import { lazyMemoize, MINUTES } from "../../utils"; import moment from "moment-timezone"; import { emitGuildEvent, hasGuildEventListener } from "../GuildEvents"; import { Tempbans } from "../Tempbans"; import { Tempban } from "../entities/Tempban"; import Timeout = NodeJS.Timeout; const LOOP_INTERVAL = 15 * MINUTES; const MAX_TRIES_PER_SERVER = 3; const getBansRepository = lazyMemoize(() => new Tempbans()); const timeouts = new Map(); function tempbanToKey(tempban: Tempban) { return `${tempban.guild_id}/${tempban.user_id}`; } function broadcastExpiredTempban(tempban: Tempban, tries = 0) { console.log(`[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Broadcasting expired tempban: ${tempban.guild_id}/${tempban.user_id}`); if (!hasGuildEventListener(tempban.guild_id, "expiredTempban")) { // If there are no listeners registered for the server yet, try again in a bit if (tries < MAX_TRIES_PER_SERVER) { timeouts.set( tempbanToKey(tempban), setTimeout(() => broadcastExpiredTempban(tempban, tries + 1), 1 * MINUTES), ); } return; } emitGuildEvent(tempban.guild_id, "expiredTempban", [tempban]); } export async function runExpiringTempbansLoop() { console.log("[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Clearing old timeouts"); for (const timeout of timeouts.values()) { clearTimeout(timeout); } console.log("[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Setting timeouts for expiring tempbans"); const expiringTempbans = await getBansRepository().getSoonExpiringTempbans(LOOP_INTERVAL); for (const tempban of expiringTempbans) { const remaining = Math.max(0, moment.utc(tempban.expires_at!).diff(moment.utc())); timeouts.set( tempbanToKey(tempban), setTimeout(() => broadcastExpiredTempban(tempban), remaining), ); } console.log("[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Scheduling next loop"); setTimeout(() => runExpiringTempbansLoop(), LOOP_INTERVAL); } export function registerExpiringTempban(tempban: Tempban) { clearExpiringTempban(tempban); console.log("[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Registering new expiring tempban"); const remaining = Math.max(0, moment.utc(tempban.expires_at!).diff(moment.utc())); if (remaining > LOOP_INTERVAL) { return; } timeouts.set( tempbanToKey(tempban), setTimeout(() => broadcastExpiredTempban(tempban), remaining), ); } export function clearExpiringTempban(tempban: Tempban) { console.log("[EXPIRING TEMPBANS LOOP] Clearing expiring tempban"); if (timeouts.has(tempbanToKey(tempban))) { clearTimeout(timeouts.get(tempbanToKey(tempban))!); } }