import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { CooldownManager } from "knub"; import { RegExpWorker, TimeoutError } from "regexp-worker"; import { MINUTES, SECONDS } from "./utils.js"; import Timeout = NodeJS.Timeout; const isTimeoutError = (a): a is TimeoutError => { return a.message != null && a.elapsedTimeMs != null; }; export class RegExpTimeoutError extends Error { constructor(message: string, public elapsedTimeMs: number) { super(message); } } export function allowTimeout(err: RegExpTimeoutError | Error) { if (err instanceof RegExpTimeoutError) { return null; } throw err; } // Regex timeout starts at a higher value while the bot loads initially, and gets lowered afterwards const INITIAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT = 5 * SECONDS; const INITIAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT_DURATION = 30 * SECONDS; const FINAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT = 5 * SECONDS; const regexTimeoutUpgradePromise = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, INITIAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT_DURATION)); let newWorkerTimeout = INITIAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT; regexTimeoutUpgradePromise.then(() => (newWorkerTimeout = FINAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT)); const REGEX_FAIL_TO_COOLDOWN_COUNT = 5; // If a regex times out this many times... const REGEX_FAIL_DECAY_TIME = 2 * MINUTES; // this interval... const REGEX_FAIL_COOLDOWN = 2 * MINUTES + 30 * SECONDS; // goes on cooldown for this long export interface RegExpRunner { on(event: "timeout", listener: (regexSource: string, timeoutMs: number) => void); on(event: "repeatedTimeout", listener: (regexSource: string, timeoutMs: number, failTimes: number) => void); } /** * Leverages RegExpWorker to run regular expressions in worker threads with a timeout. * Repeatedly failing regexes are put on a cooldown where requests to execute them are ignored. */ export class RegExpRunner extends EventEmitter { private _worker: RegExpWorker | null; private readonly _failedTimesInterval: Timeout; private cooldown: CooldownManager; private failedTimes: Map; constructor() { super(); this.cooldown = new CooldownManager(); this.failedTimes = new Map(); this._failedTimesInterval = setInterval(() => { for (const [pattern, times] of this.failedTimes.entries()) { this.failedTimes.set(pattern, times - 1); } }, REGEX_FAIL_DECAY_TIME); } private get worker(): RegExpWorker { if (!this._worker) { this._worker = new RegExpWorker(newWorkerTimeout); if (newWorkerTimeout !== FINAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT) { regexTimeoutUpgradePromise.then(() => { if (!this._worker) return; this._worker.timeout = FINAL_REGEX_TIMEOUT; }); } } return this._worker; } public async exec(regex: RegExp, str: string): Promise { if (this.cooldown.isOnCooldown(regex.source)) { return null; } try { const result = await this.worker.execRegExp(regex, str); return result.matches.length || ? result.matches : null; } catch (e) { if (isTimeoutError(e)) { if (this.failedTimes.has(regex.source)) { // Regex has failed before, increment fail counter this.failedTimes.set(regex.source, this.failedTimes.get(regex.source)! + 1); } else { // This is the first time this regex failed, init fail counter this.failedTimes.set(regex.source, 1); } if (this.failedTimes.has(regex.source) && this.failedTimes.get(regex.source)! >= REGEX_FAIL_TO_COOLDOWN_COUNT) { // Regex has failed too many times, set it on cooldown this.cooldown.setCooldown(regex.source, REGEX_FAIL_COOLDOWN); this.failedTimes.delete(regex.source); this.emit("repeatedTimeout", regex.source, this.worker.timeout, REGEX_FAIL_TO_COOLDOWN_COUNT); } this.emit("timeout", regex.source, this.worker.timeout); throw new RegExpTimeoutError(e.message, e.elapsedTimeMs); } throw e; } } public async dispose() { await this.worker.dispose(); this._worker = null; clearInterval(this._failedTimesInterval); } }