import { decorators as d, IPluginOptions, logger } from "knub"; import { Attachment, Channel, EmbedBase, Message, MessageContent, Role, TextChannel, User } from "eris"; import { errorMessage, downloadFile, getRoleMentions, trimLines, DBDateFormat, convertDelayStringToMS, SECONDS, sorter, disableCodeBlocks, deactivateMentions, createChunkedMessage, stripObjectToScalars, isValidEmbed, MINUTES, StrictMessageContent, DAYS, } from "../utils"; import { GuildSavedMessages } from "../data/GuildSavedMessages"; import { ZeppelinPlugin } from "./ZeppelinPlugin"; import fs from "fs"; import { GuildScheduledPosts } from "../data/GuildScheduledPosts"; import moment, { Moment } from "moment-timezone"; import { GuildLogs } from "../data/GuildLogs"; import { LogType } from "../data/LogType"; import * as t from "io-ts"; import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration"; const ConfigSchema = t.type({ can_post: t.boolean, }); type TConfigSchema = t.TypeOf; const fsp = fs.promises; const COLOR_MATCH_REGEX = /^#?([0-9a-f]{6})$/; const SCHEDULED_POST_CHECK_INTERVAL = 5 * SECONDS; const SCHEDULED_POST_PREVIEW_TEXT_LENGTH = 50; const MIN_REPEAT_TIME = 5 * MINUTES; const MAX_REPEAT_TIME = Math.pow(2, 32); const MAX_REPEAT_UNTIL = moment().add(100, "years"); export class PostPlugin extends ZeppelinPlugin { public static pluginName = "post"; public static configSchema = ConfigSchema; public static pluginInfo = { prettyName: "Post", }; protected savedMessages: GuildSavedMessages; protected scheduledPosts: GuildScheduledPosts; protected logs: GuildLogs; private scheduledPostLoopTimeout; onLoad() { this.savedMessages = GuildSavedMessages.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.scheduledPosts = GuildScheduledPosts.getGuildInstance(this.guildId); this.logs = new GuildLogs(this.guildId); this.scheduledPostLoop(); } onUnload() { clearTimeout(this.scheduledPostLoopTimeout); } public static getStaticDefaultOptions(): IPluginOptions { return { config: { can_post: false, }, overrides: [ { level: ">=100", config: { can_post: true, }, }, ], }; } protected formatContent(str) { return str.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"); } protected async postMessage( channel: TextChannel, content: MessageContent, attachments: Attachment[] = [], enableMentions: boolean = false, ): Promise { if (typeof content === "string") { content = { content }; } if (content && content.content) { content.content = this.formatContent(content.content); } let downloadedAttachment; let file; if (attachments.length) { downloadedAttachment = await downloadFile(attachments[0].url); file = { name: attachments[0].filename, file: await fsp.readFile(downloadedAttachment.path), }; } const rolesMadeMentionable: Role[] = []; if (enableMentions && content.content) { const mentionedRoleIds = getRoleMentions(content.content); if (mentionedRoleIds != null) { for (const roleId of mentionedRoleIds) { const role = this.guild.roles.get(roleId); if (role && !role.mentionable) { await role.edit({ mentionable: true, }); rolesMadeMentionable.push(role); } } } content.disableEveryone = false; } const createdMsg = await channel.createMessage(content, file); this.savedMessages.setPermanent(; for (const role of rolesMadeMentionable) { role.edit({ mentionable: false, }); } if (downloadedAttachment) { downloadedAttachment.deleteFn(); } return createdMsg; } protected parseScheduleTime(str): Moment { const dt1 = moment(str, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); if (dt1 && dt1.isValid()) return dt1; const dt2 = moment(str, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"); if (dt2 && dt2.isValid()) return dt2; const date = moment(str, "YYYY-MM-DD"); if (date && date.isValid()) return date; const t1 = moment(str, "HH:mm:ss"); if (t1 && t1.isValid()) { if (t1.isBefore(moment())) t1.add(1, "day"); return t1; } const t2 = moment(str, "HH:mm"); if (t2 && t2.isValid()) { if (t2.isBefore(moment())) t2.add(1, "day"); return t2; } const delayStringMS = convertDelayStringToMS(str, "m"); if (delayStringMS) { return moment().add(delayStringMS, "ms"); } return null; } protected async scheduledPostLoop() { const duePosts = await this.scheduledPosts.getDueScheduledPosts(); for (const post of duePosts) { const channel = this.guild.channels.get(post.channel_id); if (channel instanceof TextChannel) { const [username, discriminator] = post.author_name.split("#"); const author: Partial = || { id: post.author_id, username, discriminator, }; try { const postedMessage = await this.postMessage(channel, post.content, post.attachments, post.enable_mentions); this.logs.log(LogType.POSTED_SCHEDULED_MESSAGE, { author: stripObjectToScalars(author), channel: stripObjectToScalars(channel), messageId:, }); } catch (e) { this.logs.log(LogType.BOT_ALERT, { body: `Failed to post scheduled message by {userMention(author)} to {channelMention(channel)}`, channel: stripObjectToScalars(channel), author: stripObjectToScalars(author), }); logger.warn( `Failed to post scheduled message to #${} (${}) on ${} (${this.guildId})`, ); } } let shouldClear = true; if (post.repeat_interval) { const nextPostAt = moment().add(post.repeat_interval, "ms"); if (post.repeat_until) { const repeatUntil = moment(post.repeat_until, DBDateFormat); if (nextPostAt.isSameOrBefore(repeatUntil)) { await this.scheduledPosts.update(, { post_at: nextPostAt.format(DBDateFormat), }); shouldClear = false; } } else if (post.repeat_times) { if (post.repeat_times > 1) { await this.scheduledPosts.update(, { post_at: nextPostAt.format(DBDateFormat), repeat_times: post.repeat_times - 1, }); shouldClear = false; } } } if (shouldClear) { await this.scheduledPosts.delete(; } } this.scheduledPostLoopTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.scheduledPostLoop(), SCHEDULED_POST_CHECK_INTERVAL); } /** * Since !post and !post_embed have a lot of overlap for post scheduling, repeating, etc., that functionality is abstracted out to here */ async actualPostCmd( msg: Message, targetChannel: Channel, content: StrictMessageContent, opts?: { "enable-mentions"?: boolean; schedule?: string; repeat?: number; "repeat-until"?: string; "repeat-times"?: number; }, ) { if (!(targetChannel instanceof TextChannel)) {"Channel is not a text channel")); return; } if (content == null && msg.attachments.length === 0) {"Message content or attachment required")); return; } if (opts.repeat) { if (opts.repeat < MIN_REPEAT_TIME) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, `Minimum time for -repeat is ${humanizeDuration(MIN_REPEAT_TIME)}`); } if (opts.repeat > MAX_REPEAT_TIME) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, `Max time for -repeat is ${humanizeDuration(MAX_REPEAT_TIME)}`); } } // If this is a scheduled or repeated post, figure out the next post date let postAt; if (opts.schedule) { // Schedule the post to be posted later postAt = this.parseScheduleTime(opts.schedule); if (!postAt) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Invalid schedule time"); } } else if (opts.repeat) { postAt = moment().add(opts.repeat, "ms"); } // For repeated posts, make sure repeat-until or repeat-times is specified let repeatUntil: moment.Moment = null; let repeatTimes: number = null; let repeatDetailsStr: string = null; if (opts["repeat-until"]) { repeatUntil = this.parseScheduleTime(opts["repeat-until"]); // Invalid time if (!repeatUntil) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Invalid time specified for -repeat-until"); } if (repeatUntil.isBefore(moment())) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "You can't set -repeat-until in the past"); } if (repeatUntil.isAfter(MAX_REPEAT_UNTIL)) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Unfortunately, -repeat-until can only be at most 100 years into the future. Maybe 99 years would be enough?", ); } } else if (opts["repeat-times"]) { repeatTimes = opts["repeat-times"]; if (repeatTimes <= 0) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "-repeat-times must be 1 or more"); } } if (repeatUntil && repeatTimes) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "You can only use one of -repeat-until or -repeat-times at once"); } if (opts.repeat && !repeatUntil && !repeatTimes) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "You must specify -repeat-until or -repeat-times for repeated messages", ); } if (opts.repeat) { repeatDetailsStr = repeatUntil ? `every ${humanizeDuration(opts.repeat)} until ${repeatUntil.format(DBDateFormat)}` : `every ${humanizeDuration(opts.repeat)}, ${repeatTimes} times in total`; } // Save schedule/repeat information in DB if (postAt) { if (postAt < moment()) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Post can't be scheduled to be posted in the past"); } await this.scheduledPosts.create({ author_id:, author_name: `${}#${}`, channel_id:, content, attachments: msg.attachments, post_at: postAt.format(DBDateFormat), enable_mentions: opts["enable-mentions"], repeat_interval: opts.repeat, repeat_until: repeatUntil ? repeatUntil.format(DBDateFormat) : null, repeat_times: repeatTimes ?? null, }); if (opts.repeat) { this.logs.log(LogType.SCHEDULED_REPEATED_MESSAGE, { author: stripObjectToScalars(, channel: stripObjectToScalars(targetChannel), date: postAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), time: postAt.format("HH:mm:ss"), repeatInterval: humanizeDuration(opts.repeat), repeatDetails: repeatDetailsStr, }); } else { this.logs.log(LogType.SCHEDULED_MESSAGE, { author: stripObjectToScalars(, channel: stripObjectToScalars(targetChannel), date: postAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), time: postAt.format("HH:mm:ss"), }); } } // When the message isn't scheduled for later, post it immediately if (!opts.schedule) { await this.postMessage(targetChannel, content, msg.attachments, opts["enable-mentions"]); } if (opts.repeat) { this.logs.log(LogType.REPEATED_MESSAGE, { author: stripObjectToScalars(, channel: stripObjectToScalars(targetChannel), date: postAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), time: postAt.format("HH:mm:ss"), repeatInterval: humanizeDuration(opts.repeat), repeatDetails: repeatDetailsStr, }); } // Bot reply schenanigans let successMessage = opts.schedule ? `Message scheduled to be posted in <#${}> on ${postAt.format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm:ss")} (UTC)` : `Message posted in <#${}>`; if (opts.repeat) { successMessage += `. Message will be automatically reposted every ${humanizeDuration(opts.repeat)}`; if (repeatUntil) { successMessage += ` until ${repeatUntil.format("YYYY-MM-DD [at] HH:mm:ss")} (UTC)`; } else if (repeatTimes) { successMessage += `, ${repeatTimes} times in total`; } successMessage += "."; } if ( !== || opts.schedule || opts.repeat) { this.sendSuccessMessage(, successMessage); } } /** * COMMAND: Post a regular text message as the bot to the specified channel */ @d.command("post", " [content:string$]", { options: [ { name: "enable-mentions", type: "bool", }, { name: "schedule", type: "string", }, { name: "repeat", type: "delay", }, { name: "repeat-until", type: "string", }, { name: "repeat-times", type: "number", }, ], }) @d.permission("can_post") async postCmd( msg: Message, args: { channel: Channel; content?: string; "enable-mentions": boolean; schedule?: string; repeat?: number; "repeat-until"?: string; "repeat-times"?: number; }, ) { this.actualPostCmd(msg,, { content: args.content }, args); } /** * COMMAND: Post a message with an embed as the bot to the specified channel */ @d.command("post_embed", " [maincontent:string$]", { options: [ { name: "title", type: "string" }, { name: "content", type: "string" }, { name: "color", type: "string" }, { name: "schedule", type: "string" }, { name: "raw", isSwitch: true, shortcut: "r" }, { name: "repeat", type: "delay", }, { name: "repeat-until", type: "string", }, { name: "repeat-times", type: "number", }, ], }) @d.permission("can_post") async postEmbedCmd( msg: Message, args: { channel: Channel; title?: string; maincontent?: string; content?: string; color?: string; schedule?: string; raw?: boolean; repeat?: number; "repeat-until"?: string; "repeat-times"?: number; }, ) { const content = args.content || args.maincontent; if (!args.title && !content) {"Title or content required")); return; } let color = null; if (args.color) { const colorMatch = args.color.match(COLOR_MATCH_REGEX); if (!colorMatch) {"Invalid color specified, use hex colors")); return; } color = parseInt(colorMatch[1], 16); } let embed: EmbedBase = {}; if (args.title) embed.title = args.title; if (color) embed.color = color; if (content) { if (args.raw) { let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(content); } catch (e) { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Syntax error in embed JSON"); return; } if (!isValidEmbed(parsed)) { this.sendErrorMessage(, "Embed is not valid"); return; } embed = Object.assign({}, embed, parsed); } else { embed.description = this.formatContent(content); } } this.actualPostCmd(msg,, { embed }, args); } /** * COMMAND: Edit the specified message posted by the bot */ @d.command("edit", " ") @d.permission("can_post") async editCmd(msg, args: { messageId: string; content: string }) { const savedMessage = await this.savedMessages.find(args.messageId); if (!savedMessage) {"Unknown message")); return; } if (savedMessage.user_id !== {"Message wasn't posted by me")); return; } await,, this.formatContent(args.content)); this.sendSuccessMessage(, "Message edited"); } /** * COMMAND: Edit the specified message with an embed posted by the bot */ @d.command("edit_embed", " [maincontent:string$]", { options: [ { name: "title", type: "string" }, { name: "content", type: "string" }, { name: "color", type: "string" }, ], }) @d.permission("can_post") async editEmbedCmd( msg: Message, args: { messageId: string; title?: string; maincontent?: string; content?: string; color?: string }, ) { const savedMessage = await this.savedMessages.find(args.messageId); if (!savedMessage) {"Unknown message")); return; } const content = args.content || args.maincontent; let color = null; if (args.color) { const colorMatch = args.color.match(COLOR_MATCH_REGEX); if (!colorMatch) {"Invalid color specified, use hex colors")); return; } color = parseInt(colorMatch[1], 16); } const embed: EmbedBase =[0]; if (args.title) embed.title = args.title; if (content) embed.description = this.formatContent(content); if (color) embed.color = color; await,, { embed }); await this.sendSuccessMessage(, "Embed edited"); if (args.content) { const prefix = this.guildConfig.prefix || "!"; trimLines(` <@!${}> You can now specify an embed's content directly at the end of the command: \`${prefix}edit_embed -title "Some title" content goes here\` The \`-content\` option will soon be removed in favor of this. `), ); } } @d.command("scheduled_posts", [], { aliases: ["scheduled_posts list"], }) @d.permission("can_post") async scheduledPostListCmd(msg: Message) { const scheduledPosts = await this.scheduledPosts.all(); if (scheduledPosts.length === 0) {"No scheduled posts"); return; } scheduledPosts.sort(sorter("post_at")); let i = 1; const postLines = => { let previewText = p.content.content || (p.content.embed && (p.content.embed.description || p.content.embed.title)) || ""; const isTruncated = previewText.length > SCHEDULED_POST_PREVIEW_TEXT_LENGTH; previewText = disableCodeBlocks(deactivateMentions(previewText)) .replace(/\s+/g, " ") .slice(0, SCHEDULED_POST_PREVIEW_TEXT_LENGTH); const parts = [`\`#${i++}\` \`[${p.post_at}]\` ${previewText}${isTruncated ? "..." : ""}`]; if (p.attachments.length) parts.push("*(with attachment)*"); if (p.content.embed) parts.push("*(embed)*"); if (p.repeat_until) { parts.push(`*(repeated every ${humanizeDuration(p.repeat_interval)} until ${p.repeat_until})*`); } if (p.repeat_times) { parts.push( `*(repeated every ${humanizeDuration(p.repeat_interval)}, ${p.repeat_times} more ${ p.repeat_times === 1 ? "time" : "times" })*`, ); } parts.push(`*(${p.author_name})*`); return parts.join(" "); }); const finalMessage = trimLines(` ${postLines.join("\n")} Use \`scheduled_posts \` to view a scheduled post in full Use \`scheduled_posts delete \` to delete a scheduled post `); createChunkedMessage(, finalMessage); } @d.command("scheduled_posts delete", "", { aliases: ["scheduled_posts d"], }) @d.permission("can_post") async scheduledPostDeleteCmd(msg: Message, args: { num: number }) { const scheduledPosts = await this.scheduledPosts.all(); scheduledPosts.sort(sorter("post_at")); const post = scheduledPosts[args.num - 1]; if (!post) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Scheduled post not found"); } await this.scheduledPosts.delete(; this.sendSuccessMessage(, "Scheduled post deleted!"); } @d.command("scheduled_posts", "", { aliases: ["scheduled_posts show"], }) @d.permission("can_post") async scheduledPostShowCmd(msg: Message, args: { num: number }) { const scheduledPosts = await this.scheduledPosts.all(); scheduledPosts.sort(sorter("post_at")); const post = scheduledPosts[args.num - 1]; if (!post) { return this.sendErrorMessage(, "Scheduled post not found"); } this.postMessage( as TextChannel, post.content, post.attachments, post.enable_mentions); } }