import { Plugin, decorators as d } from "knub"; import { Guild, GuildAuditLogEntry, Member, Message, TextChannel, User } from "eris"; import * as moment from "moment-timezone"; import { GuildModActions } from "../data/GuildModActions"; enum ActionType { Ban = 1, Unban, Note, Warn, Kick } const sleep = (ms: number): Promise => { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); }; export class ModActionsPlugin extends Plugin { protected modActions: GuildModActions; async onLoad() { this.modActions = new GuildModActions(this.guildId); } getDefaultOptions() { return { config: { dm_on_warn: true, dm_on_mute: true, dm_on_kick: false, dm_on_ban: false, message_on_warn: false, message_on_mute: false, message_on_kick: false, message_on_ban: false, message_channel: null, warn_message: "You have received a warning on {guildName}: {reason}", mute_message: "You have been muted on {guildName} for {reason}", kick_message: "You have been kicked from {guildName} for {reason}", ban_message: "You have been banned from {guildName} for {reason}", log_automatic_actions: true, action_log_channel: null, alert_on_rejoin: false, alert_channel: null }, permissions: { note: false, warn: false, mute: false, kick: false, ban: false, view: false }, overrides: [ { level: ">=50", permissions: { note: true, warn: true, mute: true, kick: true, ban: true, view: true } } ] }; } /** * Add a BAN action automatically when a user is banned. * Attempts to find the ban's details in the audit log. */ @d.event("guildBanAdd") async onGuildBanAdd(guild: Guild, user: User) { await sleep(1000); // Wait a moment for the audit log to update const relevantAuditLogEntry = await this.findRelevantAuditLogEntry( "MEMBER_BAN_ADD", ); let modActionId; if (relevantAuditLogEntry) { const modId =; const auditLogId =; modActionId = await this.createModAction(, modId, ActionType.Ban, auditLogId ); if (relevantAuditLogEntry.reason) { await this.createModActionNote( modActionId, modId, relevantAuditLogEntry.reason ); } } else { modActionId = await this.createModAction(, null, ActionType.Ban); } this.displayModAction(modActionId); } /** * Add an UNBAN mod action automatically when a user is unbanned. * Attempts to find the unban's details in the audit log. */ @d.event("guildBanRemove") async onGuildBanRemove(guild: Guild, user: User) { const relevantAuditLogEntry = await this.findRelevantAuditLogEntry( "MEMBER_BAN_REMOVE", ); let modActionId; if (relevantAuditLogEntry) { const modId =; const auditLogId =; modActionId = await this.createModAction(, modId, ActionType.Unban, auditLogId ); } else { modActionId = await this.createModAction(, null, ActionType.Unban); } this.displayModAction(modActionId); } /** * Show an alert if a member with prior notes joins the server */ @d.event("guildMemberAdd") async onGuildMemberAdd(member: Member) { if (!this.configValue("alert_on_rejoin")) return; const alertChannelId = this.configValue("alert_channel"); if (!alertChannelId) return; const actions = await this.modActions.getByUserId(; if (actions.length) { const alertChannel: any = this.guild.channels.get(alertChannelId); alertChannel.send( `<@!${}> (${member.user.username}#${ member.user.discriminator } \`${}\`) joined with ${actions.length} prior record(s)` ); } } /** * Update the specified case by adding more details to it */ @d.command("update", " ") @d.permission("note") async updateCmd(msg: Message, args: any) { const action = await this.modActions.findByCaseNumber(args.caseNumber); if (!action) {"Case not found!"); return; } if (action.mod_id === null) { // If the action has no moderator information, assume the first one to update it did the action await this.modActions.update(, { mod_id:, mod_name: `${}#${}` }); } await this.createModActionNote(,, args.note); this.displayModAction(,; } /** * Create a new NOTE type mod action and add the specified note to it */ @d.command("note", " ") @d.permission("note") async noteCmd(msg: Message, args: any) { const actionId = await this.createModAction( args.userId,, ActionType.Note ); await this.createModActionNote(actionId,, args.note); this.displayModAction(actionId,; } /** * Display a case or list of cases * If the argument passed is a case id, display that case * If the argument passed is a user id, show all cases on that user */ @d.command(/showcase|case|cases|usercases/, "") @d.permission("view") async showcaseCmd(msg: Message, args: any) { if (args.caseNumberOrUserId.length >= 17) { // Assume user id const actions = await this.modActions.getByUserId( args.caseNumberOrUserId ); if (actions.length === 0) {"No cases found for the specified user!"); } else { for (const action of actions) { await this.displayModAction(action,; } } } else { // Assume case id const action = await this.modActions.findByCaseNumber( args.caseNumberOrUserId ); if (!action) {"Case not found!"); return; } this.displayModAction(,; } } /** * Shows information about the specified action in a message embed. * If no channelId is specified, uses the channel id from config. */ protected async displayModAction(actionOrId: any, channelId: string = null) { let action; if (typeof actionOrId === "number") { action = await this.modActions.find(actionOrId); } else { action = actionOrId; } if (!action) return; if (!channelId) { channelId = this.configValue("action_log_channel"); } if (!channelId) return; const notes = await this.modActions.getActionNotes(; const createdAt = moment(action.created_at); const actionTypeStr = ActionType[action.action_type].toUpperCase(); const embed: any = { title: `${actionTypeStr} - Case #${action.case_number}`, footer: { text: `Case created at ${createdAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm")}` }, fields: [ { name: "User", value: `${action.user_name}\n<@!${action.user_id}>`, inline: true }, { name: "Moderator", value: `${action.mod_name}\n<@!${action.mod_id}>`, inline: true } ] }; if (actionTypeStr === "BAN") { embed.color = 0xe67e22; } else if (actionTypeStr === "UNBAN") { embed.color = 0x9b59b6; } else if (actionTypeStr === "NOTE") { embed.color = 0x3498db; } if (notes.length) { notes.forEach((note: any) => { const noteDate = moment(note.created_at); embed.fields.push({ name: `${note.mod_name} at ${noteDate.format( "YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm" )}:`, value: note.body }); }); } else { embed.addField("!!! THIS CASE HAS NO NOTES !!!", "\u200B"); } ( .get(this.guildId) .channels.get(channelId) as TextChannel).createMessage({ embed }); } /** * Attempts to find a relevant audit log entry for the given user and action. Only accepts audit log entries from the past 10 minutes. */ protected async findRelevantAuditLogEntry( actionType: string, userId: string ): Promise { const auditLogEntries = await this.guildId, 5, actionType ); auditLogEntries.entries.sort((a, b) => { if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return -1; if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) return 1; return 0; }); const cutoffDate = new Date(); cutoffDate.setTime(cutoffDate.getTime() - 1000 * 15); const cutoffTS = cutoffDate.getTime(); return auditLogEntries.entries.find(entry => { return === userId && entry.createdAt >= cutoffTS; }); } protected async createModAction( userId: string, modId: string, actionType: ActionType, auditLogId: string = null ): Promise { const user =; const userName = user ? `${user.username}#${user.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000"; const mod =; const modName = mod ? `${mod.username}#${mod.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000"; return this.modActions.create({ user_id: userId, user_name: userName, mod_id: modId, mod_name: modName, action_type: actionType, audit_log_id: auditLogId }); } protected async createModActionNote( modActionId: number, modId: string, body: string ) { const mod =; const modName = mod ? `${mod.username}#${mod.discriminator}` : "Unknown#0000"; return this.modActions.createNote(modActionId, { mod_id: modId, mod_name: modName, body }); } }