor(props = {}) { for (const key in props) { this[key] = props[key]; } } } const unknownUsers = new Set(); const unknownMembers = new Set(); export async function resolveUser(bot: Client, value: string): Promise { if (value == null || typeof value !== "string") { return new UnknownUser(); } let userId; // A user mention? const mentionMatch = value.match(/^<@!?(\d+)>$/); if (mentionMatch) { userId = mentionMatch[1]; } // A non-mention, full username? if (!userId) { const usernameMatch = value.match(/^@?([^#]+)#(\d{4})$/); if (usernameMatch) { const user = bot.users.find(u => u.username === usernameMatch[1] && u.discriminator === usernameMatch[2]); if (user) userId =; } } // Just a user ID? if (!userId) { const idMatch = value.match(/^\d+$/); if (!idMatch) { return null; } userId = value; } const cachedUser = bot.users.find(u => === userId); if (cachedUser) return cachedUser; // We only fetch the user from the API if we haven't tried it before: // - If the user was found, the bot has them in its cache // - If the user was not found, they'll be in unknownUsers if (!unknownUsers.has(userId)) { try { const freshUser = await bot.getRESTUser(userId); bot.users.add(freshUser, bot); return freshUser; } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line unknownUsers.add(userId); } return new UnknownUser({ id: userId }); } export async function resolveMember(bot: Client, guild: Guild, value: string): Promise { // Start by resolving the user const user = await resolveUser(bot, value); if (!user || user instanceof UnknownUser) return null; // See if we have the member cached... let member = guild.members.get(; // We only fetch the member from the API if we haven't tried it before: // - If the member was found, the bot has them in the guild's member cache // - If the member was not found, they'll be in unknownMembers const unknownKey = `${}-${}`; if (!unknownMembers.has(unknownKey)) { // If not, fetch it from the API if (!member) { try { logger.debug(`Fetching unknown member (${} in ${} (${})) from the API`); member = await bot.getRESTGuildMember(,; =; member.guild = guild; } catch (e) {} // tslint:disable-line } if (!member) unknownMembers.add(unknownKey); } return member; } export const MS = 1; export const SECONDS = 1000 * MS; export const MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS; export const HOURS = 60 * MINUTES; export const DAYS = 24 * HOURS; export type StrictMessageContent = { content?: string; tts?: boolean; disableEveryone?: boolean; embed?: EmbedOptions };