import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, getInviteLink, logger } from "knub";
import { trimPluginDescription, ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import { Message, Member, Guild, TextableChannel, VoiceChannel, Channel, User } from "eris";
import { GuildVCAlerts } from "../data/GuildVCAlerts";
import moment from "moment-timezone";
import { resolveMember, sorter, createChunkedMessage, errorMessage, successMessage, MINUTES } from "../utils";
import * as t from "io-ts";

const ConfigSchema = t.type({
  can_where: t.boolean,
  can_alert: t.boolean,
type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf<typeof ConfigSchema>;

const ALERT_LOOP_TIME = 30 * 1000;

export class LocatePlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin<TConfigSchema> {
  public static pluginName = "locate_user";
  public static configSchema = ConfigSchema;

  public static pluginInfo = {
    prettyName: "Locate user",
    description: trimPluginDescription(`
      This plugin allows users with access to the commands the following:
      * Instantly receive an invite to the voice channel of a user
      * Be notified as soon as a user switches or joins a voice channel

  private alerts: GuildVCAlerts;
  private outdatedAlertsTimeout;
  private usersWithAlerts: string[] = [];

  public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions<TConfigSchema> {
    return {
      config: {
        can_where: false,
        can_alert: false,
      overrides: [
          level: ">=50",
          config: {
            can_where: true,
            can_alert: true,

  onLoad() {
    this.alerts = GuildVCAlerts.getGuildInstance(this.guildId);

  async outdatedAlertsLoop() {
    const outdatedAlerts = await this.alerts.getOutdatedAlerts();

    for (const alert of outdatedAlerts) {
      await this.alerts.delete(;
      await this.removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(alert.user_id);

    this.outdatedAlertsTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.outdatedAlertsLoop(), ALERT_LOOP_TIME);

  async fillActiveAlertsList() {
    const allAlerts = await this.alerts.getAllGuildAlerts();

    allAlerts.forEach(alert => {
      if (!this.usersWithAlerts.includes(alert.user_id)) {

  @d.command("where", "<member:resolvedMember>", {
    aliases: ["w"],
    extra: {
      info: {
        description: "Posts an instant invite to the voice channel that `<member>` is in",
  async whereCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member }) {
    const member = await resolveMember(, this.guild,;
    sendWhere(this.guild, member,, `${msg.member.mention} |`);

  @d.command("vcalert", "<member:resolvedMember> <duration:delay> <reminder:string$>", {
    overloads: ["<member:resolvedMember> <duration:delay>", "<member:resolvedMember>"],
    aliases: ["vca"],
    extra: {
      info: {
        description: "Sets up an alert that notifies you any time `<member>` switches or joins voice channels",
  async vcalertCmd(msg: Message, args: { member: Member; duration?: number; reminder?: string }) {
    const time = args.duration || 10 * MINUTES;
    const alertTime = moment().add(time, "millisecond");
    const body = args.reminder || "None";

    this.alerts.add(,,, alertTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), body);
    if (!this.usersWithAlerts.includes( {
      `If ${args.member.mention} joins or switches VC in the next ${humanizeDuration(time)} i will notify you`,

  async listVcalertCmd(msg: Message) {
    const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByRequestorId(;
    if (alerts.length === 0) {
      this.sendErrorMessage(, "You have no active alerts!");

    const longestNum = (alerts.length + 1).toString().length;
    const lines = Array.from(alerts.entries()).map(([i, alert]) => {
      const num = i + 1;
      const paddedNum = num.toString().padStart(longestNum, " ");
      return `\`${paddedNum}.\` \`${alert.expires_at}\` Member: <@!${alert.user_id}> Reminder: \`${alert.body}\``;
    createChunkedMessage(, lines.join("\n"));

  @d.command("vcalerts delete", "<num:number>", {
    aliases: ["vcalerts d"],
  async deleteVcalertCmd(msg: Message, args: { num: number }) {
    const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByRequestorId(;
    const lastNum = alerts.length + 1;

    if (args.num > lastNum || args.num < 0) {"Unknown alert"));

    const toDelete = alerts[args.num - 1];
    await this.alerts.delete(;

    this.sendSuccessMessage(, "Alert deleted");

  async userJoinedVC(member: Member, channel: Channel) {
    if (this.usersWithAlerts.includes( {
      await this.removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(;

  async userSwitchedVC(member: Member, newChannel: Channel, oldChannel: Channel) {
    if (this.usersWithAlerts.includes( {
      await this.removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(;

  async onGuildBanAdd(_, user: User) {
    const alerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByUserId(;
    alerts.forEach(alert => {

  async sendAlerts(userId: string) {
    const triggeredAlerts = await this.alerts.getAlertsByUserId(userId);
    const member = await resolveMember(, this.guild, userId);

    triggeredAlerts.forEach(alert => {
      const prepend = `<@!${alert.requestor_id}>, an alert requested by you has triggered!\nReminder: \`${alert.body}\`\n`;
      sendWhere(this.guild, member, as TextableChannel, prepend);

  async removeUserIdFromActiveAlerts(userId: string) {
    const index = this.usersWithAlerts.indexOf(userId);
    if (index > -1) {
      this.usersWithAlerts.splice(index, 1);

export async function sendWhere(guild: Guild, member: Member, channel: TextableChannel, prepend: string) {
  const voice = guild.channels.get(member.voiceState.channelID) as VoiceChannel;

  if (voice == null) {
    channel.createMessage(prepend + "That user is not in a channel");
  } else {
    let invite = null;
    try {
      invite = await createInvite(voice);
    } catch (e) {
      this.sendErrorMessage(channel, "Cannot create an invite to that channel!");
      prepend + ` ${member.mention} is in the following channel: ${} ${getInviteLink(invite)}`,

export async function createInvite(vc: VoiceChannel) {
  const existingInvites = await vc.getInvites();

  if (existingInvites.length !== 0) {
    return existingInvites[0];
  } else {
    return vc.createInvite(undefined);