import deepDiff from "deep-diff"; import { either, fold, isLeft } from "fp-ts/lib/Either"; import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/pipeable"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import { noop } from "./utils"; const regexWithFlags = /^\/(.*?)\/([i]*)$/; export class InvalidRegexError extends Error {} /** * This function supports two input syntaxes for regexes: // and just */ export function inputPatternToRegExp(pattern: string) { const advancedSyntaxMatch = pattern.match(regexWithFlags); const [finalPattern, flags] = advancedSyntaxMatch ? [advancedSyntaxMatch[1], advancedSyntaxMatch[2]] : [pattern, ""]; try { return new RegExp(finalPattern, flags); } catch (e) { throw new InvalidRegexError(e.message); } } export const TRegex = new t.Type( "TRegex", (s): s is RegExp => s instanceof RegExp, (from, to) => either.chain(t.string.validate(from, to), (s) => { try { return t.success(inputPatternToRegExp(s)); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof InvalidRegexError) { return t.failure(s, [], err.message); } throw err; } }), (s) => `/${s.source}/${s.flags}`, ); // From io-ts/lib/PathReporter function stringify(v) { if (typeof v === "function") { return t.getFunctionName(v); } if (typeof v === "number" && !isFinite(v)) { if (isNaN(v)) { return "NaN"; } return v > 0 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity"; } return JSON.stringify(v); } export class StrictValidationError extends Error { private readonly errors; constructor(errors: string[]) { errors = Array.from(new Set(errors)); super(errors.join("\n")); this.errors = errors; } getErrors() { return this.errors; } } const report = fold((errors: any): StrictValidationError | void => { const errorStrings = => { const context = => c.key).filter((k) => k && !k.startsWith("{")); while (context.length > 0 && !isNaN(context[context.length - 1])) context.splice(-1); const value = stringify(err.value); return value === undefined ? `<${context.join("/")}> is required` : `Invalid value supplied to <${context.join("/")}>${err.message ? `: ${err.message}` : ""}`; }); return new StrictValidationError(errorStrings); }, noop); export function validate(schema: t.Type, value: any): StrictValidationError | null { const validationResult = schema.decode(value); return ( pipe( validationResult, fold( () => report(validationResult), () => null, ), ) || null ); } export function parseIoTsSchema>(schema: T, value: unknown): t.TypeOf { const decodeResult = schema.decode(value); if (isLeft(decodeResult)) { throw report(decodeResult); } return decodeResult.right; } /** * Decodes and validates the given value against the given schema while also disallowing extra properties * See: */ export function decodeAndValidateStrict( schema: T, value: any, debug = false, ): StrictValidationError | any { const validationResult = t.exact(schema).decode(value); return pipe( validationResult, fold( () => report(validationResult), (result) => { // Make sure there are no extra properties if (debug) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log( "JSON.stringify() check:", JSON.stringify(value) === JSON.stringify(result) ? "they are the same, no excess" : "they are not the same, might have excess", result, ); } if (JSON.stringify(value) !== JSON.stringify(result)) { const diff = deepDiff(result, value); const errors = diff.filter((d) => d.kind === "N").map((d) => `Unknown property <${d.path.join(".")}>`); if (errors.length) return new StrictValidationError(errors); } return result; }, ), ); }