import { utilityCmd } from "../types"; import { commandTypeHelpers as ct } from "../../../commandTypes"; import { sendErrorMessage } from "../../../pluginUtils"; import { getInviteInfoEmbed } from "../functions/getInviteInfoEmbed"; import { parseInviteCodeInput, resolveInvite, resolveUser } from "../../../utils"; import { getUserInfoEmbed } from "../functions/getUserInfoEmbed"; import { resolveMessageTarget } from "../../../utils/resolveMessageTarget"; import { canReadChannel } from "../../../utils/canReadChannel"; import { getMessageInfoEmbed } from "../functions/getMessageInfoEmbed"; import { getChannelInfoEmbed } from "../functions/getChannelInfoEmbed"; import { getServerInfoEmbed } from "../functions/getServerInfoEmbed"; import { getChannelId } from "knub/dist/utils"; import { getGuildPreview } from "../functions/getGuildPreview"; export const InfoCmd = utilityCmd({ trigger: "info", description: "Show information about the specified thing", usage: "!info", permission: "can_info", signature: { value: ct.string({ required: false }), compact: ct.switchOption({ shortcut: "c" }), }, async run({ message, args, pluginData }) { const value = args.value ||; // 1. Channel const channelId = getChannelId(value); const channel = channelId && pluginData.guild.channels.get(channelId); if (channel) { const embed = await getChannelInfoEmbed(pluginData, channelId); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } // 2. Server const guild = pluginData.client.guilds.get(value); if (guild) { const embed = await getServerInfoEmbed(pluginData, value); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } // 3. User const user = await resolveUser(pluginData.client, value); if (user) { const embed = await getUserInfoEmbed(pluginData,, Boolean(args.compact)); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } // 4. Message const messageTarget = await resolveMessageTarget(pluginData, value); if (messageTarget) { if (canReadChannel(, message.member)) { const embed = await getMessageInfoEmbed(pluginData,, messageTarget.messageId); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } } // 5. Invite const inviteCode = await parseInviteCodeInput(value); if (inviteCode) { const invite = await resolveInvite(pluginData.client, inviteCode, true); if (invite) { const embed = await getInviteInfoEmbed(pluginData, inviteCode); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } } // 6. Server again (fallback for discovery servers) const serverPreview = getGuildPreview(pluginData.client, value).catch(() => null); if (serverPreview) { const embed = await getServerInfoEmbed(pluginData, value); if (embed) {{ embed }); return; } } // 7. No can do sendErrorMessage(pluginData,, "Could not find anything with that value"); }, });